Kelly Community Newsletter
January 13th, 2025

Coming up...
- 1/15 - Winter SUN Registration Forms Due
- 1/20 - NO SCHOOL - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Day
- 1/20 - PTA Day of Service, Meet at Glenwood Park Playground
- 1/21 - EKT Reunion, 2:45 in the Library
- 1/27 - NO SCHOOL - Grading / Planning Day
- 1/28 - NO SCHOOL - Grading / Planning Day
- 2/19 - Immunization Exclusion Deadline
- 2/26 - Early Release, SCHOOL OUT @ 11:50
From Jeff Waters, Principal
Welcome to 2025!
Dear Kelly Families,
The start of a new year is an opportunity to stop and reflect. Are we doing well? Are we reaching our goals? How can we improve?
One of the tools that we use to measure our success is the Successful Schools Survey. All 3rd through 5th grade students take the survey each year and answer questions about their experiences in our school. Students reported an increase in favorable responses - feeling more positive, connected, and excited to learn than ever before.
Take a look below at some of the highlights in detail and read on for important updates and information.
In the service of students and families,
Jeff Waters
Successful Schools Survey - Student Sense of Belonging
Students at Kelly reported a 10% increase in feeling like they are a valued member of our school community compared to last school year. 64% of students reported feeling connected to our school community. This is above the PPS average for all schools and the highest rate of favorable responses at Kelly in at least 8 years.
Successful Schools Survey - School Climate
Student perception of the overall social and learning environment at Kelly improved by 16% compared to last school year. The 62% rate of positive responses is above the PPS average for all schools and the highest rate of favorable responses at Kelly in at least 8 years.
70% of students responded favorably to the statement "How positive or negative is the energy of the school," a 24% increase over last school year.
Successful Schools Survey - Engagement
56% of students responded favorably to statements related to student engagement. This is a 15% increase in favorable responses compared to last school year and the highest rate of favorable responses at Kelly since the 2021-2022 school year (the year that students returned to school after the COVID-19 pandemic).
Updates from SUN
Winter SUN School Registration
SUN afterschool programming will start back up on January 21st (next Monday!) and will run through March 13th. Registration paperwork went home on Friday. If you did not receive a packet, please let your classroom teacher or Tammy Warber (tammy@latnet.org) know. Registration packets are due in the Main Office by Wednesday, January 15th. You can expect confirmation letters this Friday, January 17th.
Play and Learn, Tuesdays and Thursdays - 9:30 - 11:30 at Kelly Head Start
Updates from PTA
Upcoming Events
- 1/20 - MLK Day of Service, Meet at Glenwood Park Playground
- 1/31 - FUNDRAISER: Popcorn Friday
Kelly Spirit Wear sales are back! Check out our online store to purchase Kelly sweatshirts, tees, and bags. Two logo choices are available in a variety of shirt styles. https://www.bonfire.com/kelly-elementary-shirt-sales/
Message from the Health Office
Immunization Exclusion Date, 2/19/25
It’s a great time to get caught up on immunizations. The school exclusion date approaches fast each year. This year if your child isn’t caught up by February 19th they will be excluded from school until they are caught up.
How can you get free Immunizations? Student Health Centers- such as Franklin, McDaniel and Cleveland and more- offer free health clinic services, including Immunizations. Just call them to make an appointment, or check in with your SHA- Jana, and she can help you make an appointment. Multnomah County also offers free immunization clinics- please see the attached flyers.
Here are a few places to obtain more information about immunizations and exemptions.
Non-Medical and Medical exemptions:
Curriculum Spotlight
English Language Arts Curriculum and Resources
Our adopted English language arts curriculum is Wit and Wisdom. It focuses on integrating content learning with reading and writing. Below you’ll find the topics each grade level has been studying, essential questions, and family tip sheets in multiple languages to provide an overview of what is happening at your child’s grade level. The family tip sheet also includes a list of texts you can read at home to support your child with deepening the learning that is happening at school. Not all Russian immersion classrooms use Wit and Wisdom because of the allocation of minutes dedicated to teaching English. At this time, Wit and Wisdom is used in grades 4 and 5.
Wit and Wisdom Topics, Essential Questions, and Family Tip Sheets:
Kinder: The Five Senses
Essential Question: How do our senses help us learn?
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Arabic
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_English
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (simplified)
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (traditional)
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Russian
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Spanish
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Vietnamese
1st Grade: A World of Books
Essential Question: How do books change lives around the world?
1st Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (simplified)
1st Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (traditional)
1st Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_English
1st Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Russian
1st GradeFamily Tip Sheet_Module 1_Spanish
1st Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Vietnamese
2nd Grade: A Season of Change
Essential Question: How does change impact people and nature?
2nd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (simplified)
2nd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (traditional)
2nd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_English
2nd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Russian
2nd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Spanish
2nd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Vietnamese
3rd Grade: The Sea
Essential Question: Why do people explore the sea?
3rd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (simplified)
3rd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (traditional)
3rd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_English
3rd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Russian
3rd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Spanish
3rd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Vietnamese
4th Grade: A Great Heart
Essential Question: What does it mean to have a great heart, literally and figuratively?
4th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (simplified)
4th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (traditional)
4th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_English
4th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Russian
4th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Spanish
4th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Vietnamese
5th Grade: Cultures in Conflict
Essential Question: How do cultural beliefs and values guide people?
5th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (simplified)
5th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (traditional)
5th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_English
5th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Russian
Prepare for Winter Weather
Winter weather is here! We will only let students play outside when it is safe and they have a choice to be under the covered shelter AND we want to give students that opportunity to play outside - even if it's raining.
Please send your student to school prepared with a rain jacket and / or umbrella. If you need assistance getting your child winter clothing, please reach out to our Counselor, Ms. Kangas at mkangas@pps.net.