Bulldog Newsletter

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Welcome to the Bulldog Newsletter!
APRIL 2024
- Upcoming Dates
- Multicultural Fair
- STEAM Creativity Fair
- Yearbook Information
- Important Reminders
- Sun Post Article on PE Teacher Mr. Stoll
- April Issue of Bulldog Bark
- School Procedure Reminders
- PACT - Parents & Community Together
- STEAM Highlights
- Who to Contact
April 18th - Multicultural Fair 5:00-7:30pm
April 19th - Asynchronous Learning Day - Staff Planning Day
April 19th - All School The 90's Dance 4:00-7:00pm
April 22nd - Mid-Trimester date
May 2 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:30pm
May 2 - STEAM Creativity Fair 3:30-7:30pm
May 6-10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6th - No School for Students - Staff Workshop Day
May 15th - Honor's Night
May 27th - Memorial Day - No School
May 31st Chromebook Collection Day
June 3rd - Family Picnic Day During Student Lunches
June 6th - Last Day of School!
Family Events: Multicultural Fair
STEAM Creativity Fair + Parent/Teacher Conferences + Preview Night
As previous communications indicated, the deadline to order a yearbook was April 14th. You can no longer order and be guaranteed a yearbook.
There will be a very limited number of yearbooks for sale at the end of the school year for $20 cash. We cannot reserve or hold yearbooks. Details about when and where they will be for sale will be sent out once the yearbooks arrive in early June.
Thank You,
Beth Romano, Yearbook Advisor
As we get into the last trimester and head toward the end of the school year, we would appreciate your help in reminding your student(s) of the following:
· Cell phones are to be turned off and kept in student lockers during the school day.
· Personal headphones and ear buds are to be kept at home or in student lockers during the school day.
· Students should arrive on time at school each and every day. Doors open at 7:50 and class begins at 8:10am.
· If your child does not feel well, has a fever of 100.4 or greater, vomiting or diarrhea they must stay home until they are symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
· Please do not send an ill child to school. They will not be able to learn well and could cause other students/staff to become ill.
If your student becomes ill while in school, they are to report to the health office. Our nurse will assess the situation and contact you to pick your student up if they cannot return to class. Students are not to call home for someone to pick up. The nurse will do this. All ill students are required to sign-out through the health office when leaving school due to illness.
We do appreciate all you do to support your student(s) and Brooklyn Middle STEAM School.
After School activities are in full swing! Please see the After School Activities Schedule for classes and dates they are offered. All students wishing to participate MUST have a signed permission form for the activity before they can attend. Permission forms can be picked up from the teacher who is holding the class.
APPOINTMENTS: A parent/guardian must send a note excusing their student from school for appointments. The student must bring the note to the office before school to get a blue pass and then sign out at the time of leaving. A parent/guardian is required to come to the school and show a photo ID in order to remove a child from school. The student must sign back in when returning to school.
CELL PHONES: Here at BMS we take learning seriously and require students to have their phones turned off and put in their lockers during the school day. If a parent needs to get hold of their student during the school day, please call the main office at 763-569-7700 and we will get a message to your student for you. If your student needs to get hold of you we have phones available in the main office for them to use if necessary.
Please see the Parent/Student Handbook that you should receive in the mail this month for more detailed information regarding cell phone & personal devices policy.
Please have a conversation with your middle school student about the importance of staying focused on learning while at school and having their phones put away. Thank you!
STUDENT ID & CHROMEBOOKS: Students are expected to have their student ID and their fully charged Chromebooks with them to school every day. If your student has lost or misplaced their student ID they should see their Advisory teacher.
P.A.C.T - Parents and Community Together
We are BMS PACT... It is PTO reimagined at the Middle School level. Have you been wondering how to stay involved post elementary school ...PACT is it!! We support & strengthen our STEAM programming, and do as many things as possible to support our kiddos, teachers, support staff, and administrators of our Bulldog family financially and socially.
We meet the last Tuesday of each month some in person and some virtual
Media Assistant: Shelving Books, Laminating and Trimming etc.
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A054BAAAC22A2F85-46830062-bmslibrary
Bulldog Way Stand: Assist with PBIS student positive behavior incentive store - during lunches
Sign up here: https://signup.com/go/VbvPLMJ
PACT is seeking Coordinators interested in organizing events for 2024/25, many of our coordinators are graduating to High School, so join now to learn how they do it:
Dine/Shop/Play to Donate (spirit nights with local restaurants or other businesses)
Family Engagement (hosting PACT tables at various school events to recruit more help and share upcoming events)
Fundraising (Hoop-A-Thon)
Conference Meals (organized feeding our amazing BMS Staff on Conference Nights).
PACT Board Members: Leaders needed 2 of our founding members will "graduate" at the end of this year and we are seeking to fill the board for the 2024-2025 school year.
Make an imPACT, join the PACT!!
We can be reached via email at BMSpact@gmail.com
Sign up to get regular information or link to a specific committee here
Afterschool programming, family and community events, and so so much more …
Bulldogs…Let’s make this happen!!!
We are Brooklyn Middle STEAM School Parents and Community Together
STEAM Highlights
Making Music students welcomed Duniya Drum & Dance as guest artists to learn about Guinea, West Africa. Students practiced basic hand drumming techniques, patterns and timing while learning traditional rhythms and dances from West Africa.
MN Studies Water Wheel
6th Grade MN Studies students used the engineering design process and collaborated in groups to create a functioning water wheel
Parker STEAM Explorers
We welcomed Parker engineers to our school for a STEAM Explorers session with a presentation about their careers in engineering and a hands-on activity with the hydrobot robotic arms.
University of Minnesota Dentists- STEAM Explorers
A group of dentists from the University of Minnesota program worked with students at different stations to learn about what a career in dentistry would be like. Students problem solved the different scenarios a dentists would experience.
Firefighter STEAM Explorers
Life Science Breakout EDU Activity
7th Grade Life Science students worked in teams to try to break out of the Genetics Breakout EDU box. This is similar to an escape room where they have to solve the challenging problems to unlock a box with all kinds of locks
Project Lead the Way
Students in Project Lead the Way classes have been designing and creating hot air balloons and marble mazes!
FACS/Culinary Arts
Over the course of 3 weeks, students researched African American influencers in the food industry, from White House chefs to food innovators. Students learned about the history and flavors of Soul, Cajun and Creole foods.
Recipes prepared and sampled:
-Buttermilk fried chicken
-Pimento Cheese
-Cajun or Creole Jambalaya
Students creating their own pinch clay pottery projects.
CEAP (Community Emergency Assistance Programs)
7051 Brooklyn Blvd
Brooklyn Center, Minnesota 55429
(763) 566-9600
Mon-Thu 8:00am-4:30pm
Fri 8:00am-2:30pm
Sat-Sun Closed
CEAP started as a food shelf but now provides many other services such as
- Housing Assistance
- LearnStrong Back-to-School (backpacks and school supplies)
- Toys Of Joy Holiday Program
- Birthday Bags
- Baby and Toddler Care Packages
- Check out the website for additional programs
School Office: 763-569-7700...............................BMS Website: https://bms.district279.org/#
Attendance: 763-569-7616………………………………..Transportation: 763-391-7244
6th Grade
Caitlin Kuntz, Counselor 6th Grade ......Email: KuntzC@district279.org
Larry Bilbro, SMS 6th Grade......Email: BilbroL@district279.org
7th Grade
Judy Anderson, Counselor 7th Grade .......Email: AndersonJ@district279.org
Rachel Walton, SMS 7th Grade……..Email: WaltonR@district279.org
8th Grade
Annessia Xiong, Counselor 8th Grade .....Email: XiongAnnessia@district279.org
Elijah McClure, SMS 8th Grade.......Email: McClureE@district279.org
District Tip Line.........763-256-6363
#bmsgoodthings #bmsbulldogsrock #bmssteambulldogs
Website: https://bms.district279.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bmssteambulldogs/
Twitter: bmssteam