Granger School Weekly Newsletter
May 27-30, 2019
Quick Reminders
Mon. May 27 No School
May 28 Senior's Trip to Schlitterbahn - leaving parking lot at 8:00am
May 29 Senior's Day - leaving parking lot at 8:00am
Wed. May 29 Elementary Grade Period 4 Awards: Pk-2nd 1:10-2:10, 3rd-4th 2:20-3:20
May 30 9:00am Graduation practice at the Taylor Event Center
May 30 Early Release 1:00 pm - Last day of school
Sat. June 1 Graduation 2:00pm Taylor Event Center
June 3-20 Summer School
Tues. May 28: 1, 2, & 3 period exams
Wed. May 29: 4, 5, 6th period exams
Thurs. May 30: 7 & 8 period exams
Granger Lion Baseball Camp
For In-Coming 1st-9th Graders
Date: June 3-June 5, 2019Time: 9:00am-11:00am
Location: Granger Baseball Fied
Cost: $35 (Make check payable to Granger Baseball)
Registration can be turned in to school office or first day of camp.
2019 Summer Football Camp
Times: 8:30am-10:00am
Location: Granger Football Field
Ages: Incoming 3rd-9th grade
Price: $30 (checks payable to Granger Football)
Contact: Walt Brock AD/Head Football
Cell: 254-405-5249
Granger Varisty Mini-Cheer Camp 2019
Dates: July 29-August 2
Times: 5:30pm-6:30pm
Location: Granger Main Gym
Cost: $35 (Checks payable to Granger ISD)
*Includes a shirt and daily snacks
Jennifer Lane
Don't forget to check lost and found!
Tuesday-Thursday will be Manager's Choice.
Wise Words for Summer
~ Van Morrison
School's Out!
A: There aren’t any pupils to see.
Q: What is white when its dirty and black when its clean?
A: A blackboard.
Q: What is a math teacher’s favorite sum?
A: Summer.
Granger ISD Memorial Day Program
May 23 Return laptop and calculator to library, unless needed for an exam
TO GO ON SENIOR TRIPS, ALL OBLIGATIONS MUST BE TAKEN CARE OF! EX: Library, laptop insurance, organization dues (Band, Cheer, FCCLA, Art, 4H FFA, etc.), lunch room, teacher borrowed items returned, text books
May 28 Senior's Trip to Schlitterbahn -departure at 8:00am
May 29 Senior's Day - leaving parking lot at 8:00am
May 30 9:00am Graduation practice at the Taylor Event Center
May 30 Early Release 1:00 pm - Last day of school
Sat. June 1 Graduation 2:00pm Taylor Event Center
Event Center Information:
Address: 3101 N Main St, Taylor, TX 76574
Kindergarten Graduates
By end of school year:
All Grades should have library books turned in, or charges paid.
If you have a student in 7-12th grade, please be sure they have paid their laptop insurance, have their calculator in good condition, as well as the charger which goes with their computer.
Lost/damaged charger: $20,
2018-19 Laptop Insurance $35
Lost/Damaged/malfunctioning laptop without insurance: $200 replacement cost
Lost/damaged calculator $110
Library Books: Cost varies.
Also Ask: Are all library books are returned? Student organization dues taken care of? (Art, Band, FCCLA, 4H, FFA, etc.) Cafeteria paid off? Text books turned in? Teacher borrowed items given back? Uniforms, shoes, and equipment given back to coaches?
*Remember to check school website and Dojo in case of any last minute changes due to situations beyond GISD control.
What do teachers look forward to during the summer break?
Granger ISD
Email: dgriffis@granger.txed.net
Website: grangerisd.net
Location: 300 North Colorado, Granger, TX, USA
Phone: 512-859-2173
Facebook: facebook.com/grangerisd
Twitter: @Granger_Lions