Welcome to the 23-24 School Year at Durant Road Elementary!
On behalf of the DRES Staff, I'd like to welcome you to Durant Road Elementary for a great school year full of learning, adventures, team work, and fun!
We will be "Knocking It Out Of The Park" this year as our theme.
We are excited to start school on Monday, July 31!
Please take a few minutes to read over the important information below.
Mrs. Sanchez, Principal
Meet The Teacher- 1st - 5th Grade
During this time you will:
- Meet the teacher
- Check on bus transportation
- Get a carpool tag, if needed
- Register as a walker, if applicable
- Check out our PTA
- Enter in a raffle
The event is a floating event so be sure to come sometime between 4:30-6:00 so you will have time to work your way through the classroom and other locations.
Kindergarten parents will have the opportunity to check on buses, get carpool tags, and/or register as walker during their staggered entry date.
23-24 Parent Student Handbook
Be sure to read this and refer to it throughout the school year. It is located on our school website in the Parents section.
How will your child go home from school?
Free Reduced Lunch Application
If you would prefer a paper copy, these are available at the school.
School Supplies
Mark Your Calendars!
7-31-23- First Day Of School
7-31-23 to 8-3-23- Kindergarten Staggered Entry
8-28-23- General PTA Meeting 6:30pm DRES Media Center
8-31-23- Mudcats Game 7:00pm
9-20 to 9-28-23- Booster Fundraiser
9-25-23- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
9-28-23- Booster Fun Run
10-2 to 10-20- Track Out
10-21-23- Campus Clean Up 9am-12pm
10-27-23- Trunk or Treat 6-8pm
11-6-23- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
12-7-23- International Night & Chorus Performance 6-8pm
12-22-23 to 1-2-24- Winter Break
1-3-24 to 1-24-24- Track Out
1-29-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
2-9-24- Family Movie Night 6-8:30pm
3-2-24- Campus Clean Up 9am-12pm
3-4-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
3-21-24- Family Collaborative/STEAM Night/Student Led Conferences 5:30-7:30pm
4-1-24 to 4-19-24- Track Out
4-29-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
5-18-24- Campus Clean Up 9am-12pm
5-23-24- NC Under The Stars/Spring Carnival 6-8pm
6-3-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
6-26-24- Last Day of School, 5th Grade Celebration
DRES & DRMS At Mudcats 8-31-23
Join us for a family outing at the Mudcats Stadium on Thursday, August 31! Durant Road Elementary and Durant Road Middle School families will come together for a special community outing. Our chorus' will sing the National Anthem together and we will get a visit from Muddy! Purchase your tickets below.
Best of Raleigh Round 2
Durant Road Elementary School has been nominated again in the vote for the best elementary school in Raleigh. Please go on and vote for us to see if we can win this title two years in a row! You can vote once daily until August 4 at 5:00pm.
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger