Cougar Chronicles
What's going on at Clay-Chalkville High School
October 20, 2024
Older, but still important information [like bus information & attendance information] is located towards after the sports section - please scroll to see.
The most current helpful information is located in this section so that it is easily identifiable.
FILO - FREE tutoring services!
We are so excited about this!!! FREE tutoring services for all of our students.
This service allows students to access a tutor 24/7 via the Filo tile in ClassLink. Filo provides qualified tutors in every subject and multiple languages. Think of this as a homework help line; however, they also provide ACT support as well as feedback on writing assignments.
This resource is available to you anytime you need it!
How to log in to FILO:
Go to ClassLink, search for FILO and it will automatically log you in.
We want to celebrate YOU and your journey after High School!
Please bring a paper copy OR send a copy of your acceptance letters to colleges, technical schools, military, etc. to Mrs. L. Ellis at
Angie Martinez-Nataren (pictured beow) was our first student to submit their acceptance letter for this year!
Check out last years wall ⬇️- we want it to be more full this year!
Below is the credit card link that can be used for students/payments wanting to make a payment using their card. You can make this information available as another payment option.
The individual will need to select the CORRECT course fee(s) that they are wanting to pay.
NOTE: There is currently a $2.95 processing fee per transaction (so someone might want to pay several things at one time to avoid multiple processing fees.)
Hispanic Heritage Parade at CCHS! Everyone did so great.
Dual Enrollment interest meeting - great turn out!
Such a fun break after school.
Our teachers participated in PD on the e-learning day.
We love being able to celebrate everyone in our building! Our students and staff are nothing short of incredible. Check out the shout outs that they got last week!
Staff Members!
Volleyball 6A AREA 12 Runner Ups. We’re advancing to sub regionals .
Congratulations to our BAND students!
Our Fishing team had their first tournament on Saturday!
Caleb and Trushon finished with 6.62 pounds. The winner had only 12. They finished in the top 30!
The Pinson game has been moved to THIS Thursday, October 24, 2024.
Students & Guardians of Bus Riders - Please join the ParentSquare Group!
We will NOT be utilizing the Remind app as we have done in years past. All information will be posted in this ParentSquare Group. Students and parents are HIGHLY encouraged to join this group if at any point your child is a bus rider throughout the year. Important information such as route cancellation and bus changes will be in this group
You can join by clicking or scanning this QR code to the right.
We need your help with lunchroom behaviors.
Please review the following with your student!
Doctors Notes/Excuses & Parent Notes/Excuses
All parent notes, parent excuses, doctor excuses, etc. come straight to the main office to the attendance secretary- Mrs. S. Ellis- excuses/notes should not to go to teachers!
We will be utilizing the Parent Square Platform/App for all communication.
You should have received an email in the spring containing login information.
If you are still having trouble accessing the app - please contact Mrs. L. Ellis at for further assistance.
We will be utilizing the Student Square Platform/App for all communication.
If you have never logged into Student Square, you HAVE to first log in on a chromebook- this CANNOT be done on a phone. Once you have logged in one time on a Chromebook, you should be able to download the app and it work from your phone. If you have any trouble, please email Mrs. L. Ellis at for further assistance.
Clay Chalkville High School
Location: 6623 Roe Chandler Road, Pinson, AL, USA
Phone: 2053793050