Spartan Spotlight
February 2025
Osterman (2000) reviewed research related to a sense of belonging for students within a school community to seek understanding of the following three wonders:
1. Is the sense of belonging important in an educational setting?
2. Do students currently experience themselves as members of a community?
3. How do schools influence students' sense of community?
While a lot of factors contribute to a students’ sense of belonging within a school community, “students who experience acceptance are more highly motivated and engaged in learning and more committed to school” (p. 359).
So, how does one experience acceptance at school? I invite you as a student, parent, or staff member to ponder this question… Personally, I believe we all feel acceptance differently as our personalities, needs, and values vary but respect is at the root of feeling accepted.
Respect and Responsibility are the two focus areas at Fargo North High School this school year. Two strategies have been implemented to facilitate learning and growth in these areas:
1. Quarterly Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Lessons
2. Guidelines for Success
Quarterly SEL Lessons
Throughout the school year, during their period 2 class, students are engaging in four quarterly SEL lessons focused on respect and responsibility. There are two teams committed to creating and implementing impactful lessons: the Student School Improvement Planning Team and the Staff School Improvement Planning Team. By analyzing data, such as the culture and climate survey, these teams have focused on lessons related to respectful behavior within public or communal areas: hallways, commons, and bathrooms. These teams will continue to help students grasp how they can be agents of change and be empowered to make Fargo North an even greater community for all.
Guidelines for Success
At the start of the school year, departments worked together to create Guidelines for Success for both Responsibility and Respect. Teachers have been intentional on teaching their students what behaviors would reflect being responsible and respectful within that classroom environment. During three points in Semester One, teachers indicated whether a student was Consistently (“C”), Inconsistently (“I”), or Rarely (“R”) meeting those guidelines for success.
Two questions for you:
1. What percent of students exhibited consistent respectful behaviors in class?
2. What percent of student exhibited consistent responsible behaviors in class?
Here is the data, which is cumulative from all three checkpoints into one final percentage:
December 12
- C - 9909 - 0.93
- I - 0679 - 0.06
- R - 0110 - 0.01
Totals - 10698
December 12
- C - 10994 - 0.82
- I - 01944 - 0.14
- R - 00512 - 0.04
Totals - 13450
1. What percent of students exhibited consistent respectful behaviors in class?
a. 93% of students
2. What percent of student exhibited consistent responsible behaviors in class?
a. 82% of students
I don’t know about you, but I am very proud of our students for demonstrating consistent respectful behaviors at a rate of 93% in classrooms! A focus on respect in communal spaces will continue for the final two quarter lessons, along with demonstrating responsibility as a learner.
As a family, we invite you to visit about these topics around your dinner table or in the car. Please celebrate the good work your student is doing at school as these respectful behaviors will help create an even more accepting and tight-knit Spartan Community!
Dr. Andres
Joshua Andres, Ed.D.
Assistant Principal
Osterman, K. F. (2000). Students’ Need for Belonging in the School Community. Review of Educational Research, 70(3), 323-367.
Local high schools (North, South, and Davies) competed in the 2024 Swept Away Robotics Competition, held at South High School.
North High School brought nine teams to the tournament with 21 teams competing in total. North’s Jefferson Siebels and Alexander Sateren were undefeated through all rounds of competition, winning the championship, and bringing the traveling trophy back for the sixth consecutive time.
Swept Away is a head-to-head challenge that is played on an 8 ft x 8 ft field which is divided in half by a 12” tall wall. One robot is placed on each side of the field with twelve small foam soccer balls and six foam footballs. The object of the game is to get as many balls onto the opponent’s side of the field as possible during a two-minute match.
Congratulations to Elsa Ruth Pryor, the winner of the FMAYS Founders Concerto Competition! She will be soloing with the FM Youth Symphony, performing the first movement of Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 5 in A Major.
One Act Festival
The One Act Festival saw about 170 kids from North, South, Davies, and West Fargo, share their one-act plays, compete in individual events, attend workshops taught by professionals, and, basically, just have a blast.
The students represented North very well and were super positive. Congratulations to the following students:
- 1st Place Duet Musical Theatre – Ame Zosel
- 2nd Place Duet Musical Theatre – Josiah Gillen & Seth LaMont
- 2nd Place Duo Scene – Jade Moen and Marin Moen
- 2nd Place Dance Solo – Larissa Lahaise
- 3rd Place Dance Solo – Ame Zosel
- 2nd Place Set Design – Isabella Meyer and Morgan Keal
- 3rd Place Set Design – Syd Gibney
- 3rd Place Hair and Make-Up Design – Benji Trumbo and Ame Zosel
- 2nd Place Costume Design – Blaise Balas
- 1st Place Tech (Team Event - three-time defending champions) – Katherine Briggs, Morgan Keal, Jayden Medler, Reese Rasmussen, and Autumn Momsen
- Outstanding Acting Performace for One Act Play– Eleanor Iversen and Ame Zosel
Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
Congratulations to North High School Math Teacher Sarah Volk on receiving the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching! Volk will receive a certificate signed by President Joe Biden and a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation.
The PAEMST program, administered by the National Science Foundation on behalf of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, recognizes outstanding teachers for their contributions to the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Spartan Mentor Program
Members of the Spartan Leadership Academy Mentor Program celebrated the completion of the program for the first semester with a pizza party. During the program, the group of 11th graders from North High connected with 8th graders from Ben Franklin with the intention of forming relationships, building a connection to their feeder school, and easing the younger students' transition to high school next year.
Congratulations to Drew Burris! He was elected as the 2024-25 ND Association of Student Councils Vice President!
Congratulations to the students below on their World & US National History Day projects that were acknowledged by their peers. Students worked on these research projects for a semester! Students have the opportunity to move forward with the National History Day competition.
Early Out
For the 2024-2025 school year, Fargo Public Schools (FPS) will have “early release” school days for students. On these days, students will be dismissed two hours early at each building. The early dismissal will allow our teaching staff to gather in an extended Professional Learning Community (PLC).
During these early release days, our teachers will be focusing on analyzing student data, setting goals for student learning, and reviewing and planning research-based instructional strategies for students who need support and those who need enrichment. Teachers will collaborate with grade or content-level peers to review, reflect, and learn from each other in meeting students' needs.
We understand that early release days may cause some inconvenience for parents and guardians, but this is an important step towards improving our teaching practices and ultimately benefiting our students' learning outcomes. We appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.
The dates of the early outs are:
Friday, February 14
Friday, March 14
Fargo North’s Bell Schedule for these days is linked below
Summer School Registration
Summer School registration is open.
- Session 1 is June 10 - July 2
- Session 2 is July 7 - 29
- Classes are M-Th and Friday is virtual asynchronous student work days (PE runs both sessions)
Trollwood Mainstage Musical - Mamma Mia!
Trollwood Performing Arts School's 2024 Mainstage Musical is Mamma Mia! Performances are set for July 22-26 and July 28-August 2 at Bluestem Center for the Arts. Visit trollwood.org for more information. Group ticket sales, for groups of 10 or more, are on sale now, and regular tickets will be on sale in May.
Cast auditions will be held February 22-26. Orchestra auditions will be held in March. Students may sign up for an audition slot by calling 218.477.6500 or emailing trollwood@fargo.k12.nd.us. Students may also participate as a run crew member or technician by registering for summer programming.
Trollwood Summer Registration
Light up your summer! Spark your creativity, radiate confidence, and focus the spotlight on you at Trollwood Performing Arts School this summer with performing arts classes and performance opportunities for students currently in Grades K-12. Trollwood summer registration is now open.
Trollwood offers a full array of classes, performing opportunities, and technical theater experiences for every skill level, from elementary to middle school to high school. Learn more about Trollwood's summer programming in this special edition of SchoolTalk.
The next PTSA meeting is Monday, February 3rd at 5:30 pm in room 102. Please join us to help plan more ways to show support to our amazing teachers, staff, and students at North!
Follow us to learn more about the PTSA and ways to get involved:
Spartan Booster Club
The North High Booster Board is a group of North High parents who raise money to help support all North High activities. The Board’s funding guidelines state that money should be spent in ways that will benefit the greatest number of North High students.
To become a member please visit the Booster Club website or complete this form. Payment can also be made online through SchoolPay.
Kindergarten Registration is Open
Going to kindergarten is important for children. It helps them build upon all the learning that they have done so far. In kindergarten, children will learn skills they will build on throughout their formal education and throughout life. It is important to register early to allow FPS enough time to plan ahead for the school year to give students the best experience possible.
Kindergarten Registration for Fargo Public Schools is opens. If your child turns 5 by July 31, 2025, they are eligible to attend school in the fall. Visit FPS kindergarten registration webpage to learn more about the registration process.
Community Friends Preschool Program
Fargo Public Schools' Early Childhood Special Education program is seeking Community Friends to join its preschool classrooms. Community Friends are typically developing peers who will join the ECSE classrooms alongside the students with developmental delays or disabilities. Students must be 4 years old by July 31 and pass a developmental screening to be eligible for the program. The program is free of charge for families, but parents must provide transportation. The ECSE sessions are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Click here to apply for the ECSE Community Friends program.
Activity Information
Spring Sports Start Dates
The NDHSAA has outlined the starting dates for spring activities. Please check out the following information and contact the coach if you have any questions or concerns.
- Track: February 24 - Keith Lehman - lehmank@fargo.k12.nd.us or 701-446-2764/Gary Mailloux - maillga@fargo.k12.nd.us or 701-730-8194
- Baseball: March 17 - Nate Walsh - walshn@fargo.k12.nd.us or 701-446-2766
- Softball: March 17 -Taylor Ludlum - ludlumt@fargo.k12.nd.us or 701-446-2958
- Girls Soccer: March 24 - Matthew Nemer - matthewnemer6@gmail.com or 701-630-4622
- Girls Tennis: March 31 - Steve Saville - savills@fargo.k12.nd.us or 701-446-3736
- Boys Golf: April 7 - Mike Dobberstein - dobberm@fargo.k12.nd.us or 701-446-2462
Fee Waivers
If a student is unable to participate in an activity requiring a fee, waivers or other resources are often available to assist. Please complete waiver before first game/activity. The typical guideline used for eligibility is qualifying for free or reduced lunch. Students are encouraged to visit with their counselor if they may qualify or need any assistance.
Summer Athletics
Please use the links below to register and pay for for North High summer athletic programs.
Want to Play College Sports?
Creating an account is the first step towards becoming an NCAA student-athlete or NAIA student athlete. For more information and to learn about the process visit the North High Activities website.
Activities at North
This booklet is a compilation of clubs & activities available to students of North High School. In addition to the information found within this booklet, special announcements will be made throughout the school year giving students updates and other opportunities as they become
available. Please check out all the opportunities available to North students.
NDHSAA Behavior Expectations
Purpose: To elevate standards of Good Sportsmanship and to encourage the growth of responsible citizenship among the students, member schools and their personnel.
- Respect the American flag and the National Anthem.
- Contesting schools shall each have an authorized faculty representative present who shall be responsible for his/her school’s participants, students, and fans throughout the contest.
- Spectators must wear clothing that covers the entire torso. Those who do not comply or who wear clothing that is vulgar, obscene or that in some other way inappropriate, as determined by school/tournament personnel, will be removed from the facility if they do not cooperate with this behavior expectation.
- The use of appropriate language is expected at all times. Profanity, negative chants, trash talk, name-calling, personal attacks or other acts of disrespect are unacceptable and must be immediately addressed by school/tournament administrators. Any discriminatory slur will result in immediate removal from the facility.
- Any attendee ejected from a NDHSAA tournament venue will be banned from the venue(s) for the remainder of the event.
- Respect the game/contest. Under no condition shall anyone other than the members of the official squad enter the playing surface. No one may interfere with the contest in any way.
- Hand held signs and flags, which do not obstruct the view of others, are permitted provided they are in good taste. Signs or other similar items contest/tournament officials deem to be in poor taste will be removed. Message or “white” boards are prohibited. The carrying of flags around the playing surface is NOT allowed.
- Artificial noisemakers of any kind (i.e. megaphones, cowbells, sirens, whistles, thunder sticks, and other similar items) are not allowed at any indoor events, including outdoor sports played at indoor venues. Exception – Megaphones appropriately used by cheerleaders are permitted if allowed by contest officials.
- Laser lights or any other lights deemed distracting to participants are strictly prohibited.
- Confetti is banned at all NDHSAA tournament venues. Tournament staff is instructed to confiscate such articles at the door.
- Objects shall not be thrown into the stands at any NDHSAA tournament venue.
- The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, is prohibited for any persons at NDHSAA tournament venues.
- Any attendee ejected from a regular season or NDHSAA tournament contest will incur a minimum three (3) game/event suspension from that team’s games/events and all other NDHSAA games/events in the interim at any level of competition. If the ejection occurs with fewer than three (3) games/events remaining in the team’s season, the suspension will carry over to the school’s sports season which immediately follows. An attendee ejected for a second time during a school year shall be suspended for a minimum of one (1) calendar year from all NDHSAA regular and postseason events. NDHSAA member schools may increase these minimum penalties at their discretion.
EDC Sportsmanship
When you are attending activities in our main gym, you will notice the banner hanging on the west side of the gym. The banner was provided by the Eastern Dakota Conference to promote good sportsmanship by spectators. We take great pride in positively supporting all athletes, coaches, and officials at all of our events. This banner further supports the Spartan expectations. Look for the banner at North High and at all other EDC schools as well.
North Online School Store
If you would like to order North apparel/items please check out the online school store. You have the ability to design/personalize these items. Items ordered will be shipped to the address you provide.
Sporting Activity Programs
New this year sporting activity programs will be available via a QR code. Please look for the QR code at the next activity you attend.
rSchool Today—”Notify Me”
North’s calendar software has an awesome feature where the parents can sign up to be notified of any changes made to athletic schedules. Once on the North High home page, open the calendar by clicking on the “North Online Calendar” link. Click on the Notify Me link. Follow the instructions to be reminded of events &/or to be notified of any changes via email or text message. It is a great tool to keep everybody “in the know.”
Mental Health Support
Unlock Unlimited Mental Health Support
Fargo Public Schools is excited to introduce you to the Mental Health Series Platform from ParentGuidance.org, a powerful new resource designed to support your family’s mental health and well-being. Experts agree that your involvement is important in your child's success. When caregivers have helpful tools, it benefits children, strengthens families, and contributes to a thriving community.
This platform was developed to reach caregivers like you, ensuring you have access to valuable tools to help you and your children thrive, with resources that meet your needs and match your demanding schedule. Here’s how it can help you:
On-Demand Resources: Access pre-recorded sessions, insightful articles, and actionable steps at your convenience—anytime, anywhere.
Live Webinars: Join interactive webinars hosted by professionals, with hundreds of sessions available annually, including 16 topics each month. Sessions are offered in English and Spanish, with anonymous participation for a safe and comfortable experience. September’s live webinar series is available on the next page.
Ask a Therapist Live: Once a month, you can connect with a licensed family therapist to get real-time answers to your questions, all from the comfort of your home.
How It Works
The platform is user-friendly and optimized for your convenience:
Explore Topics that Matter to You: Whether you're interested in managing anxiety, understanding social media use, or building resilience, our comprehensive catalog has you covered.
Choose How You Engage: Whether you prefer a quick overview or an in-depth session, the choice is yours. Resources are available in multiple formats to suit your needs.
We believe this platform will empower you to make a lasting impact on your family’s well-being.
You can start by visiting https://parentguidance.org/mhsindex to explore these valuable resources right away. You’ll have instant access to the full catalog of support materials, available whenever and wherever you need them.
Thank you for your commitment to your family’s mental health. We’re here to support you every step of the way.
Ask A Therapist LIVE Event
There is an Ask a Therapist LIVE event on February 19th, which is part of our Mental Health Series platform. This event takes place once per month and offers a unique opportunity for parents to engage directly with a licensed family therapist. Parents can ask questions anonymously and receive personalized answers in real time.
Counseling Office
2025-2026 Course Registration
Each year, students and families have the opportunity to review, discuss and revise their 4-year academic plan for graduation. Students or parents/guardians can request a meeting with their school counselor. Course selection and registration for the 2025-2026 school year begins in January. During the registration process, students will review their graduation requirements and course offerings and revise their 4-year graduation plan. Students are encouraged to discuss their choices with their families, teachers, case managers and counselors. If you or your student would like to schedule additional time with a counselor to review his/her graduation plan and course choices, please call 446-2412.
Summer School: Registration will be open February 3rd for summer school courses. Families are responsible for registering their students for classes. You can find the registration link on the Fargo Public School website.
Four Year Academic Plans
Parents/guardians and students can request to meet with a school counselor annually to review, discuss, and revise four-year academic plans for graduation. Families can call the North High counseling office, 446-2412, for an appointment, or students can come to the counseling office to set up a time. FPS school counselors visit classrooms several times during grades 8-12, to develop and revise academic plans. Each year at FNH, students update their 4-year plan during course registration.
The first visit occurs during the spring of 8th grade, when all students create their first high school four-year academic plan in the computer program called RUReadyND. After that, students are encouraged to maintain and update the data in their plans.
During registration class visits, students in grades 9-11 are given the resources to count credits, rework their academic plans and establish course work for the following year. During this class visit, students meet individually with their counselors.
One final credit count and review of the academic plan is completed in the fall of 12th grade.
Whenever a student or parent/guardian initiates an inquiry about credits earned, graduation status, or course selection, counselors are eager to discuss academic planning options.
ZAPS ACT Prep Seminar
Due to low enrollment Doorway to College has cancelled the Zapping the ACT seminar previously scheduled for February 1st. For other local options for these seminars visit: www.doorwaytocollege.org
WorkKeys Testing
There is one final opportunity for seniors to take the WorkKeys at North High. The test will be on Wednesday, February 26 at 8:15 am. The WorkKeys consists of three tests: Workplace Documents, Applied Math and Graphic Literacy. A score of at least 5 on each of the three tests can help students qualify for the ND Scholarship.
The total cost to take the WorkKeys is $40.50. Please see the email sent from Tracy Cramer to register for the WorkKeys and for payment information. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tracy Cramer, Career Advisor
Free ACT Test Prep for Juniors
TestNav has free practice tests available at home.testnav.com.
The practice tests include tutorials to become familiar with the platform.
To access the practice test, go to: TestNav (icon on students desktop) OR, home.testnav.com. Click on “The ACT” and then click “Practice Tests.” Students do not need to log in to take the practice tests.
If you have any questions about ACT practice tests, please reach out to Tracy Cramer at cramert@fargo.k12.nd.us or 701.446.2413.
This spring we have started a new Lunch & Learn Series called PLAN - Prepare for Life After North. This is an opportunity for students to learn about different topics to help them plan for their future. Students are welcome to attend any sessions that are of interest to them.
Each session will be offered during all three lunches and will consist of a 15-minute presentation/Q&A. Start times for the presentations: Lunch 1 – 11:25am, Lunch 2 – 12:15pm, or Lunch 3 – 1:05pm. All PLAN sessions will be in Room 102. Grab your lunch and bring it with you or come during your open period. No need to sign up. All students are welcome to attend.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Tracy Cramer, Career Advisor.
ACT/SAT Exam Schedule
The ACT and SAT are college entrance tests that maybe required by 4-year colleges. Students should check with the specific school they plan to apply to for the test needed. These tests are generally taken during the latter part of a student’s junior year and during their senior year.
If your student qualifies for free/reduced lunch and financial assistance is needed, please see your school counselor for a fee waiver.
Register on the websites for the tests at: www.actstudent.org & www.collegeboard.com.
Below are the following test dates and registration deadlines:
ACT Exam Schedule
North High School Code: 350-568
ACT Basic Fee: $69.00 ACT Plus Writing Fee: $94.00
Late Registration Additional Fee: $38.00
SAT Exam Schedule
North High School Code: 350-568
SAT Fee $68.00
Late Registration Additional Fee: $34.00
The ASVAB test will be held at North High on Wednesday, April 9 for all juniors. Seniors can also retake the ASVAB on this day. A registration form will be sent to seniors in March. A score of 31 or greater can help students be Choice Ready. A score of 50 or greater can help students qualify for the ND Scholarship.
2024-25 AP Exams
Students and families who have questions about Advanced Placement classes should contact their AP teachers.
If there are questions or concerns with exam administration please contact Karen Moore moorek@fargo.k12.nd.us / 701-446-1053 or Kim Rensch renschk@fargo.k12.nd.us / 701-446-1160.
ND Scholars Program
The North Dakota Scholars Program is a merit-based scholarship that provides scholarships to North Dakota’s best and brightest high school graduates. The scholarship is a full tuition scholarship for students attending North Dakota’s public and tribal colleges and a tuition scholarship equal to public tuition for students attending North Dakota’s private institutions. Use this link or more information on the scholarship programs.
Scholarships for Seniors
Seniors should check out the 2024-2025 Scholarship Opportunities Canvas course for potential scholarship opportunities. In addition to the Canvas course, the same scholarships are listed on the Fargo North High School Counseling Center website. See Mrs. Cramer in the Counseling and Career Center for more information.
North Dakota Scholarship
This is an opportunity for a $6,000 Scholarship and is aimed at retaining college students in North Dakota. This scholarship may be used for any North Dakota college or university; any 2-year technical school; or used towards expenses at a welding or hair salon school. The $6,000 is distributed over four years ($750/semester). Click here for more information. Students can view their current progress toward the North Dakota Scholarship in PowerSchool. The easiest way to apply is in PowerSchool in the ND Education Portal which can be found in Applications (top-right corner of PowerSchool). You can also apply using this link. If you apply through this link, you will need to create an account. Deadline to apply is June 6, 2025.
If you qualify for the scholarship, students who plan to attend an out-of-state college or university are still encouraged to apply before the deadline. Students may defer the scholarship and use it for up to six years after high school graduation. It could be used if you transfer back or attend graduate school in North Dakota, provided all eligibility criteria are met.
Rape and Abuse Crisis Center
North High is happy to have the services from the Rape and Abuse Crisis Center in our school. Counseling services are available for student who have been affected by domestic violence, dating violence, or sexual assault/abuse. These services will be provided licensed counselor, Madison Janske from Rape and Abuse. If you would like more information about services, please contact your school counselor for a referral.
Repeated Information
When our winter weather hits, Fargo Public Schools maintains close communication with officials of the U.S. Weather Service, local government, and neighboring school districts in order to make decisions regarding inclement weather and other emergency situations that are in the best interest of the safety of our students, staff and parents. The decision to hold classes is based on the general weather conditions which exist for the majority of Fargo students.
If school is in session, and a parent decides that a student should remain at home due to weather conditions, that decision will be respected by the school. Parents should use their own judgment in determining if the weather is suitable for their children to make the journey to school. It is always up to parents to make the final decision about whether or not to send their student to school if they believe weather conditions present a safety issue. The absence for the day would be considered an excused absence.
If school is called off, parents will be contacted via the automated phone, email and text system based on the contact information supplied to the school office(s). Parents are encouraged to update contact information with the school on a regular basis so we have up to date contact information. This can be done through PowerSchool or by calling the school office. School cancellation information will also be broadcasted via local media, and will be posted across our website and social media sites (Facebook and Twitter).
If weather or a situation develops during the day, and it is determined that an early dismissal is in the best interest of the students, parents will be contacted via the automated phone, email and text system based on the contact information supplied to the school office(s). Parents are encouraged to update contact information with the school on a regular basis so we have up to date contact information. This can be done through PowerSchool or by calling the school office. School closure information will also be broadcasted via local media, and the information will be posted on our website and social media sites (Facebook and Twitter).
For more information please see the school cancellation process on the Fargo Public Schools website.
Opt-In to Receive Text Messages from Our School
Fargo Public Schools has changed to a new mass communication system for the 2024-25 school year called BrightArrow Mass Communication. Through BrightArrow, FPS will send emails, phone calls and text messages to staff and families to keep them updated on school happenings, emergency situations, and school cancelations.
Please opt-in to receive text messages from Fargo Public Schools. FPS has switched to a new mass communication system for the 2024-25 school year and you MUST opt-in to receive text messages from FPS. If you do not opt-in, you could miss important information from our school or the District. You can opt-in at any time by texting the word “YES” to 79041.
UPDATE for previous E-Alert users. We have a new mass communication system call BrightArrow. If you were previously signed up to recieve newletters etc you will need to go to E-Alerts, enter the email address used and click on the Existing Account button. BrightArrow will then send an email with a link. By clicking on that link, you can update your contact types, phone numbers, and content preferences, as well as view all previous messages.
See instruction for existing users, or setting up a new account.
Stay Connected!
Fargo North has several helpful links that can be found on our webpage at https://north.fargo.k12.nd.us/.
You will find links for:
· Newsletters
· School Calendars
· Daily Announcements
· PowerSchool & SchoolPay Logins
· Student Handbook
· School Menus
· District Forms
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact our school office at 701-446-2400.
Student Parking
Student parking is available in our south and northwest lots. A parking permit is required to park in these lots. The replacement cost for a lost parking sticker is $5. Parking permits purchased online can be picked up during registration at the bookkeeping window in the main office.
Students are allowed to park without a permit if they park in the Coliseum lot closest to 17th Avenue.
$40 - Whole Year
$30 - Starting November 1st
$20 - Starting 2nd Semester
$10 - Starting March 25th
Building personal will issue tickets to those who park illegally, park in staff reserved parking areas or our visitor parking lot. Signage is posted in all lots. Permits are to be placed on the vehicles back window, driver’s side only.
- If you have a valid parking pass and drive a different vehicle on a given day, the other vehicle must be registered at the securtiy check-in desk to avoid any ticket.
- Disputed tickets should be brought to the Main Office.
The 2023-2024 yearbooks are still available for those who purchased them. Students must have paid for a yearbook prior to the end of this past school year. Graduated seniors/current students are able to pick up yearbooks in the main office.
Students can purchase a copy of the 2024-2025 yearbook for $60. The “Laconian” is a full-color book with memorable stories, eye-catching photos, and cutting-edge graphics
Letter Jackets
Tom Glynn, ia our MECA Sales Representative, for letter jackets. Please review this order form for pricing. His contact information is: 651-341-2840 or email tglynn@mecasportswear.com.
Senior Cap and Gown Information
Seniors had the opportunity to connect with Tom Babcock, our Jostens Representative. Packets are available for pick up in the main office.
Cap, Gown and Tassel
Please access this link to place your order for Cap, Gown and Tassel
The priority deadline has past, however cap, gown and tassel may still be ordered. All Cap, Gown and Tassel orders will be shipped to the school and distributed to students.
If finances are a barrier for obtaining a Cap, Gown or Tassel please let a school counselor or principal know and we will make sure that we help get the situation resolved.
Other Items
Also, Jostens has many other items available for Seniors (ex: clothing, grad announcements, thank you cards, class rings, etc). If you would like to view those items please feel free to using this link. These items will be shipped to your home.
Senior Pictures
Senior pictures should be emailed to our yearbook adviser at fnhyearbook@fargoschools.org. Pictures are due by April 1, 2025. A $10.00 late fee will be accessed on pictures turned in after that date. No pictures will be accepted after May 1, 2025.
Any senior photos submitted to the Laconian yearbook committee must meet the following regulations:
- Vertical orientation.
- 300 resolution (required for digital photos).
- In accordance with the school district’s weapons policy (Policy 5355), no weapons of any kind.
- Must follow school dress code with the exception of school issued uniforms.
- Domesticated house pets are allowed.
- Only single-subject photos.
- No accessories or props condoning or promoting illegal activity.
- Deadline for senior photos must be met.
Yearbook editors have the right to refuse any pictures deemed inappropriate. Students will be asked to provide another picture if requirements are not met or if picture is inappropriate.
Student IDs
- All students should have recieved their ID's.
- If students have not received their student ID they should stop in the main office.
The first ID is free. Should a student lose their ID they should come to the main office, there will be a $5.00 replacement charge.
Free/Low Cost Insurance
Is your child or another member of your family currently without health care coverage? If you would like information about any of the low-cost or free health coverage programs offered in your state please call toll-free: 1-877-KIDS NOW or 1-877-543-7669.
Updated Information
We would like to remind you to always keep your student’s information up-to-date! If anything changes during the course of the school year, you will need to log in to your parent/guardian PowerSchool account and make the updates. Should the school need to get in contact with you or your student has a medical related issue, we need to be able to reach you or your emergency contact you or your emergency contact.
After School Reminder
We ask that parents make transportation arrangements for students who don’t ride the bus or have their own transportation to be picked up as close to 3:50 p.m. as possible. We lock all doors to the locker bays and academic wings at 4:00 p.m. every day. After 4:00 p.m. students will not be allowed to enter these areas.
Students are asked to wait in the foyer doors to be picked up and not be hanging around in the building after 4:00 p.m. unless they are involved in an after school activity.
Bus Route Schedules
Fargo Public Schools 2024-2025 “Energy Saver” bus route schedules are available on the Fargo Publics schools transportation website. Student busing information will be mailed to families.
Lunch Accounts
Students are offered a daily breakfast and lunch meal provided through the USDA’s National School Lunch Program.
Students must have the funds available at the time of purchase either in their lunch account or in cash. Funds can be added to the student’s lunch account on-line through PowerSchool or by placing a check in the box located outside the kitchen.
- Breakfast meals are $1.85
- Lunch meals are $2.95
- Adult breakfast meals are $2.75
- Adult lunch meals are $4.00
- Milk may be purchased for $.45 per 8 oz carton.
Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application
Households may apply, on an annual basis, to qualify for either free or reduced-price school meals. The application is the Student Fees Assistance and Benefits Application. The preferred method for households is to complete and submit an on-line application at www.EZMealApp.com.
In addition to receiving free and reduced price meals, households can receive additional benefits including:
- Waived band rentals, activity fees, exam fees, and others
- Increase funding to the district for educational programs through Title 1 funding, foundation aid, e-rate for technology grants, and others
If you need assistance please visit the Nutrition Services website or call 701-446-1152.
Students, who bring their lunches, as well as those who use the cafeteria facilities, will eat in the commons. Since two-thirds of the school remains in session during lunch, students should remain in the Commons until class time and should not go into the academic hallways. Students are requested to keep the eating areas clean. Throw all trash in the proper containers.
Students are expected to be in their classes every day, except in the case of illness, school related activities, family emergency, or religious observance. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their children are in school unless a valid reason for absence exists. The Attendance Office asks that a student’s absence be reported by 9:00 a.m. If a student is not accounted for they will be recorded as truant. Please review the attendance policies found in our on-line student handbook.
The Attendance Office may be reached by calling 446-2410 or 446-2411, emailing nhattendance@fargo.k12.nd.us or texting 701-446-8537.
Student Messages
During the school day we will call your student to the office for a message only in an emergency situation.
We ask that you please communicate with your student any information they may need for the day, prior to coming to school. (Ex: transportation, appointments, lunch money, etc.) Thank you.
Students will not be allowed to receive any deliveries such as food, flowers, balloons, cookie bouquets, etc. Office or Attendance personnel will not accept such items on behalf of students.
Lockers will be equipped with a combination padlock loaned by the school. Lockers should be kept locked and in orderly condition. Lost or stolen locks will be paid for by the student to whom the lock has been loaned. The charge for a lost lock is $5.00.
Cell Phone Protocol
Students can use cell phones and electronic devices only in the commons, hallways, and locker bays. Upon entering the library or a classroom, all cell phones and all non-school issued electronic devices will be put away unless they are deemed to be educationally appropriate by the classroom teacher. If a student is asked to turn their cell phone over after being found to be in violation, they must comply or face the consequences of insubordination. Consequences/protocol will include the following:
1st Instance: The teacher will have the student place their cell phone/ear buds in a location determined by the teacher and they will be returned at the end of the period.
2nd Instance: The student will give their cell phone/earbuds to the teacher who will deliver the cell phone/earbuds to the office where it will be returned to the student at the end of the school day with parent/guardian notification by either teacher or administration.
3rd Instance: The student will give their cell phone/earbuds to the teacher who will deliver the cell phone/earbuds to the office where it will be returned to the student at the end of the school day with parent/guardian notification by administration. Administration will work with parents/guardians to develop an individual cell phone/earbuds plan.
Upward Bound
Important Contact Numbers
North High Main Office
Main Office - 446-2400
Travis Christensen, Principal - 446-2404
Joshua Andres, Assistant Principal - 446-2499
Amanda Quintus, Assistant Principal - 446-2406
Daniel Shultis, Asst. Prin./Activities Dir - 446-2407
Angela Bartsh, Activities Secretary - 446-2408
Louise Helm, Bookkeeper - 446-2409
Jessica Geir, Administrative Asst. - 446-2405
Stacey Bush - 446-2410
Wendy Peterson - 446-2411
Nikki Brandenburger, Registrar/Secretary - 446-2412
Terri Court - Seniors (A - F) Grades 9 -11 (A - E) - 446-2415
Mandy Orth Gibney - Seniors (G - K) Grades 9 -11 (F - KL) - 446-2416
Janelle Stahl Ladbury - Seniors (L - R) Grades 9 -11 (KM - Q) - 446-2414
Kate Evenson - Seniors (S - Z) Grades 9 -11 (R - Z) - 446-2417
Carly Gaddie, Communities in School Coordinator - 446-2456
Tracy Cramer, Career Resource Center - 446-2413
Officer Powell-Calhoun, SRO - 446-2631
Kayla Hiedeman, School Nurse - 446-2486
Chris Grunke - 446-2447
Jordan Wolf - 446-2447
Tammie Schaffer - 446-2517
Dates for Your Calendar
- February 14 - Early Out (2 hours)
- February 17 - Holiday Day - No School
- March 11 - P/T Conferences - 4:15 p.m.-8:15 p.m.
- March 14 - Early Out (2 hours)
- March 17 - 21 -Spring Holiday Break - No School
- April 5 - Prom
- April 9 - Junior ASVAB Test
- April 17 - Storm Makeup Day if needed - if not, vacation day - No School
- April 18 - Holiday Day - No School
- April 21 - Storm Makeup Day if needed - if not, vacation Day - No School
- May 26 - Memorial Day - No School
- June 5 - Last Day of Classes
- June 8 - North High Graduation - Noon @ FARGODOME
Fargo North High School
Travis Christensen, Principal - 446-2404
Joshua Andres, Asst. Principal - 446-2499
Amanda Quintus, Asst. Principal - 446-2406
Daniel Shultis, Asst. Principal/Activities Director - 446-2407
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/North
Location: 801 17th Avenue North, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-2400