Notre Dame News
March 10-14

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."
Matthew 25:45
What's Happening
Happening This Week at Notre Dame
Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week!
We are so blessed to have amazing guest teachers at our school!
Monday, March 10
- Day A
Tuesday, March 11
- Day B
- Grade 10 & 11 Course Selection Days
- High School 101 Open House @ 6:30pm
Wednesday, March 12
- Day A
- Grade 10 & 11 Course Selection Days
Thursday, March 13
- Day B
- Grad Photo Sessions
Friday, March 14
- Day A
- Circle 2 Land Camp
- Grad Photo Sessions
- Parent-Teacher Interviews Open for Booking
Order Your 2024-2025 Yearbook TODAY
This year students who wish to receive a yearbook, must purchase one online using the link below!! In the past, the cost of yearbooks has been included in school fees. This year, the yearbook fee was not included in school fees. Don't miss out! Order your 2024/2025 year book TODAY by clicking on the link below!!
Calling all animal lovers!
New class alert!
In the 2025-2026 year NDHS will be offering Animal Science 15!
Talk to Ms. Joevenazzo in 2204.
Grad Service Projects
Did you know that treats you eat to support charity are calorie free?!?!
Come support your sweet tooth, Team Hanna and Sendero Centre at our bake sale on Monday!
Important Information
Students with Online Classes
All your online classes will be found on rdcrs.schoology.com
If you use your RDCRS Google Profile, you can also find access under the RDCRS Bookmarks at the top right called Schoology Login
Please use attendance email: ndhsattendance@rdcrs.ca
Remember you have 48 hours to retroactively correct attendance.
Please remember that attendance in online classes is mandatory for grades 10 & 11 until the end of March.
It is the student's responsibility to connect with their teachers if they were late for a class to have their attendance adjusted.
School Messenger Text Messaging Service
See below to opt into our school text messaging service!
Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools is now using PowerSchool SchoolMessenger for parent communications.
To opt in for text messages:
- Grab your phone.
- Text “Y” to 978338.
This is a quick and easy way to stay up-to-date with news, reminders, and urgent alerts from your school!
P.S. Our old system, Swiftreach, is no longer available. Make the switch today!
Parents: Click here for more information on the opt-in process.
Fun at Notre Dame
Something's Popping in Science 14
Science 14 applied their knowledge of heat transfer to make popcorn in three different ways;
Jiffypop (conduction), air popper (convection) and microwave popcorn (radiation).
Collective has started back up for second semester! Join us Wednesdays in the YM office for games, and discussion. 3rd Wednesdays are Super Team Meetings-which is a group of students that organize acts of kindness, and activities throughout the school year.
Clubs and Activities
Spring Sports
If you are planning on playing Spring Sports (Handball / Soccer /Badminton / Track and Field / Rugby / Tennis) - you can fill out permission forms NOW!
How to fill out the forms:
- Have parent sign on to PowerSchool from a desktop computer
- Click on the link for FORMS (on the left hand side of the page)
- Choose the permission form (can do as many as you want) for the sport you would like to play
- Have your parent fill the form out!
ND Unified Sports
The 2nd Annual Notre Dame Unified Cougar Classic is COMING SOON!!! We need volunteers to help us run our event that is being held on Thursday, April 3rd (during the school day). Please sign up by filling the following form out and be a part of an AMAZING EVENT!
ND Soccer
Soccer Interest Meeting - Those interested in playing Soccer for Notre Dame this year, we are holding a meeting on Monday March 10, in room 1201.
ND Athletics Banquet
ATHLETICS BANQUET - will be Monday June 9th, 2025 from 5:00-9:00 pm at Notre Dame High School. All student-athletes AND THEIR PARENTS are eligible to attend the Banquet. Tickets are $30 / person (student-athlete wanting to have their mom and dad attend would need to pay $90) to Notre Dame Office. When paying, please inform the office of (i) your NAME (ii) the sport you played and (iii) your COACH - so that your coach knows who is / isn't attending!
See Mr Rattan for more information!
Fine Arts
Grad 2025
Last chance grads - more graduation photo sessions are available!
Grad Photography Dates @ Notre Dame!
March 13 & 14
Session Fee: $40.00
- You do not need an appointment code but rather you can use the search function to find the correct city and school.
- Sessions are 30 minutes.
- Please arrive for your appointment 5 minutes prior to your scheduled time. Lifetouch may not be able to accommodate late arrivals.
- Debit or Credit preferred.
- Graduates may bring appropriate props to be included in their sitting.
- Formal photographs as well as casual will be taken.
- Dress Shirts and ties are not provided but highly encouraged. Girls are encouraged to wear v-neck or scoop neck top for formal photos.
- Outfit changes are limited to the allotted appointment time.
- You must still have a free photo done for the yearbook and class composite. Book the 30 minute session, scroll past the payment screen and confirm booking. Once you arrive for your photos, let the photographer know you only want the yearbook photo taken.
Prestige Studio @ Clearview Meadow Community Centre
March 19 – March 21
Location: Clearview Meadows Community Centre, 93 Cornett Dr. Red Deer.
Grad Rings
March 12 & 13
The Ring Lady is coming!
Be sure to stop by the GA to check out all the merch - not just rings!
Learning Commons
Career Centre
Pave the Pathway
April 2 from 5-8pm. Many Post Secondary Schools, Employers and Entrepreneurs will be at the school talking about their education and/or business journey with students and how they can achieve the same success.
Volunteer Opportunities
U15AAA Provincials
The U15 AAA Rebels are hosting provincials on March 20th-23rd, 2025. We are looking for volunteers to help out at the tournament. There are several different opportunities to volunteer and many shifts available. Remember that Friday, March 21st is a non school day, so that day might be a great opportunity to volunteer and get your required volunteer religion hours. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this Google Form by March 7th. Mr Lansing will be in contact with volunteers to confirm shifts the week of the tournament. If there are any questions, please contact Mr Lansing (curtis.lansing@rdcrs.ca). Thank you in advance to those that are able to volunteer.
Alberta High School Blood Donor Challenge
The Alberta High School Blood Donor challenge begins April 1. We need you to join us and help us save lives!
Join our team - scan the QR code and follow the prompts
Book an appointment - during our group times or on your own - (Between April 1 and June 1)
Donate and save a life - or three!
Enjoy a snack and feel great about what you just did!
Easy peasy!
Anyone, in Canada can join Team ND, donate and help us win!
Join us!
International Trips
Spring 2026 Trip is FULL
Students can speak to Mr. Borys or Mrs. Roth to be added to the waitlist.
Counsellors Corner
Community Information
Are you passionate about Catholic education? Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools (RDCRS) is seeking dedicated individuals to serve as Trustees. Be a voice for Catholic education in our community!
What do Trustees do?
Trustees shape the future of Catholic education within RDCRS. They are elected representatives responsible for:
- Vision & Strategy: Setting the division's direction, aligned with Catholic teachings and values.
- Policy & Budget: Creating and approving policies, and overseeing responsible resource allocation.
- Advocacy: Representing the division's interests to the government and the broader community.
- Accountability: Ensuring responsible use of public funds and strong division performance.
- Leadership: Hiring and evaluating the Superintendent.
Who can be a Trustee?
You must be a Canadian citizen, 18 years or older, a resident of the school division, and a Roman Catholic.
Qualities of a Trustee:
A commitment to Catholic education, a focus on student well-being, strong communication and interpersonal skills, the ability to collaborate effectively, a willingness to listen and consider diverse perspectives, strong analytical and problem-solving skills, and ethical conduct.
Why become a Trustee?
Make a real difference in the lives of students, contribute to the future of Catholic education, develop your leadership skills, and engage meaningfully with your community.
Visit https://www.rdcrs.ca/.../becoming-a-catholic-school-board... or contact our main office at (403) 343-1055, or via email at info@rdcrs.ca.
The website includes information on important dates, the nomination process, and a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Nominations are now being accepted until Monday, September 22, 2025 at noon. Election day is Monday, October 20, 2025.
Please prayerfully consider this important opportunity to serve.
ATTENTION ALL RDCRS parents of teens!
Check out this FREE workshop coming to you!
🌟 Feeling overwhelmed?
Join us for "De-Stress" – an interactive workshop designed to help you manage stress and build resilience during tough times. Learn effective coping strategies and create a personalized stress management plan.
🧠#StressManagement #CopingSkills #FreeWorkshops #SelfCare #resilience
After a long workday, it’s important to let go of the stress and transition into your personal time. We’re offering a series designed to help you do just that! From March 24 to May 5, you'll receive simple, actionable tips each week via text to help you let go of the workday. We’re kicking off the series with an online workshop on March 18 at 6 PM, where we’ll introduce the series and discuss helpful strategies to disconnect after work and manage stress.