Wildcat Weekly
March 8, 2023
Contact Information
Website: https://www.ksb.kyschools.us
Location: 1867 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40206
Phone: (502) 897-1583
Fax: (502) 897-2850
Facebook: facebook.com/KYschoolfortheblind/
Twitter: @KSBWildcats
Principal's Message
Happy Friday Wildcats!
Congratulations to our Students of the Week: Brandon M. (High School), Addy C. (Middle School), Saniyah E., (Elementary), and Gabby G. (Athletics). Our bowling team is on the way to the Missouri School for the Blind to compete in the NCASB Bowling Tournament. Good luck Wildcats!
On Monday, March 11th, Dr. Robin Kinney, Interim Commissioner for KDE will visit the KSB campus. We’re excited for Dr. Kinney to see the exciting things happening at KSB and look forward to her visit. A reminder that we will have school on March 15th.
The American Printing House for the Blind( APH) is working to build the most accessible museum in the world, The Dot Experience, and they want to invite you to be a part of it! APH is organizing a photo shoot on Saturday, March 30 at Solid Light, where museum exhibits for The Dot Experience are being designed. They're seeking children and families to interact with early artifact replicas and exhibit prototypes. All abilities are welcome! This will be a great chance to preview the museum's progress and feel involved in its development. If you and your family would like to be involved or have any questions, please contact APH's Services Engagement Manager, Savannah Blake at sblake@aph.org | 502.899.2297
Have a wonderful weekend and please take good care!
Upcoming Eventsđź“…
Friday, March 15-School IN SESSION
April 1-5-Spring Break
Monday, April 8-School IN SESSION
If you have any change in phone numbers, home address, a change in bus routine or you need someone added/removed from your child’s safe pick-up list; please contact Beth or Linda in the front office.
Are you signed up for OneCall? KSB uses OneCall to send school information, including our Weekly Wildcat. If not, please contact Beth Baker at beth.baker@ksb.kyschools.us or 502-897-1583
SB summer program registration is open!
Summer program dates are as follows:
- Elementary & Middle School (K-8) for KSB full-time students ONLY: May 28 - May 31
- Elementary & Middle School (K-8) for all blind/visually impaired students statewide [including KSB full-time students]: June 3 - June 7
- High School (9-12) for all blind/visually impaired students statewide [including KSB full-time students]: June 10 - June 14
- High School (9-12) for KSB full-time students ONLY: June 17 - June 21
Register your student at the link below. The deadline to register is April 8. We cannot accept any applications after that time.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Kyrstin Price at kyrstin.price@ksb.kyschools.us
Well folks it has been a happening week here at Howser dorm on the campus of KSB. To begin with we have had a very busy week with the students and staff here as we began on Sunday afternoon with a lasagna and garlic bread meal prepared by our dorm chef Ms. Dollie and snacks supplied by Mr. Larry. We had some free activity time in the recreation gym with some connect four, air hockey and air mattress time. On Monday night we had a strong and competitive round of tug-o-war with captain Wyatt's team and Captain Caleb's team with Calebs team taking round one in a strong match of strength and endurance from his team. Team Wyatt bounced back with a strong stand and really dug in their heels to win round two and even up the match. In a hotly contested 3rd round it was Captain Wyatt's team that outlasted Captain Caleb's team to win the match and the set and propel them to the championship!! Little to the surprise of everyone was the ringer that was thrown into the match by Captain Wyatt and his "sneaky" team was the addition of Ms. Annette, yes, she was a definite difference maker for the championship team. On Tuesday night after supper time, we had the Pennzoil 300 race on the racetrack at the gym with Wyatt Wilson coming in first and runner up was Landon ( Holiday) Smith. Then some free time on the basketball court and bouncy mattress. Wednesday night it was an early supper at the cafeteria and then a trip to 10 Pin Lanes for some bowling for the students and staff. The night was filled with lots of strikes, spares and yes, a few gutter balls along the way, but the students were all involved and having fun with laughs, claps, high fives and fist bumps and having a fablous time. On Thursday night we closed out the week at the dorm with a cafeteria meal of orange chicken, rice and egg rolls prepared by Ms. Tamika and then we had movie night with a double feature of Diary of a Wimpy Kid in the dorm and 10 Things I hate About You showing in the recreation gym. It has been an adventurous week here for the students and staff at Howser dorm and as we close out another week, we just want to remind everyone to ask the students about their tye-dye shirts they made and are supposed to wear to school on Monday March 11th. Also to remind everyone that we only have 3 weeks of school left before we have spring break and to make sure all grades are up to par and that we are growing and gaining wisdom and knowledge every day with every experience we have here at KSB. Enjoy the weekend with family, friends and folks. Be safe. Until next time.
KATC Summer Camps 2024
Looking for summer camp opportunities for your students? Look no further! KATC has published a list of camps this season for students of all ages.
Check out the PDF linked here for names, dates, and details of all of you summer camp options.
Tele-Support Talks
Upcoming Tele-Support Talks
Managing Self Care for Parents of Children with Vision Loss
Monday, March 18, 2024, 8:30-9:30pm EST, Online via Zoom
Learn More & Register
Exploring the World of Adaptive Sports
Monday, April 15, 2024, 8:30-9:30pm EST, Online via Zoom
Learn More & Register
Join Us Every 3rd Monday of The Month
The FREE Tele-Support Talk program provides information about topics related to supporting children, teens, and families with vision loss and are presented by an expert in the field of vision loss. Topics are selected by participants in the Lighthouse Guild’s Tele-Support Network and include child development, education, and advocacy. All are welcome to join us!
If You Missed a Tele-Support Talk, No Worries!
Check out our Tele-Support Talks Library anytime and anywhere! If you like what you hear, please feel free to share!
How A Paycheck Can Work With A Government Check
For Students, Family Members, School Staff, & Employment Specialists
At the end of the 30 minutes, you will be able to use ky.db101.org/ to see how having a job in high school means you have more money now and when you graduate.
March 11th, and April 15th, 2024 10:00 am - 10:30 am ET / 9:00 am – 9:30 am CT
No registration is required. Captioning on Zoom will be available. Click on this link to join the virtual webinar
Project Inspire Mathlete Competition
Register today for the Project INSPIRE Mathlete Competition! Registration closes March 26.
Do we have an event for you!
On May 4, 2024, braille readers from grades 6 to 12 from across the United States will participate in our virtual Mathlete Competition.
Events include:
• Sprint Round: Read a problem written in words and select the correct way to braille the problem from the 3 answer choices.
• You Solve It Round: Read and solve a math problem using the order of operations.
• You Write It Round: Listen to a math problem being read aloud and then braille the problem.
• Relay Round: Solve a math problem and then plug the answer into the next problem.
When you register your child, you’ll need to know which competition to select for them. Please consult with your child’s teacher of students with visual impairments and/or math teacher so that they are entered into the competition where they will be successful.
Junior Mathletes should be able to read, write, and solve problems in braille that contain fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, degrees, exponents, and grouping symbols. They should also be able to solve problems using what they know about the order of operations.
Senior Mathletes should be proficient with all of the Junior Mathlete content. In addition, they should be able to read, write, and solve longer problems in braille that may contain radicals, absolute value, negative numbers, and geometry.
You will also need know which braille code they use, Nemeth or UEB Math (also referred to as UEB Math/Science or UEB Technical). In addition, you will need to confirm they will have a Perkins braille writer for the practice and competition. Also, please determine if they need an addition/subtraction and/or multiplication/division chart.
Each mathlete who completes the competition will receive a certificate and t-shirt. Medals will be awarded to mathletes who place 1st, 2nd and 3rd in their category.
We will hold Saturday events via Zoom beginning at 11:30 AM Eastern, 10:30 AM Central, 9:30 AM Mountain, and 8:30 AM Pacific.
• Junior Mathlete Practice – April 6 for 2 hours
• Senior Mathlete Practice – April 13 for 2 hours
• COMPETITION!!! – May 4 for 2 hours
• Award Ceremony – May 18 for 1 hour
If your child is interested in this competition, please register them by March 26, 2024, at https://uofsc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9sojzDVkEH5b6aW We will mail all mathletes practice materials. Answer keys will be posted on our website at: https://www.pathstoliteracy.org/resource/mathlete-competition/.
If you have questions, contact Dr. Tina Herzberg at herzberg@uscupstate.edu or 864-503-5572.
Background of newsletter shows drawings of green clovers on a white background