In the Art Studio with Mrs. Maria
Mrs. Maria creates with Addams, Oakland, Oak Ridge & Upton
A little about me!
*Update 3/11/2025 below*
Hello there!
My name is Maria Elliott!
Your artists call me "Mrs. Maria" or "Art Teacher​"
Both I love.
I teach elementary visual arts education at:
Addams- ASD, DK, 2nd grade(Parker).
Oakland- ASD, 1st grade.
Oak Ridge- ASD, K, 1st (Karczewski, Smith), 3rd (Kosnik, McBath), 4th (Davis, Doody, Mackel),
5th grade (Snavley).
Upton- K.
We will be using a variety of art materials in the art studio. From watercolor, tempera paint, clay, fibers, paper mache, mixed media and much more! As we try to keep all the paint/materials on the paper, etc. If your artist needs to wear something where you wont be concerned about wear/tear please be advised on the day your artist has art.
As an Art Educator, I can create a space of respite for your artists. A space to have a creative outlet to express their ideas, to learn understanding of other's opinions is of importance in a young artist. I'm an art teacher because I find purpose in the arts as a way to show support, belonging, and to help problem solve.
To learn more about me and my art- as I'm an artist too please click here or see below.
Also be sure to watch for new artwork uploaded on Artsonia- a online portfolio of your artist work through out the years as well as current year 2024/2025. Click here for more info.
Amazon wish list- click here
Please reach out if you have any questions @ maria.elliott@royaloakschools.org
March 11, 2025
In the Art Studio
Happy Youth Art Month!
We celebrate Youth Art Month every time we come into the art studio. Everything time you pick up a mark making tool to create and express! Why not have a month of the year to highlight all the goodness that comes from Youth Art!
Adaptive: Creating works with cardboard, glue, paint and mixed media inspired by artist Josef Albers.
DK: Recently worked on artwork inspired by the book "The Dot" by Peter H Reynolds. Artists had mixed media to create their dot and made it their own.
K: It is also reading month- are artists are making mini pop out books of their neighborhood and room. Using paper, pencil, markers, crayons and colored pencils. We will finish with a small puppet of ourselves.
1: Artists are learning about batik and the culture this artwork finds its self. Our design will be about things that are important to us and or we like. We will be using fabric, glue and watered down acrylic, popsicle sticks to create our batik.
2: We're problem solving through weaving and using recycled materials. We have one final step of weaving handmade painted paper through our warp. Artists had a awesome playful experience with splatter paint,.
3: Artists are finishing up with their geometric and organic shapes -work inspired by Artist Reggie Laurent. We will put that final touch using a white posca marker and make our mark though the shapes.
4: Stop Motion is in motion for 4TH grade artists. Stop motion is taking a series of pictures (ALOT) and putting them all together to make a short movie. We started with brainstorming individually, worked our way into groups and playing with tablets. We are now staring to create our set. Lots of teamwork, problem solving and creativity to be had for stop motion!
5: Artists have been working on one point perceptive. We explored making cubes, and now are creating a one point perspective room using collage as a way to bring that room to life.
*All Art Studio artists!*
Please make sure we are using our studio expectations. Being respectful with your voices and words, using the art materials safely, cleaning up after your artwork. It's important for all of us.
March 22nd is the Royal Oak School Districts art show. I wish we could have all students work up, but at this time, there's a selected amount of artists. Please see info below. Hope to see you there regardless to support our young artists.
Last year, 191 entries and dozens of storefronts came to life with colorful student artwork. Only 16 days left for submissions, with cash prizes and the opportunity for student art to be viewed by the 600,000 monthly visitors to the district.
<3 February 11, 2025 <3
Update in the Art Studio
Adaptive Artists: Through inspiration from Charles McGee sculpture, artists printmaking strips and assembling them to create a sculpture that pops off the paper!
K Artists: With our painted paper and vases, K artists are putting together a collage of flowers - uniquely their own. Cutting, gluing, assembling, and using materials creatively and safely.
1 Artists: Exploring brush technique like artist Alma Thomas. Also learning about warm and cool colors. Artists will be creating an inspired by Thomas painting with tempera paint.
2 Artists: Weaving with recycled materials. Students will be creating the start of their weaving- by assembling a warp with cardboard, paper and glue. We will weave various materials under/over.
3 Artists: With snow days- we are still working on our self portraits with black glue and chalk. When completed we will be focusing on geometric and organic shapes inspired by Artist Reggie Laurent.
4 Artists: Artists are exploring and playing photography. They started creating sculptures with paper and were to be mindful of angle, light and "noise" in their snap shot. Being mindful what's in the frame. We will step into taking "selfies".
5 Artists: Contour pop self portraits using their school photograph. Exploring what is a contour, how to add color with various materials such as watercolor, texture plates. After complete artists will explore painting with tempera paints. Artists need to continue being mindful of the art space and utilizing materials creatively and safely. Also to make sure we are seated when creating unless they need a material.
January 25, 2025
Happy Belated New Year!
It has been amazing in the art studios - but the amazing just gets better with every class!
Our artists continue exploring a variety of materials as well as putting thought through ideation- creating their ideas with brainstorming, studying the materials with play. Practicing and utilizing the art studio expectations with every class.
Adaptive Artists(Addams, Oakland, Oak Ridge): Collaborative Self Portraits using mixed media to make their marks. We will be glazing their clay creations, and then firing them afterwords. Artists are really finding ways to express themselves in their art by choice.
DK Artists (Addams): Artists just completed their collaborative self portraits using mixed media. Artists finding a routine in the art room. Practicing/and utilizing our art studio expectations is always in motion.
K Artists (Oak Ridge and Upton): Artists have completed their self portraits using pencil, sharpie and tempera cakes. Learning what a self portrait is and finding features they like about themselves, colors to fill in them and background. Students should be receiving their clay back soon to take home.
1 Artists (Oakland, Oak Ridge- Karczewski and Smith): Artists are working on their self portraits with mixed media and should be bringing home their pinch pots soon if not already.
2 Artists (Addams- Parker): Artists are currently working on their self portraits with watercolor and glue.
3 Artists (Oak Ridge- Kosnik, McBath): Artists have competed their coil pots and hopefully most have brought back home safely. We are moving on to self portraits with chalk and glue.
4 Artists (Oak Ridge): Artists will be bringing home their clay soon and starting on photography this week!
5 Artists (Oak Ridge- Snavley): Artists will be bringing home their clay soon and starting on self portraits using their school photograph and studying the contours, texture and color.
December 3, 2024
Brrrr it's December!
DK artists- Artists have continued working with paper, scissors, glue, crayons, and pencils as well as found objects to create assemblages of their initials.
This month we will be creating their own snowman using, pencil, paper, sharpie and watercolor. They will also continue with Open Studio- exploring materials they're continue developing.
K artists- Artists were able to explore clay using a stylus and clay in making their own mark into the clay. Once bisque fired into Kiln, artists will glaze. While we wait for firing, we will be working on the theme of winter and what that means to them in illustration.
1st artists- Artists are beginning to complete their silhouette collage and will be working on clay very soon.
2nd artists- Their "not just a pinch pot" clay creation has been fired and they will be glazing very soon. Artists also are making snowflakes for a collage to come later.
3rd artists- Coil pots are out of the Kiln and are ready to be glazed!
4th artists- Artists are working on a pinch pot with a top. Using the pinch pot, and coil method. It can be functional or just what they in vision. Still building these and once all grades complete/ and clay has been dried out. In the kiln it will go and glaze comes next.
5th artists- Completing their sphere watercolor of their own creation. Using different techniques in watercolor but creating a artwork with a sphere form. After we will start on clay.
ASD artists- Lots of tactical materials building up new things every week. This week- a winter scene using mixed media. Also clay snowballs- artists can stamp what they chose on their clay. Once dried out, clay will go into kiln and we will glaze last.
I'm very happy to offer and have students explore art. They have so much creativity, curiosity and drive to express themselves. Our daily routine is important for the artists smooth learning and to make sure they are making safe and responsible choices.
Routine goes like this:
-Come in sit quietly and wait for instruction.
-Demo: Talk about what happened last week in the art studio- what today will bring(the lesson)- what will happen after- questions-etc.
-Studio time: Time to explore/make the art. Open studio if time allows( Where if they finish early, students can explore materials with ideas they might have)
Clean up/return to seat.
-Artist share
-Line up quietly.
November 12, 2024
Hello November to all!
DK artists- Artists have been continuing exploring with glue, paper, scissors, paint, pencils and crayons.
K artists- Artists have been learning about cave art. Using a variety of materials like charcoal pencil, crayon and paint to create their own version of cave art .
1 artists- Artists have started learning about silhouettes and collaging using themselves as the main subject.
2 artists- Artists had explored movement with human movements- creating a pose of themselves or a peer in movement. Artists will be creating with clay soon!
3 artists- The studio was busy last week as the 3 artists created a coil pot. Once coil pot is dried, in the kiln it will go and artists will glaze pots.
4 artists- Artists are finishing up their printmaking with a sugar skull they created. Artists will be creating with clay soon.
5 artists- Artists are exploring/experimenting techniques with watercolor in a variety of ways. They will take these techniques in creating a sphere of a planet/ or disco ball.
ASD artists- explore in open process with materials and subjects that they find interest and as well one guided instruction process- this week was a poppy field.
Teacher Conferences:
November 14
Oak Ridge 1pm-3pm
Oakland 4pm-7pm
December 5
Upton 4pm-7pm
If you would like to arrange a meeting /or chat other than the times above: please email me at maria.elliott@royaloakschools.org
ASD-Oak Ridge- Pumpkins
Artists created pumpkins with model magic, beads, marker inspired by Artist Yayoi Kusama.
1st- Oakland and Oak Ridge
5th- Oak Ridge-Faux Stained glass
Building it up!
Kinder artists exploring making new colors with primary colors. Drawing and collage.
3rd grade artists exploring about symbolism and Artist Gustav Klimt trees. through paint.
4th grade Artists have been working on sunrise and sunsets with colored pencils and their artistic expression. We are adding a fiber to this work currently. Yarn/ thread. Either way of embroidering thread on their work or with gluing the fiber on their work.
Odds and Ends
Thank you so much who purchased an item of my Amazon wish list for Addams. ASD, DK and 2nd grade will all put them to artistic use!
1st grade: has finished their soup cans and should be seen on Artsonia soon and taken home also.
2nd grade: Has finished their Organic and geometric shape paintings, found on Artsonia soon and have hopefully found their way home by artist.
5th grade: Are working on zentangles in way of a "faux" stained glass. We will be adding color this week.
DK: Exploring and working on scissors, cutting, gluing, painting. Keeping the materials moving and changing to learn to play and use materials responsibly. Painting/collage will be up on Artsonia soon and coming home ASAP.
ASD: Working with mixed media and open process with their work. Choice is important as well as exploration with tools they are comfortable expressing with. Open process paintings will be up on Artsonia soon and are hanging in the hallway currently.
9/20/2024- Getting to it!
ASD Artists are exploring a variety of materials- Tempera paint, paint sticks, washi tape, glued paper, while creating.
DK Artists have been working with primary/secondary colors crayons, with tearing, ripping, cutting, and gluing various colored paper to make a creation of their own.
K Artists are working with watercolor, pushing the paint on the paper. Started with yellow watercolor and using blue to create green leaves on top.
1st grade Artists were given the question- "If I had a SOUP CAN." What would their soup can be filled with? Chicken Noodle soup,Hearts, Pokemon, tornado- are some of the examples students came up with.
2nd grade Artists is exploring organic shapes with oil pastels and tempera cakes. Creating movement and shapes outside the "normal" geometric shapes.
3rd Grade Artists is working on symbolic trees using various lines inspired by Gustav Klimt. Materials used are colored pencils, makers, sharpie-so far.
4th grade Artists are exploring sunrise and sunsets using cool and warm colors with colored pencils. We will learn some sewing, weaving techniques to add more details and media.
5th grade Artists are tuning into zen. Creating zentagles with lines, pattern and repetition. We will take this zen tangle to the next level in a different medium very soon!
*Our class expectations will be posted this week!*
9/6/2024 -Getting started in the Art Studio 2024/2025
Art Studio expectations!
As we start the new year in the art studio- we must go over the art studio expectations.
Together we discussed what they would want their Art Studio to look, sound and feel like.
From DK- to 5th grade, ALL have reflective input in their Art Studio space and I want to provide that space for them- but we must do this together and hold on to these expectations to create this space they can know and love. Art Studio expectations will be completed very soon and will share once completed.
I come from...
With working on our Art Studio expectations on week 1- we also had spent time getting to know more about one another- by reflecting on themselves.
For example- I come from art. Because I love art so much, it surrounds me day to day, it's where I go when I need to take time for me, it's there to make me happy, it's there when I get down. It's everywhere- music, dance, books. I come from art!
Students spent time drawing/writing one or maybe two, three things that they come from. Some examples.
"I come from blueberry muffins."
"I come from me."
"I come from my sister."
"I come from soccer."
"I come from butterflies and clothes."
"I come from peanut buttercups."
What they love them most!- These are all extraordinary reflections that will get us started for taking the time to get to know each other and to share their ideas with their art.