3rd Grade Weekly News
Hosp Elementary
March 7, 2019
What's Happening in ......
Reading: Main Idea
Math : 2D and 3D Shapes
Science: Environments
Writing: Opinion Writing
Social Studies: How do human processes affect our landscape
Spelling: Review week
Grammar: Dialogue
March 7th- Multicultural night
March 11th -15th- Spring Break
March 25th-29th- Book Fair
March 29th- GMH at 8 am
Important Reminders
We'll be doing two projects after Spring Break, and we can use your help with materials from home to make them a success.
Please have your child bring in magazines or grocery ads with pictures and a shoe box. We'll be using both of these things the week of March 18th. Thank you!!
Please Note : If you have a dismissal change, please be sure to email the front office (hosp@friscoisd.org). Please let the office know of any changes by NOON in order to ensure that your message is received and delivered on time.