New Student Information Packet

About Us
Welcome to the School District of Springfield Township!
We are so pleased to have you join our Spartan Community. We hope that our New Student Welcome Information helps you acclimate to the district and the many opportunities provided for your child to grow and learn. Our district mission to "Educate and develop all students as learners and citizens who are high-achieving, resilient and responsible in a changing global community" guides our work with students to ensure that they have the best education possible. No matter what building your child is in, our Spartan Pride is strong and we know that they will take advantage of the world class academic, social, and extracurricular opportunities!
Contact Information
District Resources
Springfield Township High School
High School Main Office
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12
Dr. Charles Rittenhouse, Principal
Dr. Scott Zgraggen, Assistant Principal
Mr. Pierre LaRocco, Assistant Principal
Mr. Joe Ferraro, Athletic Director
Springfield Township Middle School
Middle School Main Office
Grades 6, 7, and 8
Dr. Amy Mangano, Principal
Mr. Jason Pane, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kieran Brady, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Erdenheim Elementary School
Erdenheim Main Office
Grades 3, 4, and 5
Mr. Benjamin Speicher, Principal
Mrs. Courtney Mack, Assistant Principal
Enfield Elementary School
Enfield Main Office
Grades K, 1, and 2
Dr. Meghan Markle, Principal
Mr. Curtis Fleming, Assistant Principal
School Lunch
Springfield Township is proud to partner with Chartwells as our food services management company. Chartwells is passionate about using fresh, nutritious, minimally processed and locally sourced ingredients, and we foster a sense of adventure in students through experiential learning activities – all with healthier students, healthier communities and a healthier planet in mind.
To learn more, visit the Chartwells website.
To find out more about Food Services in Springfield Township, check out the website.
School Provided Devices
SDST has adopted a 1:1 program in grades K through 12, which will provide an electronic device to each student. Grades K through 5th will be used throughout the day and remain in the school building. The 6th through 12th grades will be issued to each student, which will be assigned to each student to be used throughout the day and taken home and returned to the district at the end of the school year.
Devices are typically distributed to students on their first in-person day in the district.
For more information on student devices, please visit the Technology website.
For tech support, please visit the Tech Support Students page.
Accessing the PowerSchool Parent Portal
PowerSchool is the school district's electronic student management system where student information is collected and stored. The PowerSchool Parent Portal gives parents and students access to real-time information including attendance and grades.
Upon registering your child in the district, you should be promted to create your Parent Portal account. If you do not have an account or need support in accessing your account, please contact the main office of your child's school.
Obtaining Internet Access
Xfinity Internet Essentials offers low cost internet and computers.
To access these services, please call:
- Low cost internet - 1-855-846-8376
- Low cost computer - 1-888-710-4156
Families may qualify to receive up to $50 per month for broadband internet services. Check out the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program to see if you qualify.
For more information on Community and Financial Resources, please visit our social services webpage.
Annual Information
Each year, the district publishes annual information to inform parents of their rights and responsibilities under the law. Click the button below to access this year's information.
Attendance Information
Elementary School Hours
Regular School Day: 8:55 am - 3:25 pm
Early Dismissal: 8:55 am - 12:00 pm
2-Hour Delay: 10:55 am - 3:25 pm
Middle and High School Hours
Regular School Day: 7:45 am - 2:41 pm
Early Dismissal: 7:45 am - 11:10 am
2-Hour Delay: 9:45 am - 2:41 pm
To report an absence to your child's school, please email and include your child's full name and grade in the subject line as well as a reason for your child's absence citing one of the approved reasons.
Note: If you email, you do not have to call the office.
- Enfield:
- Erdenheim:
- Middle School:
- High School:
Excused Absences
The following are School Board approved conditions for an excused absence to be granted based on Pennsylvania School Code:
- Illness
- Quarantine
- Family Emergency including a death in the family
- Family Educational Travel, Tours, and Trips (with prior approval by SDST administration)
- Impassable Roads
- Recovery from Accident
- Required Court Appearance
Student Handbooks
The district maintains a student handbook at each school that is updated annually. Each handbook contains important information about the school policies and procedures. Please make sure that you review your child's handbook(s) at the beginning of each school year to ensure that you are up to date on information about the school.
Registering for PIAA Sports
The School District of Springfield Township is proud to offer students in grades 7 through 12 the opportunity to participate in a variety of Pennsylvania Inscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) sports.
For more information about offered sports and schedules, please visit the High School Athletic Webpage to view Fall, Winter and Spring Sports. The Middle School also offers an Athletic Webpage and Fall, Winter and Spring Sports.
In order to participate in any PIAA sport, students must have a current physical on file and complete the Family ID Registration online.
Middle School Sports
Field Hockey
Boys Soccer
GIrls Soccer
Girls Tennis
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Girls Lacrosse
Boys Lacrosse
Boys Tennis
High School Sports
Cross Country
Field Hockey
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Girls Tennis
Girls Volleyball
Boys Water Polo
Girls Water Polo
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Indoor Track
Swimming and Diving
Unified Bocce
Boys Lacrosse
Girls Lacrosse
Boys Tennis
Track and Field
Unified Trackbollvolleyvolleyball
District Clubs and Activities
Across all four buildings, the district offers a variety of extracurricular clubs and activities that students can join. Studies show that students who are involved in clubs and activities have better school outcomes. We hope that your child will explore their interests, develop new skills, and create lasting memories as they engage in all that Springfield Township has to offer.
Enfield and Erdenheim
Check out the weekly e-blast for activitiy options such as Science Explorers, Drama Club, Speeder Runner's Club, Action Karate, and so much more!
Middle School
Visit the Middle School Activities webpage to learn about a variety of after school clubs and activities. A late bus is offered at 3:45pm and 4:45pm for students who participate in clubs and sports.
Work Permits
Working Papers are available at the public school of the district in which you reside. You must reside in Springfield Township School District in order to obtain working papers in this district.
All students between the ages of 14 and 17 are required by Pennsylvania School Law to secure an Employment certificate, known as "Working Papers," before they may begin to work. Once you have the promise of a job, follow these steps to receive working papers:
- Obtain an "Application for Work Permit" from the High School located at 1801 Paper Mill Road Erdenheim, PA 19038
- Please click on the "Book Now" Button below to make an appointment to bring the completed application along with proof of age to the High School, Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm until August 31, 2023. Effective September 5, 2023, the hours will be 7:00am-2:30pm Monday through Friday.
- Acceptable documentation for proof of age include birth certificate, passport, or other documentary evidence of age (application cannot be processed without proper documents). The minor must return the completed application so that it can be signed by the minor in the presence of the issuing officer.
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions regarding working papers, on the Pennsylvania Child Labor Law Website.
You must reside in Springfield Township to book an appointment. If you book an appointment and do not live in Springfield Township your appointment will be cancelled.
Being Involved
At Springfield Township, we love when families get involved! There are multiple ways to get involved in the district, as a volunteer, by joining a supporting organization, or by attending events at our schools. Whatever type of involvement works best for you and your family, we look forward to working side by side with you to make our district an amazing community for our students.
School Health Services
All Springfield Township buildings are staffed on student days by a Certified School Nurse or Registered Nurse Assistant.
The Certified School Nurse provides health assessments, cares for sick and injured students, provides consultation and referral, health counseling and health education, prepares individual health plans, delegates and supervises medication administration, monitors student health status, assists with health prevention and health promotion activities, provides health screenings and record keeping, and provides first aid in emergencies. Under the direction of the Certified School Nurse, Registered Nurse Assistants help care for sick and injured children, administer prescribed medication, and provide first aid in emergency situations.
For more information about School Health Services, please visit our website.
Equity Action Plan
The School District of Springfield Township is proud of our committment to advancing equity and excellence for all of our students. Our Boad of School Directors adopted an Equity Vision Statement in September of 2019 and approved an Educational Equity Policy in February of 2022.
In January of 2022, the district approved the first Equity Action Plan for the 2022 through 2024 school years. For more information about the current Equity Action Plan and other equity related information, including a quarterly newsletter, check out the district's Equitable Practices webpage.
School Supports
Each district school maintains an Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and Student Assistance Program (SAP) team that meets regularly to discuss referrals and determine appropriate recommendations for students. To refer a student for MTSS or SAP services, please reach out to your child's school counselor.
Each school offers supports for students in academic, behavior, and social areas of need. Using data-driven strategies and intervention supports, students are provided with instruction to address gaps in their learning. These interventions may include, additional instructional time with a reading or math specialist, check-ins with counselors or social workers, or screenings by related service personnel. All buildings have time dedicated to supporting students. For more information specific to your child, please reach out to their school counselor.
To request Special Education or Gifted testing, please refer to the district's website for more information.
Community Resources
The School District of Springfield Township relies on a wide network of community support organizations to help families and community members in times of need. From housing resources, to mental health organizations, the district provides support in reaching out to community resources to help you and your family. For more information, contact your building social worker.