Message from Principal Sanchez
Good Evening DRES Family,
Can you believe it is already track out week? After this week, we are tracked out from October 2 through October 20. We track back in on Monday, October 23.
This Friday ends Quarter 1. Report cards will go home Friday, October 27.
We have our biggest fundraiser of the year going on! Has your child registered for it at mybooster.com? We are trying to raise over $5,000 this weekend for a PJ day on Tuesday! Plan to come out and join in the fun this Thursday for our Fun Run! Check in at the front office and come outback to watch your children run and have some fun!
K/1- 9:00-9:40
2/3- 10:00-10:40
4/5- 11:00-11:40
Please continue to read below for additional important information.
Mrs. Sanchez
Booster Fundraiser Going On Now!
This weekend we are issuing a special challenge! SNOOZE DAY TUESDAY! If the school raises $5,000 over the weekend all of the students can come to school wearing their PJ's on Tuesday!
And if you’re looking for the easiest way to ask for a donation, just upload a photo of your student to mybooster.com to create a personalized Student Star Video. This fun, hilarious video starring your child can be shared by email or social media to connect with sponsors and ask for a donation.
Thank you again for helping our school!
P.S. - If you haven’t registered your child on mybooster.com, you can find this year’s program by searching our school name!
Cell Phone Interruptions to Learning
We are seeing students having inappropriate chats and being mean to others behind the screen, which is causing unnecessary drama at school.
If your child has a cell phone, please communicate with him/her on appropriate use of the phone and monitor their group chats, FaceTime, Snapchat, and other social media apps. As parents, if we provide these devices for our students, we need to monitor their usage and interactions for their safety.
Many of these apps are not age appropriate for Elementary aged children because their brains are not mature enough to handle these interactions.
Additionally, all cell phones must be on silent and kept in backpacks during the school day. At no time should a student have their cell phone in their pocket or making/taking phone calls or texts during the day unless given permission by a staff member due to an emergency situation.
Parent Resources to Monitor Student Device Use
23-24 Parent Student Handbook
Be sure to read this and refer to it throughout the school year. It is located on our school website in the Parents section.
Free Reduced Lunch Application
If you would prefer a paper copy, these are available at the school.
Family Engagement Playground and Meet Up Dates
In order to continue to build community, we will have Saturday meet ups at different parks throughout the county. We'd love for you and your family to join us to meet one another and provide a time for the kids to play. Reminders and times will be sent out throughout the year. We have set a time for the first one and will communicate the other times going forward.
11/4- Marsh Creek Playground
12/2- HoneyCutt Playground
1/13- Sassafras Playground
2/17- Barwell Park Playground "Friendship Day!"
3/16- Millbrook Exchange Park
5/4- Marsh Creek Playground
6/22- Durant Nature Park- Final Fling and Popsicles
PTA Information
Looking to Sponsor a Classroom need? Does your place of employment make donations? Check out our open Donors Choose grants here at this link.
We are still collecting gently worn, new, and used shoes! The drop off box is in the underpass leading to the front door. Drop them off in the box!
Register as a Volunteer
You can register as a volunteer from the comfort of your own home using the link below.
Mark Your Calendars
9-20 to 9-28-23- Booster Fundraiser
9-25-23- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
9-28-23- Booster Fun Run
10-2 to 10-20- Track Out
10-21-23- Campus Clean Up 9am-12pm
10-27-23- Trunk or Treat 6-8pm, Report Cards Go Home
11-6-23- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
11-27-23- Q2 Interims Go Home
12-7-23- International Night & Chorus Performance 6-8pm
12-21-23- Last Day before Winter Break, End of Q2
12-22-23 to 1-2-24- Winter Break
1-3-24 to 1-24-24- Track Out
1-29-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
2-2-24- Q2 Report Cards Go Home
2-9-24- Family Movie Night 6-8:30pm
2-19-24- Q3 Interims Go Home
3-2-24- Campus Clean Up 9am-12pm
3-4-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
3-21-24- Family Collaborative/STEAM Night/Student Led Conferences 5:30-7:30pm
3-28-24- Last Day before Track Out, Last Day of Q3
4-1-24 to 4-19-24- Track Out
4-22-24- Quarter 4 Begins
4-26-24- Q3 Report Cards Go Home
4-29-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
5-18-24- Campus Clean Up 9am-12pm
5-20-24- Q4 Interims Go Home
5-23-24- NC Under The Stars/Spring Carnival 6-8pm
6-3-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
6-26-24- Last Day of School, 5th Grade Celebration, Q4 Report Cards Go Home
WCPSS Strategic Plan
Are you connected with your teacher on Class Dojo yet?
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger