Monday Morning Memo
St. Mary of the Assumption School
October 15, 2019
Contact Information
Location: 4610 Largo Road, Upper Marlboro, MD, USA
Phone: 3016274170
Note from the Principal
As the weather gets colder, please make sure your child has appropriate outerwear. In class, students are only permitted to wear St. Mary of the Assumption uniform items (monogrammed sweater or on PE Day, a monogrammed sweatshirt). Also, winter uniform will start in only a few weeks. Please take the time now to make sure your child has the required uniform items in the right size. These items are available at Flynn and O'Hara or from the uniform exchange.
I was made aware of an accident in Upper Marlboro this morning. All tardy students before 8:30am will be excused for today.
We are currently in the process of reviewing our student files ensure certain medical forms are up to date. All forms, including the Form 3 Immunization Acknowledgement Form, must be completed and returned at the start of each school year, Copies of these forms are available through your child's TADS account. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Sue Meyer in the main office.
Tomorrow is picture day! Please have your child come to school in full uniform.
I hope you have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Lewis
Saints at Work
Stations of the Cross Dedication to Sue Ervin
On October 11th, Fr. LaHood led a special school Mass offered for Sue Ervin. After the Mass, Fr. LaHood, accompanied by Mr. Ervin, blessed a new set of Stations of the Cross, now hung in the family life center in memory of Sue.
Children in Grades Pre-K through 3rd should bring costumes to school so they can change for the parade at 1pm. Children should not come to school in costume to better facilitate academic instruction in the morning. Teachers will assist the students in putting their costumes on over their clothing. No changing will be permitted. Students are asked to leave all props (wands, weapons, etc.) at home.
Students in Grades 4-8 are permitted to bring accessories to change into for the parade.
Catholic Identity Parent Survey
Upcoming Dates
October 1: Financial Aid Application Available for 2020-2021 (apply now!)
October 16: School Picture Day
October 30: First Quarter Ends
October 31: Halloween Parade and Parties (Parent must be Virtus certified to attend!)
November 1: No School
November 3: HSPT Testing Registration is Due
November 4: No School
November 5: Winter Uniform Begins
November 6: Report Cards Sent Home