Saints Scoop
Mrs. Ciminera's Weekly Update
Week of 5/13
Dare I say it is a little quiet here at SCJN this week? Let's enjoy it for a few days since the end of the school year busyness is around the corner!
A special thanks for all the special love you gave our teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week last week! We are grateful for you.
On Friday, the third grade students will present their Wax Museum projects. They have been working very hard, we are excited to see their presentations.
On Sunday, the SCJN Middle School Floor Hockey Night continues. Thank you to the Lythgoes and Reynolds for organizing this event.
On Monday, the Class of 2024 continues their countdown to graduation with a special Mother's lunch at the Grotto!
On Tuesday our K to 4 grade students will have a visit from an author. The author of Butterfly Sisters, Sarah Breck and her daughter will come to talk to the kids about including others and kindness. We are looking forward to a great visit!
Please remember that next Thursday, May 23 is a Noon Dismissal and we are closed on Friday May 24 for the Memorial Day Weekend. School will resume on Tuesday May 28. Enjoy the long weekend and unofficial start to summer!
The lunch program is off and running and the kids are raving about the lunches! Please order from this link for the week of May 20. When completing the form, please use first and last name and grade level only (no A or B necessary unless PreK). All lunches must be pre-ordered, via the Google Form. You must have funds in your Payschool account in order to purchase lunch. All orders should be submitted by Thursday, May 16 at 1:00pm. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to korcal-sean@aramark.com. Thank you for your flexibility as we work through the new vendor's timelines!
Have a fabulous week! I am really hoping we see the sun sometime soon!!
Super Saints!
Congratulations to last week's Super Saints winners: Jeff Lesovitz, Logan Hernandez, Lochlann Ecker, Dylan Eskridge, Jace Robertson, Mariea Manning, Grace McCallion, Kyle Vengels, Rose Tuohey
Above and Beyond are: Patrick Lynch, Molly Lynch, Claire Tobin, Lexi Garlepp, Sami McCullough, Sam Iannacone, Emma Kearney, Zoey Klinedinst, Alice Callan, Emily Larkin, Emma Mellek
CYO News
Save the Date for the annual CYO Tailgate Fundraiser on Saturday evening, June 1st. Don't miss the best party in Delco. Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are available at: https://scjn-fundraiser.square.site/. Only one week left for sponsorships!!! Order your tickets now. Start thinking of themes for your tailgate. All the money raised supports CYO Athletics. Let's Go Saints!!
Wednesday, May 15th
4:00 p.m. - JV Baseball (Majors) vs. St. Denis (Merwood Park)
4:00 p.m. - JV Baseball (Minors) vs. St. Dorothy (McDonald Field)
Thursday, May 16th
4:00 p.m. - JV Baseball (Majors) vs. St. Margaret (Narberth Park)
Saturday, May 18th
9:30 a.m. - Track and Field Area Championships (O'Hara)
Monday, May 20th
4:00 p.m. - JV Baseball (Minors) vs. St. Denis (Merwood Park)
4:00 p.m. - JV Baseball (Majors) vs. St. Katharine (Filipone Park)
Parish News
- Celebrate Msgr. Matz's 40th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood! Join us at Mass this weekend and enjoy our celebration Hospitality after Mass.
- Manna Canned Food Collection this weekend! Please donate non-perishable food items such as beef stew, tuna fish, fruits, vegetables, pasta, soups, pork & beans, chicken breast, SPAM, etc. and help those in need. Bring items to the back of the church.
- Safe Environment -- New step-by-step instructions are now available (starting May 14) to help you complete background checks and training classes. New! Training will be held at SJN this summer on Thursday, June 27 at 9:30 am and on Saturday, July 27 at 9:30 am. Sign up and be ready to volunteer! For more info, contact our Safe Environment Coordinator at safe-environment@sjnparish.org
Home and School
Class Cocktail Parties - Thank you to those who have volunteered to host upcoming class cocktail parties! We have hosts for every grade.
PK-4 - The Peluso family, Friday, May 31
And thank you to Lydia Holiat and Michael Pidhirskyj, and the Ganster, Yost, O'Donovan, Garlepp, Logan, Zeller, Shaknis, Barrickman and Russo families for already hosting!
Lunch Volunteers - We are always looking for more help with lunch coverage. Please consider signing up on days that work for you- even if it is last minute!
Cold, rainy, and snowy days requiring indoor recess are when extra help is most appreciated.
Regular volunteers, please know how much we appreciate your ongoing support. If anything has changed and you need to make adjustments to your schedule please update Weekly SCJN Volunteers schedule.
You need to have your clearances on file or be registered for a course in order to volunteer.
If you are interested in being added to a substitution request email or have any questions please reach out to Alison Tobin adtobin10@gmail.com.
Important Reminders
Just a reminder that students should not be attending any after school activities if you they absent from school.
- The SCJN Book Club will discuss Dave Grohl's The Storyteller on Thursday May 16 at Char & Stave. RSVP to Donna Romero (dkellyromero@gmail.com) if you would like to join us!
- I wanted to put an important calendar date on your radar: The 2024-25 Terra Nova Dates have been set for Friday, March 21 through Friday, March 28, 2025. Please do not plan any family vacations or appointments during this important time.
We are beginning to prepare for next school year and have decided to change our homework planners. Please see the attached letter to see if you can help by purchasing an ad in the planner.
Field Day for grades 1-8 is less than 1 month away! Please sign up here if you are able to help out: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090A4FA4A628A2FE3-scjn
Upcoming Events
5/15:5th Grade attends 8:00am Mass, Home and School Board Meeting 6:30pm
5/17: 3rd Grade Wax Museum 9:00am
5/19: Middle School Floor Hockey Night
5/20: 8th Grade Mothers Day Lunch 12:00
5/21: Butterfly Sisters author visit (Gr K-4),
5/22: 8th Grade attends 8:00am Mass, 6-8 grade Inclusion and Diversity Speaker
5/23: Noon Dismissal, Living Rosary
5/24-5/27: NO SCHOOL!
5/28: Classes Resume! Last day of Tuesday Enrichment
5/29: Last Day of Wednesday Enrichment
5/30: First Grade Patriotic Show, 1:30pm, 8th Grade Parent Appreciation Dinner, 6:30pm
5/31: 8th Grade Donuts with Dad 8:30am, PreK Beach Day
6/1: CYO Tailgate
6/3-6/7: Final Exams Grades 1-8
Link to school calendar here.
Virtue of the Month
Our virtue of the month is Zeal. Zeal is being driven by an intense love for God.
We pray that all of our school families stay safe and healthy. We pray for the Vander Neut, Wertner, and Wesner families. We pray for Paul and Patricia Peterson, Howard Hammerstedt, Alice Catterson, Kim LeStrange, Ronald Andra-Jess-Key, Austin Beletrante, and Lily Walker. We pray for Ellen Hyland, Marion Somers, Carolyn Foran, Tricia Humpton, Bill Tierney, and Kathryn Blaney. We pray for four special intentions, Dennis White, Bill Garrity, Dennis Doyne, Christine Early and LeighAnn Ingersoll. We pray for the Betz Family, Purcell Family, the McMonagle Family, and the Puntel Family. We pray for the people of Israel and Gaza. We pray for peace in our world and our community. We pray that we all have the courage to be kind and accepting of each other.
Pizza Thursday Link
Please complete form by Thursday at 8:30am. Send money to school for your whole family in an envelope or bag! Thank you! :)
Quote of the Week
Mrs. Kelly Ciminera
Email: kelly.ciminera@scjnschool.org
Website: Scjnschool.org
Phone: 610-525-3266
Twitter: @MrsCimineraSCJN