The Hawk Connection
AMS Newsletter 24/25: Volume 16
Principal's Message
Hello, AMS Students and families,
I hope everyone had a restful weekend. Looking ahead, this Friday marks the end of Quarter 3, placing us at the midpoint of Semester 2. Strong effort and attention to your studies now will help ensure a successful completion of the academic year, keep it up!
Academic Support I want to remind all students that our teachers and staff are here to support your academic success. If you're facing any challenges, please don't hesitate to reach out for assistance. Your growth and achievement remain our top priority.
Upcoming Musical Performances We are delighted to invite you to our spring concerts at the Brodniak Performing Arts Center:
- Band Concert: Monday, March 31
- Choir Concert: Wednesday, April 2
These performances showcase the incredible talent and hard work of our young musicians. We encourage all families to attend and support our performing arts programs. See more details below.
7 Period Transition: I'd like to take a moment to thank the Caregiver advisory members that have met with me on an ongoing basis this year to continue to foster collaboration and preparation for the transition to a 7-period schedule next year. During a recent meeting, we reviewed several key topics and questions that have been coming up. The intent of the Video series is to address as many of those questions/topics as possible. As a result of our last meeting, Dr. Irish was asked to be a special guest for a conversation about the transition and specific budget related questions. Please check out the video below.
Kia duNann
Update: 8th Grade Students/Families
8th Grade Events- I want to provide an important update regarding our 8th grade end-of-year celebration. As shared in last spring's Pride newsletter, we established a student committee to reimagine these culminating events. This initiative reflects our commitment to creating meaningful celebrations that genuinely represent our students' voices and preferences.
Student-Led Planning Process The committee has been meeting regularly since last year, engaging in thoughtful discussions and creative planning. Their primary focus has been to design celebrations that:
- Incorporate significant student input (through brainstorming ideas and seeking feedback in a survey)
- Schedule events during evening hours to maximize family attendance
- Create lasting memories for our 8th grade class
Addressing Community Questions: I want to address recent concerns regarding potential changes to the venue or format of these events. To be clear, any modifications under consideration are solely driven by student input and preferences, not by budgetary constraints.
Next Steps: In the coming weeks, the entire 8th grade class will see the top few options that were narrowed down to and request a vote. We anticipate sharing detailed plans for the week of June 9th celebrations with all families within the next month.
We appreciate your continued support as we work to create a memorable conclusion to your students' middle school journey.
Smarter Balanced Assessment Testing
Smarter Balanced Assessment Testing will begin in May. If you choose to refuse testing for your student, please fill out the attached form and return it via email to mfrost@asd103.org by May 2, 2025.
Staff Spotlight
Nathan Dunham:
In our current unit, students are increasing their number sense by applying irrational numbers in multiple ways. They also learned that there is a special relationship that exists in the squares that can be drawn off of each side of a right triangle. By incorporating this relationship, called Pythagorean Theorem, students are finding missing side lengths in right triangles, finding distances between points and determining whether triangles are right triangles or not. It is one of the most enjoyable units of the year for students.
Kristen Chambers:
Our sixth graders are working hard on a final informational writing project for our Titanic Unit. They are researching the general history of the Titanic, a section spotlighting a passenger on the Titanic, and choosing a theory of what caused the sinking of the ship. In social studies we just finished our unit on Ancient China and now we are starting our unit of study on Ancient Israel.
AMS Athletics
AMS Clubs
Clubs are in full swing at AMS! Check out the options here and sign up on FinalForms if something catches your eye. Have an idea for a new club? Stop by the front office to get a "Starting a New Club" form.
Gaming Club is taking a break until after Spring Break and Running Club has ended for our middle school students now that Spring Sports are here. Check out the many available clubs we have going on at AMS and feel free to sign up on FinalForms or drop in any time!
AMS Students!: Do you enjoy gardening, cooking, and/or crafting? If so, come join the Garden to Kitchen club! We will meet every Tuesday from 2:45-4:00 in Ms. Robbins' classroom (room 101), beginning March 25th. Feel free to come every week, or just drop in when you're able. Hope to see you there!
Important Message from our PTSA
Thank you to everyone who supported the Pizza Factory and De Asian/Naung Mai Thai Community Connections. A huge shout out to our amazing local businesses and community members for supporting the PTSA!!
Cookie Friday needs some volunteer support in the coming months. Please sign up if you can. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0E4BADAE28A1FF2-50824799-cookie#/ Next Cookie Friday is 4/18.
Last call for AMS spirit wear! Store is open until 3/31. https://stores.tshirtsbydesign.ink/anacortesms/shop/home. Orders will be ready after Spring Break.
WANTED!! The PTSA is still taking nominations for the PTSA Executive Committee: PTSA President, VP, Treasurer, or Secretary. No previous PTA experience required. Election is May 7th!
Free & Reduced Lunch Application Form & Information
Free & Reduced Lunch Applications and Meal Time
All families should apply! It is important that all families, regardless of income, apply for free and reduced-price meals. Completion of this form may help provide important funding for our schools, as well as continue and possibly expand our ability to serve meals at no cost. If qualified, families may also receive waived or reduced fees for certain programs, like sports, clubs, and other events!
Student Calendar
Click here to view the school calendar.
3-7: Education Support Professionals Week
3-13: K-8 Half Day (Students only)
3-14: No School; Staff Training
PE Shirts
Anacortes Middle School PE shirts are ordered online HERE directly through our vendor and are not available to purchase through the school.
Parents/Guardians have several ways to notify the school of an absence, tardy or early release need.
-Call: 360-503-1248
-Email: amsattend@asd103.org
-Use Skyward Family Access
Pre-Planned absence forms are required for any absence that will be longer than three days. Students can stop by the office for one or can email to request one be sent to them.
Students that are just arriving or leaving early from school must come and sign in/out.
Here is a link directly to the attendance tab on our website as well: AMS attendance website
Message from the AMS Health Room
Please see our graphic below for information regarding our process for reporting activity restrictions or student injuries. You can also click the graphic to download it as a PDF and access it's links.
Anacortes Community Connect
Looking for fun activities, camps, and family-friendly events in our community? We've got you covered! Check out the Anacortes Community Connect page for amazing opportunities the whole family can enjoy.
Anacortes Middle School
Do you need help or assistance? If so, the following people are available to assist:
Mrs. Tarleton- amsattend@asd103.org or 360-503-1248
Last name A-K Mr. Flynn- Sflynn@asd103.org or last name L-Z Mrs. Newall Rnewall@asd103.org
If you have concerns about your student's grade or classroom experience, please contact their teacher directly:
Staff Contact Directory Linked Here
If you need to speak to an administrator please contact Mrs. King at Aking@asd103.org or 360-503-1232.
Monica Frost, Assistant Principal
Website: https://ams.asd103.org/
Location: 2202 M Avenue, Anacortes, WA, USA
Phone: 360-503-1230
Nondiscrimination Notice
The Anacortes School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination, or you may mail complaints to the address below.
Kristen Koehler Section 504/ADA Coordinator
(360) 503-1216
Connie Sheridan, Civil Rights/RCW/Title IX Coordinator
(360) 503-1221
Written Complaints
2200 M Avenue, Anacortes, WA 98221
The Anacortes School District provides interpretation and translation services upon request as needed. Please contact the Student Support Services Department for more information: (360) 503-1216.