Anglo European School
Bulletin w/c 9th December 2024 - Week 2
Christmas in Departments
Many departments are getting into the festive spirit, Music is working hard on their performances for the Christmas Carol Concert, the Library helpers have been creative bringing the Christmas magic to books and words and the Computing department have designed their computing-themed Christmas tree.
Christmas Dinner Day
The Catering Department pulled out all the stops this week and created a fabulous Christmas dinner for the students to enjoy. At one point, the students enjoying their Christmas lunch were singing loudly to "Last Christmas" and could be heard across the playground! It was a fantastic atmosphere in the Canteen. A huge thank you to the Catering Team who served over 450 Christmas dinners in 2 hours!
Upper Sixth Students Guide Lower Sixth on Navigating Summer School and Work Experience, with Insights from Ernst & Young Foundation
Upper Sixth students gave a short presentation to Lower Sixth students to explain the process for completing summer school and work experience programmes. They shared their personal experiences and gave them advice on how to approach and navigate these opportunities themselves in the most beneficial way. They also invited a representative from Ernst & Young Foundation to talk through the existing programmes that they offer. For more information https://www.eyfoundation.com/en_uk
Due to a week of stock checking, Christmas celebrations and school events, there will be no study club on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th December. The last Study Club of the year will be Wednesday 18th December. Please make arrangements for students to travel home at 15.30 and 12.30 respectively on the final two days of school.
Thanks to the Library and Study Club staff for their continued dedication and support for our students before and after school hours and at lunchtimes. Hundreds of students have benefitted from this very special place this year.
Food Technology
Year 10 GCSE Food students were given an exciting challenge to create a nutritious fishcake dish that would not only appeal to young children but also be presented in a fun and imaginative way, encouraging healthy eating habits. The students put in a lot of effort, working hard on their creativity to design dishes that were both visually appealing and delicious, experimenting with different shapes, colours, and ingredients.
Year 11 have also been busy working on their first piece of coursework - delicious chocolate cakes! Each student also received their completed coursework loyalty cards with scented stickers (each sticker represented a section of work to complete to help them track progress). They have worked really hard and are looking forward to achieving their best during the upcoming Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs).
Sixth Form
Lower Sixth:
This week's Tutor Period saw the release of term one data. This is available to parents on Edulink. We celebrated some excellent predicted grades and Dr McDermott led a session on study planning and revision strategies. Students should speak to their class teacher and Curriculum Manager in the first instance if they have any questions or concerns.
Upper Sixth:
With PPEs taking place shortly after the Christmas holidays, students should now be finalising their study plans and should start to revise. We look forward to the Upper Sixth demonstrating their progress and experiencing exam conditions again, in preparation for the summer term final examinations. Students who are applying to university are also reminded that the final deadline to submit their application is Friday 20th December.
German Reunification Essay Competition
As part of our German Reunification Celebration earlier this year, students were invited to take part in an essay competition. This week we were pleased to welcome Mark Haigh, the Mayor of Brentwood, alongside Alison Fulcher, Tony Sleep and Jane Winter to present the prizes to the two best essays. Jonasz and Dominic were our two winners and the committee commented on the excellent content and structure of the two. The students took different slants, with Jonasz mixing in family anecdotes and Dominic including great detail on the historic nature of the events.
Are you interested in Civil Engineering?
Sixth Form students who are particularly curious or interested in a career in engineering are invited to take part in this exciting, yet challenging CityZen project. It will involve participating in a digital game which consists of 4 rounds tackling civil engineering challenges:
Round 1: Bridge building
Round 2: Park renovation
Round 3: Sustainable Housing
Round 4: Crisis Management
Mrs Abdulla will be holding sessions on Thursday Day 4 P4 and or Wednesday Day 8 P5 - please register with Mrs Abdulla or email stem981@aesessex.co.uk . The three teams with the most impressive ideas will also win prizes.
Bus Travel on 20th December
As you are aware, the school will be closing at 12.30pm on Friday 20th December for the Christmas break. However, please be aware that the 621 and NIBS 50 bus will continue to operate according to their regular timetables. As a result, parents/carers may need to make alternative arrangements for their children's transport home on that day.
Emergency School Closure Protocol
Closing a school is a significant decision and one that is not taken lightly and it is always done with a view to the safety and wellbeing of the students and staff. A decision is made by the Headteacher.
If the decision is made to close the school:
- Parents and staff are informed by email/Edulink
- Closure details will be posted on the school website - https://www.aesessex.co.uk/ and the school's social media platforms – Facebook/Instagram/X
If the school must close partway through the day:
- Parents and staff are informed by email/Edulink.
- We will be advised by our bus service providers whether it is necessary to collect children early and we will allow them to do so. They will contact parents directly; please ensure they have your daytime contact details.
- We will be advised by train services on any disruptions and ensure students can travel home safely.
- Since our children travel from as far afield as inner London, Suffolk, Colchester, Maldon and Basildon, it is important that we work in partnership with parents. It is impossible for us to know the precise conditions you are facing locally and we will support any reasonable request by you to have your child collected or for them to travel home. Requests must be made in writing by email communication from the contact email address that we hold on our system.
- Parents should not contact their child directly on their mobile phone. These are not allowed in school and it is vital that we remain in control of the situation in school if we are to exercise a duty of care to your child.
- In the event of bad weather, students should turn up for school as usual, wearing appropriate outdoor clothing, if they can get home safely. Students whose contract bus does not turn up should stay at home.
Christmas Themed Non-Uniform Day - Friday 13th December 2024
Students are invited to participate in our annual charity Christmas themed non-uniform day, organised by the Sixth Form Charities CAS team, to be held on the 13th December 2024. Please can a donation of £1 be paid via ParentPay, either before or on the day. All the monies collected will support Farleigh Hospice, our chosen local charity, which was voted for by our students this academic year.
We remind you that our school is a place of work for people of a wide range of ages. Sensitivity needs to be shown in everyone’s choice of clothing. Nothing should be worn that can give a reasonable person any cause for embarrassment or offence, therefore we ask students to ensure their choice of clothing and footwear is appropriate for school, for example, no ripped jeans, cropped tops or high heeled shoes are allowed. If students have PE that day, please ensure they bring their normal kit.
If your child is in Year 11 they may still participate in the non-uniform day, but MUST REMEMBER TO BRING ALL EQUIPMENT NECESSARY FOR THEIR EXAM(S) THAT DAY!
Anglo Reverse Advent Calendar
Lily and Lauren, two of our Sixth Form students are organising a reverse advent calendar. Students are asked to bring in any of the donations listed to be given and donated to Billericay food bank to support those in need at Christmas. This will take place between 1st to 13th December. Could all donations be brought to either C4 or the Sixth Form Office. Please can you mark donations clearly so that they are not muddled with the Senior Citizens' Christmas Party or the Christmas present sale.
All donations welcome and very much appreciated.
Youth Essex - the Ballot is open!
The Young Essex Assembly (YEA) is the Elected Youth Council for Essex. Every two years young people representing all districts across Essex are elected on to the YEA where they review priorities, consult, campaign, and engage with other young people as well as adults, organisations, and decision makers to ensure young people are a key part of discussions and decisions made at all levels. The YEA Election is an opportunity for young people across Essex to vote for the candidate they wish to represent them locally and is a fantastic way for them to begin their democratic journey.
Our own Year 10 student, Harriet is up for election and she would appreciate as many students as possible going along to the Library to vote for her. A voting tally will also be done in form time.
Don't miss out on the fun! Jump into the world of technology, find your singing voice, learn to debate with confidence or perfect your netball skills - there is something for everyone. Year 11 and Upper Sixth students please ensure you are making the most of the extra revision classes and support available to you in each subject.
A date for your diaries - the AESA Quiz will now take place on Friday 28th February. Watch this space for instructions on how to book your place.
Christmas Present Sale - 17th December
Thank you for all your donations to support this event, the AESA would still welcome more donations for this. Students are to take donations to Student Services and parents can give these to the main School Office. This event is scheduled for 17th December so please support this event, cash or cards are accepted. Presents are priced from as little as £1 to some more expensive items at £10.
If you are interested in joining the AESA and helping with some of their upcoming events please contact aesa@aesessex.co.uk - GET INVOLVED!
Year 8 Boys' Basketball
Year 11 Boys' Basketball
Year 7 Boys' Football
Anglo's Year 7 boys' football team won 6-2 in the mid Essex Cup. Anglo's goals were scored by Esteban (2), Sam, Harry, Robin and Mattia. Well done boys!
Year 8 Boys' Football
Anglo's Year 8 boys football team fielded two different teams in two 6-a-side matches winning 6-1 and 7-4. Alex was outstanding in one of those matches and scored 4 goals. Well done boys!
Year 9/10 Girls' Cricket
Hosting Exchange Visitors
Our visits and exchanges programme is now finalised for the year and as in the past, we are reaching out to our wider Anglo Family for support in hosting teachers from our partner schools. When hosting, you would be required to offer a visiting teacher a bedroom with access to a lockable bathroom and provide them with meals including a packed lunch for the days that they are out on excursions with their students. We are able to pay £25 per teacher per night for the hosting services provided. Please could you email enquiries@aesessex.co.uk if you are able to accommodate one of our visitors for more information.
Key Dates
Monday 9th December - Start of Year 11 PPEs
Tuesday 10th December - Lower Sixth Geography Fieldwork - Stratford
Tuesday 10th to 20th December - Year 9 Cadiz students at AES
Wednesday 11th December - Christmas Concert - all day rehearsal followed by performance at St Edmund and St Mary's Church at 7pm
Friday 13th December - Non-uniform day
Tuesday 17th December - AESA Christmas Present Sale
Friday 20th December - 12.30pm early closure
Key Dates for each Year Group can be found https://www.aesessex.co.uk/home/parents/key-dates-and-term-dates/ and here for Sixth Form https://www.aesessex.co.uk/sixth-form/student-and-parents-information/key-dates-and-term-dates/
Term Dates 2024-2026 - https://www.aesessex.co.uk/assets/Documents/Attachments/Term-dates-2024-2026-1.pdf
Anglo Communication
Finance - finance@aesessex.co.uk
Admissions - admissions@aesessex.co.uk
Visits - visits@aesessex.co.uk
Attendance - use Edulink
Email: enquiries@aesessex.co.uk
Website: aesessex.co.uk
Location: Anglo European School, CM4 0DJ, Willow Green, Ingatestone, UK
Phone: 01277 354018
Anglo European School is a distinctive, comprehensive school which seeks to develop ambitious, resilient and principled young people through inter-cultural understanding and a broad balanced, inclusive curriculum enriched by a strong international dimension informed by the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate.