Algonquin Lakes Elementary
October 27, 2024
Important Information
1401 Compton Dr.
Algonquin, IL 60102
(847) 532-7500
Marilynn Smith
Rachel Buczkowske
Assistant Principal
Jennifer Ellett
Student Service Specialist
Other Phone Numbers
Attendance: (847) 532-7520
Fax: (847) 532-7515
Nurse: (847) 532-7511
Transportation: (847) 658-3262
Outdoor Supervision Begins = 7:45am
First Bell Rings = 7:55am
School Begins = 8:00am
Students are Dismissed = 2:15pm
Office Hours = 7:00am – 3:30pm
Important Dates
October 31st - Halloween Parties
November 1st - ALES PTO Fun Friday - Red, White, and Blue
November 5th - General Election Day - Schools are closed
November 6th - Late Start - School is in session from 10:00 AM - 2:15 PM
November 12th -ALES PTO General Meeting at 6 pm
November 19th - 5th Grade Music Concert
November 19th - D300 Board of Education Meeting
November 25 and November 26 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (No School)
November 27-29 - District Closed for Fall Break
December 2nd - School Resumes
Club Reminders
Tuesday - Young Rembrandts Drawing Club After School
Wednesday - Choir Practice After School
Tuesday and Thursday - Game Club Before School
A Week in Review
Learning From Others!
In a fun and interactive collaboration, Mrs. Arneson’s 3rd graders were excited to teach Mrs. Lovaglia’s 1st graders about the seven continents and seven oceans!
Boys Running Club - Final 2-Mile Run!
The Boys Running Club recently wrapped up their season with an exciting final 2-mile run, led by our dedicated coaches: Coach Gonzalez, Coach Maher, Coach Belick, and Coach Ayub. This event was not just a test of endurance but also a celebration of the hard work and camaraderie the boys have built throughout the season. Thank you to all of the students, staff, and parents that came out to cheer and celebrate their hard work!
Way to go Mrs. Collins' 5th grade!
Congratulations on filling their classroom marble jar with good choices AGAIN! It was a beautiful day to have an extra recess as their reward!
And another day with 100% attendance!
Way to have a FULL DEN!
Last Call for our October Food Pantry Collection by 4th Grade!
Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference!
Items Most Needed:
- Personal Hygiene
conditioner, bath
soap, toilet paper,
deodorant) - Canned fruit
- Canned corn
- Canned meat
- tuna
- chicken
- Pasta
- Pancake mix
- Syrup
- Coffee
Bonus Item:
- Pasta!
Halloween Reminders:
Algonquin Lakes Elementary will be celebrating Halloween on Thursday, October 31st with a whole school parade beginning at 1:15 pm and classroom parties to follow. Families will have the opportunity to watch the whole school parade from outside of the school. Students will exit and enter through the front door and parade around the school weather permitting. For security reasons, families will not be permitted to watch the parade from inside of the school. We will communicate through our schools communication system by 10 am if there is inclement weather causing us to cancel the outdoor parade.
Students are permitted to wear costumes on Halloween as long as their attire meets the following set of expectations for a school setting:
Children should not wear bloody, gruesome, or especially scary costumes. Costumes involving fake blood are not allowed.
Actual weapons, look-alike weapons, toy weapons or weapon-like objects are not allowed. These accessories should remain at home.
Masks that cover the face and head are not allowed. Students should not wear make up. Staff members must be able to identify students at all times.
Costumes that could be offensive or perpetuate a stereotype about someone’s culture, gender, heritage or religion are not allowed.
Teachers may communicate additional considerations or recommendations. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions.
Due to limited space in the classrooms, only pre-approved volunteers arranged by the PTO Head Room Parents, that have completed the online verification process, will be permitted to assist in the classrooms.
For students who do not celebrate Halloween, they will have the opportunity to participate in an alternate activity in an alternate location.
Volunteers, Party Helpers, Chaperones, etc.
The Algonquin Lakes Elementary PTO is volunteer-based non-profit organization committed to supporting the school community.
The PTO organizes events throughout the year, like classroom parties, family events, and fundraisers, to bring together families, faculty, and staff in a fun and engaging way.
If you have questions or are interested in joining or volunteering, please contact the PTO at alesptoweb@gmail.com
Lion Pride Corner
Community News
Chicago Wolves Read To Success
The Chicago Wolves’ “Read To Succeed” community initiative has been a successful library-based program since 1996 — encouraging more than a million students to make reading a fun and rewarding part of life.
Ms. Masching has introduced students to this reading program during book check out. Once a student has completed the the reading log, they can return it to our Media Center for a Chicago Wolves ticket order form that includes a list of all eligible home games.
The games go until April 2025, so there is still plenty of time to participate.
1401 Compton Drive
Algonquin, IL 60102