Falcon Flyer
Week of 10/14/24
Principal's Messaage
Dear Falcon Families,
LEAD Clubs are starting this week, and I highly recommend 4th-6th graders join our Theatre Club, the only club offered on Fridays from 1:30-3:30. Growing up, I wish I’d had the chance to step out of my comfort zone and learn these skills. Mrs. Echevarria, a seasoned theatre teacher, will be leading the club. Theatre helps students boost their confidence, improve communication, express creativity, and develop strong teamwork skills, all while having fun.
This week, we have safety drills scheduled. Practicing these drills is crucial for improving our preparedness. For instance, each time we conduct a fire or earthquake drill, we become better equipped to handle a real emergency.
Lastly, Mrs. Matlock and I have completed and submitted our site's Community School Narrative, incorporating feedback from both staff and the community. We expect to receive a response from the steering committee by Monday regarding the status and next steps.
It's going to be another great week at Otay!
Your partner in education,
Together we soar!
Learning Pit
Continue to ask your child daily: Did you get into the Learning Pit? At Otay, we encourage students to use a growth mindset to face challenges, have a go at something new, try with a willingness to be confused or make mistakes along the way, and to persist in problem solving.
This Week's Events
Monday, October 14
Falcon Store is open during recess
We have school today. It is not a school holiday.
While Columbus Day is a federal holiday, California does not recognize Columbus Day as a school holiday.
Tuesday, October 15
School Safety Meeting
2:30-3:30 School Safety Committee Meeting in room 501- Open to all Falcon Families-Your input is important! If you can't attend, please enter any of your concerns here: https://forms.office.com/r/BzQWrrD85g
Learning Together
Wednesday, October 16
Bus Evacuation Drill
Thursday, October 17
10:17am The Great Shakeout (Earthquake Drill)
Lockdown Drill
Planned in the afternoon
School Site Council Meeting
2:40-3:40 in room 501 and virtually
Falcon Store is open during recess
TK 1:00 pm
K-6th 1:15 pm
Upcoming Events
- 10/25 SOAR Assembly
- 10/23-10/31 Red Ribbon Week
- 10/31 8:15-9am Costume/Character Parade
Attendance-Come to school every day, all day
Congratulations to Mrs. Faber's 3rd grade class for having the highest attendance rate of 98.81% for the week of October 8- October 11.
Remember, our goal is to have at least 97% of our students on campus every day.
What happened to our second graders-attendance rate was at 85.83%?
Important Information & Resources
Clubs start Monday, October 14, 2024
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lugo via email Yessenia.lugo@cvesd.org or call her (619) 425-4311 ext 300
Internet Safety Tips for Families
Counselor's Corner
Small counseling groups start this week
Friendly Reminders
Together we soar! #Partnership
- For safety reasons, students must wear flat, close-toed shoes
- Every minute of instruction counts. If your child forgets snack, lunch, or water, do not worry. Second Chance and lunch will be provided. They also have access to water fountains. We kindly ask that you refrain from dropping off any items. Let’s work together to help our falcons build responsibility.
- Please note that if your child is not picked up on time at dismissal, you'll need to sign them out from the office.