Ridgeway RAP January 24, 2025
Phone (573)214-3550 ~ Fax (573)214-3551
Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 7: Early Release dismissal at 12:10
- Thursday, February 13: Valentine's Day Parties
- Friday, February 14: Early Release Dismissal at 12:10
- Monday, February 17: No School - President's Day
- February 18 to February 21: Kindness Week
- Friday, February 21: Munch-n-Read
- Wednesday, February 26: Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences & Book Fair 3:00-6:30 PM
- Thursday, February 27: Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences & Book Fair 3:00-6:30 PM
- Thursday, February 27: Panera Dining Out Fundraiser
- Friday, February 28: No School
January 27 - January 31
***Please be sure to double check dates listed on your club menu sheet. Not all clubs meet every week!
Tuesday/Thursday Morning (7:10-7:35 AM) ***TBD based on weather/blacktop conditions
Running Club - Tuesday January 28 and Thursday, January 31
Afternoon Clubs
Monday, January 27- Math Club
Tuesday, January 28 - Friendship Bracelet Making Club
Wednesday, January 29 - Photography & Yearbook Club
Thursday, January 30 - Guided Drawing
Friday, January 31- No Clubs
Principal's Pen
Unit B is planning a Communication Tech Museum for mid-February. We are looking for different forms of communication over time for students to view/explore. If you have any of the below items (or others that would fit this description), please reach out to Mrs. Munsterman at rmunsterman@cpsk12.org letting her know what you have. We will want things to be labeled with your name to ensure we get it back to you. If you are a Unit B parent and are interested in volunteering at this event, please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher.
Items needed:
Rotary phone
Cordless house phone
Corded house phone
Different models of cell phones (not current ones)
Bag car phone
Early models of desktop computers or laptop computers
Writing quill and ink
Morse Code machine or materials
Answering machine
Old radio (what people would have used before computers or phones to get important news and information)
Old newspapers
Unit Notes
Unit A
We are concluding iReady. Everyone has worked hard and done their very best. We are so proud of them! A friendly reminder that 7:40 is the start time of school. Your child must be in the classroom by then to receive their full instructional time. Thank you for your support in your child’s education!
Unfortunately, we are still running very low on snacks. If your child does not bring a snack daily, there is no guarantee they will get a snack every day.
ELA: We are beginning our informational reading and writing unit. This week, we began with insects. We will continue our hands-on, engaging learning for multiple weeks. Watch for updates to come.
Blades/Horn- We are working on long vowels, three-letter blends, and digraphs. Our new high-frequency words are because, their, once, upon, that, hurt, from, when.
Mincke/Triplett- We are focusing on CVC words and medial vowels.
Blades/Horn- We reviewed iReady skills in preparation for the test (time, 3D shapes, place value, and the equal sign).
Mincke/Triplett- We have worked so hard on iReady and played many fun math games to review our iReady skills.
Unit B
- In ELA we are talking about point of view and how a story might change depending on who is telling it. Ask your student about first, second, and third person. We will be considering point of view as we work on persuasive writing.
- In science we are talking about matter. Next week we will conduct an experiment that we are very excited about!
- Most of our students have completed their iReady tests. We are so proud of them for working hard! Teachers will be reaching out with score updates.
Unit C
We continued iReady testing this week. Students have done an amazing job goal setting and giving their best effort. Please do not forget to sign up for the Unit C Sock Hop if you interesting volunteering to help. 5th Grade math students took their unit 4 assessment this week. Results will be in the next Friday folder. 4th grade math students are wrapping up Unit 4.
Specialist News
Comprehensive School Counseling Program at RWE with Mrs. Ryberg
Working together with the RWE Community to collaborate for the whole student through individual counseling, small group counseling, school wide events and counseling classes (Mrs. Ryberg visits each classroom twice per month for counseling class)
School wide Character Traits : We will be learning about Character Traits in daily announcements thanks to Mrs. Graves. Teachers collaborate and students learn about character traits in counseling class. Each class is practicing good character traits and challenged to take part in actions showing these, with a reward of intrinsic value as well as an extra recess.
- January: Manners
- February: Kindness
- March: Growth Mindset, effort and perseverance
- April: Integrity
During these cold winter months our counseling lessons have included learning about hygge and creating social connections, self-care, coziness, and doing things you enjoy such as hobbies, games, exercise, friendship and learning about what makes you happy. Hygge: a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture). Hygge for kids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H03FQwb4_f4 and Yoga poses. 😊
Kindness Week: February 17-21st School Wide for social emotional growth for RWE students: Students who are able to demonstrate kindness are more successful in academics, social connections, and careers.
Kindness Warms the Heart Outreach: Please donate and bring new or gently used clean hats, gloves, mittens and scarves which we will donate to the Columbia Housing Authority.
Classes will be taking part in Kindness BINGO and School Wide Kindness Assembly
Reading Under the Stars Event on March 6th from 5:30 pm- 7pm: RWE Families! 😊 Join with your student to spend quality time and read together here at Ridgeway. This event helps students’ growth in academic, personal and social skills, the importance of reading as well as RWE community connections.
- Kiwanis kids will be selling glow sticks during lunches for our Reading Under the Stars School Wide Event beginning in February: Glow sticks will cost 50 cents. Kiwanis Kids is part of a Unit C Small Group with Mrs. Ryberg and Mr. Gramke with a focus on learning valuable skills for community outreach, personal growth, leadership and collaboration with others.
Unit C Career Fair-Academic and Career growth for RWE students: March 12-career fair day.
Guide Volunteers Needed: Please email Mrs. Ryberg if you would like to volunteer to be a guide for your student’s group. Eryberg@cpsk12.org 😊 Thank you!!
Mrs. Sandstedt and Mrs. Ryberg will be working together to teach students about career growth and exploration as well as interest inventories to explore career paths.
Units A and B will also take part in career growth and learning.
Thank you! It is an honor and privilege to work with our RWE students, staff and community!
Tiger Tuesday
Incoming Ridgeway Siblings
As we prepare for next year's Kindergarten class, it is time to let the Ridgeway office know if you have a younger sibling of a current or former Ridgeway student entering Kindergarten next year. In order to hold a spot for your child, please let the office know by completing this form https://forms.gle/pSJkr1ytCJ97EeG6A by Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
Birthday Favors
Let CPS Wellness help you celebrate your student's birthday in class with non-food treats! Non-food birthday treats for school celebrations offer several benefits including promoting health, inclusivity, less mess, long-lasting, and fosters a positive environment!
Find the order form below and email to Bridget Lolli blolli@cpsk12.org, CPS School Wellness Coordinator.