DRE Weekly Newsletter
Week of May 20-May 26

The Week of May 20-May 26
Monday- 2
Tuesday- 3
Wednesday- 4
Thursday- 5
Friday- 1
May 17
5th Grade Fire Truck Ride to School, K-5 Attendance Recognition
Kindergarten Celebration, DRE 5-6 pm
May 20
4th Quarter Student Recognition Assembly
May 21
3rd Grade Craft Fair
Talent Show Dress Rehearsal, 3:30-5:30 pm
May 22
Talent Shows: Grades K-2, 1:30-3:00 pm; Grades 3-5, 9:15-10:45 am
5th Grade DARE Graduation, Liberty High School, 7 pm
May 24
Field Day, Grades 3-5 9-11 am, Grades K-2 12:30-2:30 pm
May 27
Memorial Day, No School
May 28
Art Neon Glow Show
May 29
LHS Senior Parade, 1:30 pm
May 30
Last Day of School, Early Release at 1:35 pm
05/20- Dr. Burkemper
05/20- Henry L.
05/21- Weston T.
05/21- Morgan V.
05/22- Emilie B.
05/22- Owen B.
05/22- Nolan M.
05/23- Grayson C.
05/23- Tate D.
05/23- Maahi M.
05/24- Sawyer B.
05/24- Carson M.
05/24- Hazel S.
05/25- Penelope D.
05/25- Evan K.
05/25- Abigail P.
DRE Families,
Our school will be administering the Measurable Results Assessment (MRA), a survey and reporting system designed to provide insights into our school's progress. We would love one adult from every household to participate so we can continue to learn and grow as a school community. Here are the details:
WHAT: An online survey completed by one member of each household.
● Survey typically takes about 5 minutes to complete
● Questions relate to your and your child's experiences at our school.
● Answers are anonymous--to encourage people to be honest and open, no names and other identifying information will be collected.
WHEN: The survey is now available for you to take through 5/31/2024.
HOW: The survey can be taken from any computer, smartphone, or tablet with internet access,
● Simply click on this link:https://www.leaderinme.com/s/discovery-ridge-elementary/families
Thanks for all of your input. Please feel free to contact lindsayburkemper@wsdr4.org with any questions.
Mrs. Stratman, Dr. Burkemper, & The DRE Lighthouse Team
Important Calendar Change for 2023-2024
We're excited to have some flexibility in our calendar that allows us to move up our last day of school for all students this year. View the updated Academic Calendar on the district website. Read more.
DRE is competing against 5th Grade to see who can collect the most can tabs!
Fun Fact!!
1 Tab= 1 Inch Long
1,280 Tabs= 1 Pound
63,360 Tabs= 1 Mile
What does it take to help families?
136 lbs. of tabs will house a family for one night at the Ronald McDonald House in Missouri. That means, 950 lbs. of tabs will house a family for a whole week at the Ronald McDonald House!
Important End of Year Information from the Nurse
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As the school year comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to share some important
information regarding the nurse's office and student health for the rest of the year and upcoming
school year.
End of School Year:
- Medication Pick-Up: Please note that no medications will be stored in the nurse's office over the summer break. All medications (prescription and over-the-counter) currently on file must be picked up by your child's final day of school. Any medication not picked up by this date will be disposed of in accordance with safety regulations.
Looking Ahead to Next School Year:
- We encourage you to review the student health requirements for the upcoming school year. Please see the 2024-2025 Missouri School Immunization Requirements for all school age children. If you are unsure if your child is up to date on immunizations, please contact me at 636-561-2354 x48233 or rosemariehamilton@wsdr4.org before May 30, 2024 to ensure your child will be able to attend their first day of school for the 2024/2025 school year. You can also call your child's pediatrician or family doctor. All updated immunization records need to be turned into the school nurse's office as these do not automatically get sent to us by your doctor.
Important Links below
● Prescription Medication Authorization Form
● Over-the-Counter Medication Authorization Form
● Diabetes Medical Management Plan
WSD Summer School & ESY:
If your child will be attending WSD Summer School or ESY and requires medication during these programs, please call or email the nurse's office at 636-561-2354 x48233 or rosemariehamilton@wsdr4.org before May 24, 2024 to ensure the necessary medications can be administered.