Vose Owl Notes
Family Newsletter - March, 2024
Note from the Principals
Dear Vose Families,
Snow, rain, sun...Oregon weather hasn't made up its mind, but Spring is heading our way! We have several important events coming up this month!
First, this is Staff Appreciation Week at Vose from March 4 - 8! Join us in celebrating the amazing educators that work so hard to teach and support your students day in and day out. We invite you to write a note of thanks or share your gratitude by donating to the PTO potluck Tuesday or snacks later this week. In addition, this month brings a choir concert, a dance-a-thon, and Spring Break!
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. We appreciate you!
All Good Things,
Monique & Ellen
Important Upcoming Events
CLICK HERE for Beaverton School District Calendar for 2023-24 School Year
Monday, March 4 - Friday, March 8, Staff Appreciation Week (more info below)
Thursday, March 7 - PTO Meeting on Zoom (Zoom code sent 1 hour before meeting)
Wednesday, March 13 - Choir Concert, 6:00pm
Friday, March 15 - Padres Unidos and Coffee with the Principals, 8:00-9:00am at Vose
Monday, March 25 - Friday, March 29 - Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
Monday, April 8 & Tuesday, April 9- NO SCHOOL, Staff Work Day & Professional Development
Parent/Teacher Spring Conference Dates for 2023-2024
- Wednesday, April 24: Spring Conferences (3:30pm - 7:30pm)
- Thursday, April 25: Spring Conferences (7:30am - 7:30pm) - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- Friday, April 26 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Help us start a Walking School Bus!
Ensure safety for all walkers
Help families who are unable to walk or drive their students since they don’t qualify for bus service (within 1 mile of school)
Meet at designated spot
Gather students as they walk to school
If interested, please email School Social Worker Joe Winchell at joseph_winchell@beaverton.k12.or.us
Book Donation from Southridge High School Students
Staff Appreciation
Estimadas familias de Vose,
¡La próxima semana, del 4 al 8 de marzo, es nuestra Semana de Agradecimiento al Personal en la Primaria Vose! Nuestro tema es "La vuelta al mundo: que comience la aventura", por lo que compartiremos delicias en torno al tema de "viajes". Hemos reservado esta semana para poder reconocer a TODO nuestro personal. ¡Nuestros maestros, personal de oficina, personal de cafetería, conserjes, especialistas, administradores y para-educadores trabajan duro todos los días para crear un ambiente de aprendizaje positivo y afectuoso para cada uno de nuestros estudiantes y una comunidad escolar para que su familia también disfrute!
¡A continuación se muestra un calendario de eventos junto con una sugerencia de formas en que puede contribuir a la diversión de brindar a nuestros maestros y personal el reconocimiento que merecen!
Únase a nuestro PTO para mostrar aprecio por el maestro de su hijo y otros miembros del personal que aprecia trayendo algo de comida para el almuerzo compartido patrocinado por el PTO el Martes 5 de marzo. A lo largo de la semana, también puede escribir notas de agradecimiento, regalar un pequeño obsequio o una muestra de agradecimiento a cualquier miembro del personal al que desee agradecer por sus contribuciones a nuestra escuela y a la educación de su hijo. Aquí hay una lista de nuestros Cosas favoritas de los miembros del personal: HAGA CLIC AQUÍ ¡Si necesita ayuda para saber qué podrían disfrutar! También puede enviar un mensaje a los miembros del personal utilizando este formulario de Google: Notas de apreciacíon para los miembros del personal de Vose
Dear Vose Families,
This coming week, March 4 - 8 is our Staff Appreciation Week at Vose Elementary! Our theme is “Around the World- Let the Adventure Begin,” so we’ll be sharing treats around a “travel” theme. We’ve set aside this week so we can recognize ALL of our staff. Our teachers, office staff, cafeteria staff, custodians, specialists, administrators and paraeducators each work hard each and every day to create a positive and caring learning environment for each of our students and a school community for your family to enjoy as well!
Below is a schedule of events along with a suggestion of ways you can contribute to the fun of showering our teachers and staff with the appreciation they deserve!
Please join our PTO in showing appreciation for your child’s teacher and other staff members you are appreciative of by bringing some food for the PTO sponsored Lunch Potluck on Tuesday, March 5. Throughout the week, you also could write notes of gratitude, gift a small treat or token of your appreciation to any staff members you want to thank for their contributions to our school and your child’s education! Here is a list of our Staff Members’ Favorite Things- CLICK HERE if you need help knowing what they might enjoy! You can also send a message to staff members using this form: Notes of Appreciation for Vose Staff
Congratulations to Vose Students at Oregon All-State Honor Choir!
On a Saturday in February, 6 of our 5th graders took part in the Oregon All-State Elementary Honor Choir. They spent the day in Salem rehearsing, getting to know the other 100+ 5th graders from across the state, and ended the day with a beautiful performance. Congratulations to Abigail, Elsa, Ian, Isis, Marvel and Nikhil! They represented Vose and themselves wonderfully!
OABE- Oregon Association of Bilingual Educators- Vose in the house!
Some of our amazing Vose staff (Alexsia Lozano, Jaska Arroyo, Maricela Xuncax and Monique Singleton) attended the OABE- Oregon Association of Bilingual Educators conference last weekend to join other educators from across Oregon who gathered at Mountainside HS. The connections and learning were inspiring! And our own 3rd grade teacher Maricela Xuncax and principal Monique Singleton presented in a well-received session about "Synergy in Language Education: Cultivating Collaborative ELD Co-Teaching in a Dual Language School"!
Coaches Needed - Chess for Success
We have an opportunity to start a Chess for Success after school program at Vose for next year. It is a 26 week program that offers potential coaches training and paid compensation ($25/hour approximately), with sessions being 1 hour long, twice a week, for 3rd - 5th graders. For more information about the program please check out their website at https://chessforsuccess.org/. The program would start next fall, typically running from October - April/May. If you are interested in being considered for the chess coaching position, please email Mrs. Singleton at monique_singleton@beaverton.k12.or.us by Friday, April 5. We are also looking for sponsors or potential grants we could apply for to cover the $2800.00 club program fee, so if you have any ideas, please let Mrs. Singleton know.
El Día de Caminar + Rodar a la Escuela en Invierno anima a los estudiantes y sus familias a disfrutar del transporte activo en invierno y durante todo el año. ¡Así que abrígate y únete a la diversión el miércoles 13 de marzo! Una caminata al aire libre es la manera perfecta de prepararse para un día en el aula; hazlo especial encontrándote y caminando con un amigo.
Winter Walk + Roll to School Day encourages students and families to enjoy active transportation in the winter and all year round. So bundle up and join the fun on Wednesday, March 13th! A walk in the fresh air is the perfect way to prepare for a day in the classroom - make it special by meeting up and walking with a friend!
El rasgo de carácter de marzo es INTEGRIDAD
March Character Trait - INTEGRITY
February Students of the Month - Inclusiveness
Fun for the Arts Fundraiser
Please join our Fun for the Arts fundraiser for Vose Elementary to fund projects with local artists supporting learning in our PreK-5th grade community! We are having our "Fun for the Arts" event on Friday, March 15 at school during our lunch recesses with a Dance Party!
The way it works is simple and aligns with Arts for Learning NW’s Core Values: All students benefit when schools have funding to bring arts, culture, and creative expression into the classrooms. To raise that funding, students at schools across Oregon spend a few weeks sharing their Fun for the Arts page with family and friends, while Arts for Learning- Northwest (ALNW) staff and board members solicit local business for sponsorships into the community fund.
After the dance-a-thons on March 15 across the region, ALNW will total all funds raised and the amount of funding your school will receive, based on the number of student participants. Whether or not a student is able to secure any donations, if they make their page on our Vose School’s Team and participate in the dance-a-thon, they are a participant. Each participating school then has until the end of the following school year to use their arts funds
It’s time to raise money for arts supplies and experiences at our school through the Fun for the Arts dance-a-thon! Register by Friday, March 8 to count toward our fundraising participation numbers:
Go to https://givebutter.com/ffaspring24 and select “Join a Team.”
Create a profile with an email (which will NOT be shared), select our school under “Which team Would You like to join?” and Join this fundraiser.
Share your fundraising page - email, text, social media tools are built right in, and you can edit your fundraising page at any time. ALNW recommends you personalize your story with what arts experience would be exciting to you - paper collage? Puppet theater? Dancing the Latin American way? Comic book-making?
On March 15 we will dance for 30 minutes at school and then ALNW will total all the funds raised - then we’ll use those funds raised to meet arts needs like bringing Teaching Artists to our school!
* Families can join our school’s Team and register their dancer(s) as “Members”. Families may choose to personalize their page or keep it matching the School Team. Please register by Friday, March 8th!
* If there are any donations by check, checks are due the day of our dance-a-thon to the school office (March 15)
( Please note: Our School Team’s total number of members is how participation will be counted; i.e. students do not need to have brought in donations on their page to count as a participant, but they do need to make their page. If students are absent on the day of our dance (March 15), they can still count as a participant as long as they have created a Member page on our school's Team.
Thanks for your support and please feel free to share with family, friends and others on social media and email!
Family Lotería Night
Thank you to our PTO for a fun-filled Lotería Night this month! So much fun!
BSD Math Placement Testing for 5th Families
About 9 out of 10 BSD students will be enrolled in “Math 6/7” for math next year. If you would like your student evaluated to determine whether “Math 7/8" or “Alg/Geo/Stats 1” would be appropriate instead, please see the BSD Math Placement Testing site to request testing by May 1st.
All testing will take place in May at your student’s school during their school day. There will be no testing for current students after May. If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ on the BSD Math Placement Testing site.
New Bell Schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year
Dear BSD Families,
As we shared with you in November, the district will be adopting a new schedule for school start and end times — what we refer to as our “bell schedule” — for next school year.
This change is based on research and recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics that indicate older students benefit from later start times in terms of academic success and mental well-being. For younger students, research indicates that earlier start times have a near-zero effect on academic outcomes, meaning that there’s no measurable negative academic impact from moving to earlier start times at the elementary level.
Starting next school year in August 2024, we’ll be changing the bell schedule for all schools to the times shown in the chart below.
Based on the transportation needs of the district, elementary schools have been assigned as either early- or late-start schools:
Early-start elementary schools: Aloha-Huber Park K-8, Barnes, Bethany, Fir Grove, Greenway, Hazeldale, Hiteon, Jacob Wismer, Kinnaman, McKay, McKinley, Nancy Ryles, Oak Hills, Raleigh Park, Ridgewood, Sato, Vose and West Tualatin View
Late-start elementary schools: Beaver Acres, Bonny Slope, Cedar Mill, Chehalem, Cooper Mountain, Elmonica, Errol Hassell, Findley, Montclair, Raleigh Hills, Rock Creek, Scholls Heights, Sexton Mountain, Springville, Terra Linda and William Walker
We recognize that this change may impact after-school child care needs for some families. It's worth noting that 29 of our 34 elementary schools do have some form of on-site, after-school care provided by third-party vendors. In addition, we’re working to ensure that buses will be able to deliver students to all off-site child care providers within their particular school’s boundary.
This new bell schedule will be an adjustment, but we believe that this change is in the best interest of students. It aligns with our strategic plan goals to prioritize student safety and well-being and better positions students to achieve academic success.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
If you would like to submit a comment or question, please use the form on the Bell Schedule webpage.
Language Arts/English Language Proficiency Elementary Curriculum Adoption Update
The Beaverton School District is currently engaged in an Elementary Language Arts/English Language Proficiency curriculum adoption. A curriculum adoption committee was created for the purpose of providing instructional resource recommendations to the Beaverton School District School Board. The committee has met several times since December and will continue through the Spring of 2024.
Community members are invited to follow the work of the Adoption Committee on the LA / ELP webpage The page contains meeting session notes, links to resources and the opportunity to input comments and ask questions.
Free English Classes for Parents & Families!
Parents & families are invited to come to FREE weekly English as Second Language (ESL) classes every Thursday, starting January 25th, from 4:30pm-6:30pm at Vose Elementary in room B102. FREE Childcare and FREE textbooks will be provided by all participants. ESL classes provided by Goodwill Industries.
Beaverton City Library News
Bookmobile schedule: Did you know that we have a Bookmobile/Bibliomóvil? All Bookmobile stops are open to the public and you can get a library card, checkout or return books
¿Sabía que puede usar libros electrónicos con su tarjeta de biblioteca para estudiantes?
Libros electrónicos para niños
Descargue libros electrónicos y audiolibros en su teléfono, tableta o computadora. Elija entre títulos populares, libros ilustrados, libros para lectores principiantes y muchos más. Y, cuando esté listo, no se pierda nuestra colección de libros electrónicos en español para todas las edades.
Did you know, you can use your student library card to unlock…e-books?
Download e-books and audiobooks on your phone, tablet or computer. Choose from popular titles, picture books, books for early readers and much more. And, when you’re ready, don’t miss our collection of e-books for teens.
THPRD Spring Registration
Spring registration event (Centro de Bienvenida): February 20 - 23.
Centro is when Financial Aid recipients and English Language Learners are invited to join THPRD and register for classes and activities. Contact THPRD at 503-645-6433 for more information.
Is it Bullying?
Remember, there WILL be conflicts because school is a place where children can learn how to interact with others, students and adults. There can be many miscommunications and misunderstanding between children because they are learning what emotions are and how to interact with others. Please remember that families usually only hear PART of the story, and that as school staff we also want to help resolve the situation in a way that helps everyone feel better and do better moving forward. PLEASE don't let your default emotion be ANGER...instead, be CURIOUS, and reach out to your child's teacher, sharing concerns and asking questions so we can all help each other!
News from the School Nurse!
We are in the season where various illnesses spread more easily among our community. Here are reminders for preventing the spread of illness as we enter the cold Oregon months:
Speak to your child’s pediatrician about them getting a flu shot and covid vaccine this fall season. Both are recommended for all children 6 months of age and older. Use the following link to find a location close to you that offers the Flu or Covid vaccine: https://www.vaccines.gov/find-vaccines/
Avoid close contact.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.
Stay home when you are sick.
If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. This will help prevent spreading your illness to others.
Cover your mouth and nose.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and encourage children to do the same. It can help prevent others from getting sick. Respiratory viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people who are sick cough, sneeze or talk.
Clean your hands.
Washing your hands often with soap and water will help protect you and your children from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Germs can be spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
Practice other good health habits.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school, especially when someone is ill. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.
What to look for:
Flu Symptoms
Influenza (flu) can cause mild to severe illness. Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly. People who have flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:
fever* or feeling feverish/chills
sore throat
runny or stuffy nose
muscle or body aches
fatigue (tiredness)
some people may have vomiting and diarrhea- this is more common in children than adults.
*Not everyone with the flu will have a fever.
COVID-19 Symptoms
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Symptoms
Runny nose
Decrease in appetite
These symptoms usually appear in stages and not all at once. In very young infants with RSV, the only symptoms may be irritability, decreased activity, and breathing difficulties.
Stay safe and healthy!
Yaasi Seyedhossini, RN, BSN
*Information received from the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Visitors & Volunteers
Visitors and Volunteers
Campus visitor protocols-As a friendly reminder, all visitors on campus during school hours MUST sign in the office and wear a visitor badge.
Volunteers must pass fingerprinting prior to working on campus or helping with functions during school hours. Volunteer forms will be included in the back to school packets being sent home with students at the start of school. Additionally, all volunteers MUST sign in the office when on campus. It takes all of us to help keep our campus safe.
Birthday Celebrations at School
Parents/Guardians should not bring treats, balloons, etc. to the classroom for a “party.” In addition:
1. Birthdays may be celebrated in the classroom by teachers, at the discretion of the teacher. This approach will allow for each student’s birthdays to be recognized, maximize instructional time, as well as limit the sugary foods that are consumed when regularly celebrating birthdays in the classroom, limit allergic reactions and honor the diversity among our students and families.
2. If your child wants to invite children from the class to his/her birthday party outside of school, the invitations should not be delivered to children at school unless the whole class is being invited. Please note that student phone and addresses are confidential and therefore cannot be provided by the teacher.
Vose Elementary School
Email: ellen_arnold@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://vose.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 11350 SW Denney Road, Beaverton, OR, 97008
Phone: (503)356-2430