FPE Community Newsletter 09/20/23
October 02, 2024
Principal's Message:
Greetings Forest Park Students and Families,
Heritage and Awareness Month: November is National American Indian Heritage Month. November 13th is World Kindness Day. Thank you Forest Park Students for doubling down on KINDNESS! Students, I witness this when you: celebrate another student’s success or achievement during a lesson; help another student during a lesson, remember to ask questions instead of making accusations when resolving disputes on the playground; give second chances when mistakes are made; win competitions graciously, lose competitions graciously, among a number of kind practices. We see the word Kind printed on our Paws for Applause tickets, bulletin boards, classroom and hallway walls, and in this newsletter! Practicing kindness during emotional experiences can help us better take care of each other. Thank you Forest Park Students for doubling down on kindness!
FPE TAG Parent Info. Slide Deck: Thank you Mrs. Keefer for leading our TAG informational meeting on October 30th. Families, please find the FPE TAG Parent Info. slide-deck linked here.
Report Cards: In an effort to align with the district’s Climate Justice policy, PPS has moved to paperless report cards as our district default. Families are encouraged to view report cards online in Parent VUE. Here are the instructions on how to navigate Parent VUE. If you would like a printed copy, please select that option in Parent VUE.
Conferences: Teachers are arranging conference plans and will communicate sign-ups with you. In-person and online conferences will be offered.
School Holiday: All students, teachers and staff will enjoy a holiday this Monday, November 11th, Columbus Day.
School Holiday - Monday, November 11th, Veterans Day
OBOB - Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) forms due!! Get them to Ms. Feller!
State of the School - Thursday, November 14th at 6pm (in-person in the school Library and online - GoogleMeets link). Please RSVP here if you intend to attend in person in the Library (headcount needed for refreshments).
Fox Assembly - Wednesday, November 20th at 8.05am
Early Release - Wednesday, November 20th at 11.50am
Native American Heritage Day - Friday, November 29th
Successful Schools Survey for Families open now, closes - Friday, November 6th (linked)
Thank you, Dr. Martini
Counselor Corner October 2024
Friends of Forest Park Elementary (FOFPE)
Friends of Forest Park Newsletter! [read our entire newsletter HERE]
Important FOFPE Links For This Week!
Fall Drive: Happening now! Every dollar we raise goes directly to our school and helps us set our annual budget. Our goal for our Fall Drive is $40,000, which will go toward school beautification, additional field trips, and classroom supplies. With the funds raised during our Fun Run, we need $14,000 to reach our goal to fund all three of these important things!!
This week’s raffle surprise: DONATE any amount between 11/5 – 11/10 to be entered to win a Tasting for Four at Amaterra Winery.
Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day. Please help us organize the first-ever Forest Park Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day on November 14, 2024 to honor the courage of Ruby Bridges, who was six years old when she became one of the first students to integrate William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans in 1960. Meet outside of Jim and Patty’s or at the top of the hill on Miller toward the back of the school at 7:40 a.m. to walk to school together! Special thanks to school counselor Ms. Wendi for organizing!
Potluck for Teachers and Staff during early-release and conferences: Please help us feed our teachers and staff on early-release day and parent-teacher conferences. November 20, 21, 25 and 26.
School Beautification: Have you seen all the work that’s been done to our school garden?!? You should check it out! There’s still more work to do! If you’d like to help make FPE a more beautiful place to learn, please complete the form or reach out to Jenn Colbach directly: 415.310.0244
Lunch Recess Volunteer: Sign up to volunteer at recess.
Visual Arts Volunteer: Sign up to help our visual arts teacher in class.
Volunteer Form: Interested in learning what we do throughout the year and helping out with what interest you? Fill out our form!
Get your sitter now…. Our Spring Auction is Saturday, March 15, 2025, at the Nines. More details to come soon!
Interested in helping with the auction or classroom art projects? Email our auction chair, Cynthia at cynthiaglausi@gmail.com
ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS! Want something fun for your child to do after school? Check out all the amazing programs offered to our students this fall!
Rose City Chess Club is Back! Grades: 2-5; Wednesdays 2:30-3:30pm; September 11th - December 11th (They are happy to prorate for late joiners!)
Journey to STEAM: Registration is now open for the Journey to STEAM after-school program at Forest Park! Fall Term: October 4, 2024 to December 20, 2024; Winter Term: January 24, 2025 to March 21, 2025; Spring Term: April 11, 2025 to June 3, 2025. Time: Fridays 2:30 PM -3:30 PM. Location: Forest Park Elementary. Cost: $255 per term.
Program Description: The theme for their upcoming program is LEGO Architects! Students will embark on a creative journey where they will explore the world of design and construction. Each week, students will be given a design prompt such as building the tallest tower, the strongest bridge, a fantastic castle, or a collaborative town. Students will work together to bring their architectural ideas to life.
Learning Objectives: Students will build and improve the durability of their structures using key elements such as foundations, supports, and strong shapes. Students will be able to build designs using the simple machines wedges and inclined planes. Students will understand and apply sustainability concepts including limited resources, renewable energy, and waste management. They will build solutions to real world problems
Collaboration and Soft Skills: Students work together to collaborate, test, and refine their designs. They will also practice explaining their build process, how their build relates to the daily theme, and ways to improve their design.
Music Club: Grades 2-5. Wednesdays 2:15-3:15pm. Sept 25- Dec 18. Sign up now!
Rock Dojo: Students will master epic riffs, boost their confidence, and become part of our Rock Dojo community. Grade K-5. Mondays 2:30 - 3:30. Sept 16 - Dec 16.
Shared Spark Arts Academy: Family-based performing arts experiences for parents and children. This fall they will be performing a musical adaptation of Alice in Wonderland.
After School Golf Multi-Sport Class (Golf, Volleyball, Lacrosse, & Pickleball) at Forest Park. Thursdays 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. 10/03/24 - 11/14/24 at FPE
Yoga: Unfortunately, Yoga did not get enough kids registered for the fall program, but they hope to get more interest for winter. If you’re interested in signing your child up, contact Barbara Lee, Director of School Programs, 503.807.9720, www.yogaplaygrounds.com