Medical Lake School District News
~ Every Student, Every Day ~
Message from Kim
The Medical Lake School District is conducting an early learning needs assessment to determine the need for more early learning opportunities to better serve the birth to 5 year old children of our Medical Lake School District communities. We need your help. Please click on the QR code to complete a short survey. If you have friends or neighbors in the Medical Lake community who do not currently have school age children, but could benefit from from increased early learning opportunities please share the QR code with them.
Congratulations to Medical Lake School District's Nominee for Best of the West
We also want to take a moment to recognize and congratulate all of the nominees from each building and department. Your hard work, creativity, and commitment to our students make a significant difference every day. Your nomination is a testament to your exceptional work.
Honorable Mentions: Josue Hernandez~ Lead Custodian/Maintenance, High School; Carrie Fitch ~ Student Data, Technology; Keri Wissink ~ Speech Language Pathologist, District; Sam Schmidt ~ 5th Grade Teacher, Michael Anderson Elementary; Logan Stanley ~ 6th grade teacher, Middle School; Morris Owen ~ History/AP classes, High School;
Inclement Weather Information and Procedures
More information can be found at www.mlsd.org on the inclement weather tab.
Enrollment Options at MLSD
Did you know that the Medical Lake School District has alternative learning options? Connect+ is available for students and families seeking a learning experience outside the traditional school setting. It is open to students K-12. If interested in learning more about Connect+ please contact the Medical Lake School District Administration Office at (509) 565-3100 to request more information.
City of Medical Lake Youth Programs
The City of Medical Lake Parks and Recreation Department is continuing to build its youth programs offering, many team sports, fun activities, and events, as well as a Winter Break Camp and an After-School Program. For more information please visit www.medical-lake.org, follow the link parks & rec, youth & adult recreation.
Happy Thanksgiving Break ~ November 27 - 29
MLSD Wellness Center Laundry Facility
The Medical Lake School District Wellness Center Laundry Facility
- All laundry supplies, including detergents, fabric softener, dryer sheets, hangers, and stain remover, are provided.
- Access to an iron and ironing board is available.
- Priority for the laundry facility is given to students, families, and community members currently experiencing homelessness.
- Access to the laundry facility is by appointment.
- Simply call MLSD’s main office, at (509) 565-3100, and ask to schedule a time.
- When you arrive at the MLSD Wellness Center (317 N. Broad Street, Medical Lake, WA 99022), a staff member will greet you and show you to the laundry center.
Medical Lake School District Board of Directors
- Dr. Wendy Williams-Gilbert ~ School Board President and Legislative Representative
- Laura Parsons ~ School Board Vice President and District 10 Representative
- Ron Cooper ~ School Board Director and WIAA Representative
- Alexis Alexander ~ School Board Director
- Gerri Johnson ~ School Board Director