Hey, Indians!
Week of October 7th - 11th
Remember, students cannot take your exams early!
Flex Days Documentation is Due 10/7
- Read the attached Exchange Day Policy to know the requirements.
- As a reminder, you will be docked by the district if this information is not turned in by 10/7.
Uploading Professional Development into STRIVE
When you go to renew your SBEC/TEAL certifications, they will ask for an upload of your PD portfolio. Your STRIVE portfolio is where you need to be storing PD. Below are instructions on how to maintain your PD documents.
If you completed some type of PD (outside of the district) and wanted to receive credit for it in Eduphoria's Strive then this how-to is for you!
LINKED DOCUMENT --> Requesting Outside Professional Learning Credits – Eduphoria!
LINKED VIDEO --> https://youtu.be/UOzksb0mr9k?t=1045
Turn in your candy to Ciara Sunseri! 1 bag = one day of jeans!
Character Strong Lessons
This year Character Strong kicks off the week of October 14.
Character Strong focuses on developing social-emotional skills, fostering a positive school culture, and promoting resilience among our students. Through brief classroom lessons and activities, students will learn the importance of empathy, teamwork, and character.
Mrs. Luna has created this year's schedule for you to follow. Like last year, it's divided by by department so that it's spread evenly throughout the school year.
As you know, it's a legal requirement by the State of Texas to provide SEL lessons in the classroom.
- These lessons are not optional, please follow the schedule and pick the day(s) you will teach the SEL lessons in your classroom when it's your department's turn and indicate this on your WAG.
Parent Contact Logs were due September 20th
- Call logs will only be due every 3 weeks to your Appraiser (the due date is on each tab at the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet).
- You are required to make one positive parent contact per week (can be via Remind 101, email, or phone call).
- ALL parent contact should be documented on the contact log (positive, behavior calls, attendance calls, etc.).
Candy Fest
What we need from staff right now:
- If you sponsor a club or student organization and you would like to decorate a hallway please fill our the attached form. Click HERE.
- Begin talking to your students about candy donations, start collecting now.
- If you do not sponsor a club, please encourage your students to begin bringing candy donations.
Staff Shout Outs/Kudos
Click the image to submit.
STUCO Yearly Calendar
Illumination Award Application
From the Education Foundation
The Illumination Awards application is up and running. Please utilize this link below or the links on our website to apply! LINK TO APPLY: Click HERE
What are Illumination Awards?
The Education Foundation is accepting applications EVERY month, due the 10th of each month from September through April!
- All Illumination Awards applications are required to be educational in nature and align with the Santa Fe Texas Education Foundation’s mission.
- Santa Fe ISD employees may apply for Illumination Awards amounting to $500 or more if the request aligns with the requirements above and is not already funded directly by Santa Fe ISD.
- Applicants are encouraged to apply early because requests are very competitive.
Classroom Wishlists
The Classroom Wish Lists are open and ready for you to submit your classroom projects for up to $500! Mrs. Welsh created a tip sheet that's attached below.
Direct link: https://santafetexaseducationfoundation-bloom.kindful.com/causes
Adding to Campus Announcements
If you want to add to the campus daily announcements, please send the information to Mrs. Loop.
Classroom Maintenance Requests
We now use FMX Maintenance Requests to fulfill maintenance needs, which you can access on Class Link.
After clicking on the app on Class Link, you will need to choose the option "Need an account?" and register using your school email.
From Ms. Sunseri - STUCO Community Service (Teacher Help)
STUCO is required to get community service hours to be recognized by the state as an active council. If you have any work that you need done in your room or with prepping for upcoming activities, please complete this form. We will use Mondays as community service days and I will be able to send students out during 5th and 7th period.
ALC Student Job Request
Students is Mrs. Baros' General Employability Skills classes are seeking job opportunities on campus. Please review the flyer to see if they can help you out in your classroom!
Jobs such as:
- laminating
- filing
- cutting
- stapling
- alphabetizing
- shredding
- organizing
If you have a student in need, please contact the counselors. Please see the campus closet information included.