In The Laidlaw Loop
Family Update- November 1, 2024
WOWZA did we have an amazingly fun week here at Laidlaw. Our Halloween celebration on Thursday was FULL of joy & silly spookiness. The celebration really started a few weeks ago when Leo, our friendly Laidlaw ghoul, began "booing" classrooms as a special surprise. The invitation was given for classrooms to "pay the favor" forward and they did not disappoint. It was really sweet to see the students get so excited to eagerly see if their room was booed as they walked into school each day.
The student & staff Halloween Assembly (new this year for Laidlaw!), the parade for the parents, and the classroom Halloween parties were all a blast. I've included some fun pictures below.
And, finally, today, our entire school gathered in the gym to meet Cody, Laidlaw's therapy dog and our very own Animal Avengers club presented all students with informative information on therapy dogs. I've included the informative presentation HERE in case you want to take a gander and ask your student some specific questions about this enriching experience.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Picture Retake Day
Please see picture retake details below.
Winter Session (Sticky Fingers): Signups Open
Please click HERE to sign up for the WINTER session.
Tues - https://www.hisawyer.com/maureen-claffy-art/schedules/activity-set/1058203
Thurs - https://www.hisawyer.com/maureen-claffy-art/schedules/activity-set/1058215
D101 Special Services Parent Night
D101 Special Services Parents Night Out - This special event is held to introduce the parents of students that have special needs to one another. This opportunity is to help parents throughout the District connect in order to build community relationships and support. Please purchase tickets prior to Monday, November 11. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Fredericks-Tuzzolo, the Director of Student Services, at 708-485-2850 or D101 parent, Carrie Pinkham, at carrietruck@gmail.com. Please click this link for more information and to sign up!
Veterans' Day Ceremony
On Monday, November 11 District 101 celebrates and honors all of our veterans. This year our district Veteran's Day assembly is hosted at McClure Junior High School, with representatives from Laidlaw's student council bringing messages of thanks to our honored guests. Our deepest appreciation to everyone in our school community who served or is currently serving in the military. For any specific questions about this year's Veterans Day Ceremony, please contact McClure Principal Laura Broadnax at lbroadnax@d101.org.
Review 360 Screener
As is our annual practice, students in grades 3-5 will complete the Review 360 social-emotional screener. It is a short questionnaire that is used to help identify students who may be at risk of internalizing social-emotional issues. This brief screener will be administered in their classrooms with their teachers. As also is our practice, we will follow-up with students and families as necessary
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Please take a look at THESE important parent/teacher conference details.
Still want to sign up for Orchestra?
If you didn't sign up your 4th grader for Band/Orchestra this year, there is still space for you! Please contact Mrs. Hannah Andrews at handrews@d101.org to learn how to join D101 Orchestra!
Opportunity for 5th graders
Hello 5th grade parents. Please see the message below from our librarian, Mrs. Freer:
Thomas Ford Library is starting a Tween Book Club. The first meeting is Thursday. November 7th at 7 pm. They will be discussing "Lasagna Means I Love You" by Kate O'Shaughnessy. Interested tweens need to register on their events calendar. Books are available to check out at the circulation desk.
HERE is the info flyer.
Right At School Opportunities
If you would like more information about the Right At School before and after care program, please see the included flyer or visit their website at https://rightatschool.com/.
2024-25 School Calendar
Please find the 2024-25 calendar HERE
Upcoming Dates
11/5: No School (Election Day)
11/6: Picture Retake Day
11/7: Marla's Lunch
Week of 11/11: COGAT Testing Begins for 3rd & 5th Grade students
11/12: Students need a nut free lunch (eating in classrooms)
11/12: Book Fair (all day) & Loved Ones Night (6-8PM)
11/15: last day of 1st trimester
11/22: PTO fun lunch (lunch must be ordered from Marla's lunch separately or a brown bag lunch provided)
11/25-11/26: Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/27-11/29: Thanksgiving Break (no school)
Elementary School Handbook
This summer, the administrative team spent considerable time updating the Elementary School Handbook. Please do spend some time reviewing some of the important information regarding attendance, academics, behavior/discipline, technology, etc. The handbook can be found via the link above.
Community Happenings
Do you have a Big Idea and just don't know where to start? WSFEE is here to help - contact grants@wsfee.org and we can help you through the grant writing process. Grants help support everything from school and classroom libraries to STEM supplies to buddy benches and lunch tables. Remember to visit wsfee.org or follow WSFEE on Facebook or Instagram (@wsfee_d101) to hear about events, donations and sponsorship opportunities throughout the year.
Laidlaw PTO Information
Book Fair and Loved Ones Open House
The highly anticipated Laidlaw Book Fair will take place on Tuesday, November 12th. On this day, the school gym will transform into an amazing bookstore filled with titles appropriate for all ages (adults too)! In addition to families/staff having the opportunity to buy fabulous books at low prices, the Book Fair also serves as an important school fundraiser, with 20% of the proceeds benefiting Laidlaw's PTO. Students will visit the “bookstore” with their classroom during the school day on 11/12 and may purchase books at that time, or write out a "wish list” as they browse; parent volunteers are present to help. (Please note: parents/guardians will not be able to shop at the Book Fair during school hours, other than those who are volunteering at the event.) We also welcome students to shop with a guardian after school from 3:30-5pm and during the Loved Ones Open House from 6-8pm.
Laidlaw’s Loved Ones Open House will once again simultaneously take place from 6-8pm on November 12th. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, babysitters, family friends (anyone special in your child’s life) are welcome! Students can show their school and classroom while making a bookmark keepsake and visiting the Book Fair. For space limits, just the special loved ones are encouraged to attend, but parents can volunteer as well.
Click here to volunteer at the Book Fair
Click here to volunteer for Loved Ones Open House
Thank you for your support!
Book Fair Chairs Meg Crist & Renee Davis
Loved Ones Open House Night Chair Lori Buckley