September 20
Weekly News

Dr. Matt Thompson- High School
Monday marks the start of College GO! Week, an exciting time to encourage students to think about their futures. Whether your student's goals include attending college, entering the workforce, or pursuing another path, it’s important to talk with them about the steps necessary to accomplish their dreams. Please take a minute this week to engage in a conversation with your student about their future goals and how they can work towards achieving them. These small discussions can have a big impact on their motivation and success.
Mr. Haas- Junior High
The significant increase in threats targeting schools and students nationwide alarming. SEDCSC schools have not received threats, but these events capture our attention no matter the location. Junior high teachers talked with our students during homeroom about this and the need for them to notify staff if they are concerned with someone's behavior.
Teens don't always take into account the consequences of their actions. Sharing or reposting a threatening text, picture, or message will result in severe consequences that would have long lasting effects. Through a combined effort, we can support and guide our students to educate them on the proper way to respond to situations. It is everyone's responsibility to keep our schools safe and promote a positive learning environment.
The Washington DC Trip is from Tuesday to Friday. Students not attending the trip are expected to be at school. Attendance counts these days as they do any day school is in session.
Seventh grade families can start preparing for next year's Washington D.C. trip. Our first parent meeting will be scheduled for January or February to discuss the experience and fees associated with the trip. We anticipate the cost of the trip to be between $475-$500 next year.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Dress Code
We have started noticing some issues with the dress code, so we wanted to send a gentle reminder about the following items.
- Dress shorts/skirts may be worn provided the length extends to 6” above the knee
- If the clothing has holes in it, there can be no exposed skin more than 6” above the knee.
- The wearing of any apparel that has writing, printing, symbols, or graphics that is judged, by school personnel, to be offensive, immoral, vulgar, lewd or suggestive and/or implies sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, or other subjects disruptive to the normal school environment is prohibited.
- All shirts, blouses, and dresses must have capped sleeves and cover the upper chest, midriff and back areas.
Important Dates:
September 24-27
- 8th Grade Washington D.C. trip
- High School Picture Retake- 1:30 pm
October 4
- Football Homecoming
October 9
- PSAT/NMSQT - All sophomores and a few juniors.
- Senior Fafsa Night is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 4th at 6:00 in the auditorium
- Freshman Class Ring Delivery- Study Hall in the Commons
December 20--- UPDATED
- High School Holiday Ball
January 17
- Basketball Homecoming
If the student is attending an appointment during school hours please make sure you are providing the school with the doctors excuse. That excuse slip can be handed in at the front office, faxed or emailed to Ms. Lueken at jessica.lueken@sedubois.k12.in.us.
Ranger Ready
Safe Visitor- Safety System
8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip Info
8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip Information
The Washington D.C. trip is September 24-27. Here is some upcoming and helpful information regarding the trip.
Packing List: Here is a recommended packing list.
The 7th grade received Crisis Connection training in their ELA classes this week. Students reviewed safe internet protocols and how to remain safe when using other forms of technology such as cell phones. Parents, two documents have been included within this newsletter which review the topics that were covered. Thank you to Crisis Connection for visiting us!
Guidance Updates
Guidance Upcoming Meetings
- A representative from Purdue University will be here on Monday, Sept. 16th during high school lunch.
- A representative from University of Southern Indiana will be here on Sept. 23rd during lunch and homeroom. Location TBD.
- A representative from Ivy Tech will be here on Monday, Sept. 23rd during high school lunch.
- A representative from University of Evansville will be here on Monday, Sept. 23rd during lunch in the cafeteria.
- Vincennes University will be here during homeroom on 10/10 to meet with interested juniors and seniors. Location TBD.
- Senior Fafsa Night is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 4th at 6:00 in the auditorium. All senior parents/guardians as well as students are encouraged to attend.
PSAT/NMSQT - October 9th
All sophomores and a few juniors will take the PSAT/NMSQT on October 9th. For a majority of students, the test will run from approximately 8-12. Please ensure there are no scheduled appointments for your student on this day during testing time. Please reach out to Mrs. Thimling at mallory.thimling@sedubois.k12.in.us with any questions.
Junior Parents
On Tuesday, Sept. 24th, all juniors will be attending the Dubois County College Fair at Southridge High School. Students will travel by bus after lunch and return during 7th period.
There are currently 40 colleges attending the fair and the list will continue to grow. 4 year colleges, 2 year colleges, and certificate programs will all be represented. This is a great opportunity for juniors to see some of their college options and speak to admissions.
Jr. High Daily Assignment Agendas:
Check out our daily assignment agendas!
This is a live document that includes most assignments and upcoming tests and quizzes for core subjects. Click on the tab at the bottom of the sheet to view assignments for the given week. This can be a great tool to check in with your child about what is going on at school.
Jr. High Released Time
8th graders attend on Tuesdays, and 7th graders attend on Wednesdays.
8th Grade: Courses for High School Credit
The following classes are being taught for high school credit in the 8th grade: Spanish I, German I, Algebra I, Physical Education, and Preparing for College and Careers (Mrs. Dilger’s section ONLY).
Students will receive high school credit for these classes, and the semester grade will also be included on the student’s high school transcript.
Taking courses for high school credit is a great opportunity for our students, however; students need to make sure they are doing their best as they begin earning grades that will be reflected on their transcripts.
7th Grade Crisis Connection Presentations
Crisis Connection will be presenting to our 7th graders on September 19th and 20th using the Teen Safety Matters® program. Teen Safety Matters is a program that educates and empowers teens with information and strategies to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to bullying, cyberbullying, all types of abuse, relationship abuse, digital dangers, and human trafficking. Please reach out to Mrs. Fleck if you have any questions.
Sport Schedule
- Varsity Football vs Mount Vernon 7:30 pm
- Coed Varsity CC at Trinity 7:30 am
- Varsity Volleyball at Perry Central (Frosh Tourney) 8:30am
- Girls Varsity Soccer vs Washington High School 10:00 am
- Boys Varsity Soccer at Boonville High School 10:00 am
- Girls Varsity Golf (Sectional) at Buffalo Trace Golf Course 10:00 am
- Boys Jr High Soccer at South Spencer 10:00 am
- Girls Jr High Soccer at South Spencer 12:00 pm
- Girls Varsity Soccer at South Spencer 6:00 pm
- Coed Middle School CC at Northeast Dubois 6:00 pm
- Girls Jr High Soccer vs Southridge 6:00 pm
- Boys Jr High Soccer vs Pike Central 6:00 pm
- JV Football vs Mount Vernon HS 6:30 pm
- Jr High Volleyball vs Fort Branch Community School 6:30 pm
- Boys Varsity Soccer at South Spencer High School 7:45
- Boys Varsity Tennis at Washington High School 5:15 pm
- Boys Varsity Soccer at Providence High School 6:00 pm
- JV/V Volleyball vs Perry Central 6:30 pm
- JV Volleyball vs Washington High School 6:00 pm
- Girls Jr High Soccer vs Jasper 6:00 pm
- Boys Varsity Soccer vs Evansville North 6:00 pm
- Varsity Volleyball vs Washington 6:00 pm
- Boys Jr High Soccer at Jasper 7:30 pm
- Varsity Football at South Spencer 7:30 pm
Sports Meeting
- FPGB will meet in the Jr High Gym during homeroom.
All Sports Pass
Forest Park All-Sports Passes are for sale on the Forest Park Athletics website. Please visit gorangersathletics.com and select "MORE" from the dropdown menu to access the link to purchase. Thank you for your support and Go Rangers!
Football Homecoming
Calling All Clubs
Upcoming Meetings:
- Junior High Spell Bowl will meet every Friday in the 8th Grade English room during homeroom. Competition is Wednesday, Nov. 6th.
- SADD will meet Sept. 25th in the old gym during homeroom. Please bring dues to the meeting if you have not paid.
- Community Impact will have a paper pick up Oct 10th.
High School Spell Bowl
Sign ups are closed, but for those who signed up, practices will be on September 25, October 9, and October 30 during study or before school at 7:40 for those who cannot make it. The area competition will be the night of November 4.
SADD members, please remember to pay your 3 dollar dues to Mrs. Bartley before the next meeting. Also, if any high school student still wishes to join, please contact Mrs. Bartley. We welcome anyone!
Jr High Student Council
Student Spirit Night was a success! With the volleyball players, we had about 70 students in attendance! Wow! Thanks to our Student Council for planning the night and taking a lead in showing school spirit!
Jr. High Student Council is joining forces with High School Student Council to show their support for one of our Southeast Dubois families, the Bryar Rahman family. High School Student Council will be having a bake sale on September 25 during the Powder Puff game. A part of the proceeds from the bake sale will be donated to the Bryar Rahman family. Jr. High Student Council members can bring in baked goods (individually wrapped) and drop them off in Ms. Hawkin’s room on September 23, 24, or 25 for the bake sale. Thanks to those in advance who are able to help out!
We have started planning for our fall dance on Thursday, October 24 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in the high school cafeteria. Jr. High Student Council members will be expected to attend and help clean up after the dance. We are planning a Halloween themed dance with a costume contest. More details on the dance will be coming!
FP Choir
Senior Picture Information for Yearbook
If you have not had your senior child schedule an appointment for his/her senior portrait, you need to consider doing this right away. Although we do not need the photos until January 30, we advise you to schedule a date with a photographer so that your order is completed by the due date. Early October is the absolute latest you would want to schedule an appointment. When choosing an appropriate pose for the yearbook, please select a pose/portrait that is head and shoulders only, or appropriate attire for a professional photo. Also, make sure that the photo of choice meets the school dress code. You or your senior can bring the photo to Mrs. Howard or it can also be e-mailed to natalie.howard@sedubois.k12.in.us from you or the photographer. Vertical photos are best.
Anyone who did not purchase a 2024 high school yearbook and would like to can now purchase one for $50.00. Please make a check payable to Forest Park Yearbook (or cash is accepted) and see Mrs. Howard to pay and pick it up.
Dear families,
We are going to Ireland on an agricultural tour in the Summer of 2025 and you’re invited to join us! We have limited spots remaining, you can view our full itinerary and enroll on tour at www.eftours.com/2678264FD.
Prior to enrollment, please view the Parent Guide to Travel from EF Educational Tours, our travel partner. This guide covers all the details about EF, including options for academic credit, payments plans and what to expect on tour. Additionally, once you enroll, you will have access to your individual fundraising page and will be able to apply for EF’s Global Citizen Scholarship.
Still have questions? EF's Traveler Support Team can help through their online chat at https://www.eftours.com/contact-us or by phone at 800-665-5364. And if your student has friends who have not signed up yet, feel free to pass this message along to their families too.
Thanks everyone!
Annette Applegate
P.S. Check out this video to learn what parents & guardians like you thought about their own children's EF tour experiences.
What is Hispanic Heritage Month?
National Hispanic Heritage Month is annually celebrated from September 15 to October 15 in the United States for recognizing the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States.
Famous Hispanic Americans
Sonia Sotomayor - (Supreme Court Justice)
- America Ferrera (Actress)
- Ellen Ochoa (Astronaut)
- Ronald Acuña Jr (Baseball Player - Atlanta Braves)
Ranger Closet
* Please reach out to anyone in the office or administration if your student is in need of something, we would love to help out.
* Also, we are always in need of socks, underwear, hygiene products for the guidance office, if you are able to donate or send a monetary denotation we would greatly appreciate. If you send a monetary donation please send in an envelope labeled FACS Club.
We are very appreciative for Mrs. Widolff and FACS club for organizing all of this.
Help Desk
Breakfast- $1.80 Lunch/Salad Bar- $2.75
Wanted đźš©
- Rosie’s Tavern is looking for someone 13-18 years old. Jobs can vary from dishwasher, table bussing, frying, answering phones etc. Friday and Saturday evenings. Please call 812-326-2201 and speak to Savannah.
- Touch of Class in Huntingburg has part time positions available in our sales and customer service call center. Call center agents work to assist customers who are wanting to place an order. Computer and typing skills are required. The call center operates 7 days per week and hours are flexible. You can request an application or submit a resume by emailing resume@touchofclass.com.
Christ the King HS Religion
Christ the King high school religion would like to encourage their small religion groups to attend/participate in the Powder Puff tournament on Wednesday, September 25th so we will not be meeting at the Spiritual Life Center, but at the football field.
Community Compass
NEW: Learning Lab Parent and Family Support Hub
The Parent and Family Support Hub in the Indiana Learning Lab features resources to support parents and families of students from birth through high school. Schools are invited to send this new informational flyer to their community. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions.
- Students & family are invited to our Annual Dot Day on Monday, September 16. Based on the book, “The Dot”; we’ll have our Programming Room filled with all sorts of activities to promote healthy relationships, creativity, confidence and growth!
- Ferdinand Library will have free pizza available in our Community Room after school on Monday
For information about your child's bus route, please contact Ryan Haas at ryan.haas@sedubois.k12.in.us.