December Newsletter
It's beginning to look a lot like...🎄
📆 Dates of Note 📆
8th December: Enrolment Mass for Holy Communion Boher Church
11th December: Rehearsals in the Lakeside Hotel12th December: Rehearsals in the Lakeside Hotel.
12th December: Play 7pm
19th December: School Christmas Mass 11:30, Boher Church. Parents, Grandparents & community members welcome
20th December: School Closes at 12:00 for Christmas Holidays
24th December: Family Mass in Ballina at 6pm
6TH January: Return to School
January- Holy Communion Outfit Donation
January 19th -25th: Catholic Schools Week
January: Sensitive Issues lessons of RSE curriculum
7th February (Friday Night): Family Bingo Night Parents Association fundraiser
🎅🏼 🎅🏼 🎅🏼 🎅🏼 🎅🏼
Christmas Play
12th December 7:00pm
Our Christmas plays will take place in the Lakeside Hotel on the 12th of December at 7pm. To prepare for the night, Juniors to Sixth class will spend the school day in the hotel for rehearsals. On the rehearsal days, parents will drop and collect from the hotel instead of the school. If anyone is unable to do so, please let us know via Aladdin.
Drop off times will remain the same. However, if any parents are in a position to collect earlier on these days, we would welcome this. Infants will have all their rehearsals complete by 11am should you wish to collect them from this time, it might help conserve their energy for the stage on Thursday Night. The Creche bus will drop off and collect from the hotel on both days as will the main bus.
There will be an option to make a donation upon entry to event on the night. We will also have a raffle with some great spot prizes- As always, if anyone would like to donate a prize for the raffle it would be very gratefully received (no alcohol please).
Parents Association- School Calendar
Our fantastic Parents Association have given up a huge amount of their time to plan a wonderful calendar for 2025. In preparation for the calendar, children with birthdays in each month collaborated on a piece of art which is displayed within the calendar along with their photo. The calendar will be on sale on the night for €15.00- cash only. All proceeds will go to the school.
In addition to the Calendar, Ann Marie Nash has formed strong links with Clarecare on behalf of the PA. Your donations of Halloween costumes and more recently the Christmas jumper collection has been gratefully received. In January, the PA will be holding a collection for Holy Communion Clothes (dresses, suits, shoes etc.) and Clarecare will host a Pop Up Holy Communion Shop after this collection for those who wish to purchase an outfit.
Many thanks to all the P.A members for volunteering their time, skills and energy so selflessly for the benefit of our school and wider community.
Christmas came early to Boher N.S when we heard the news that Amber was defying all the odds and was due to be discharged from Temple Street hospital after two months in their care. Since then, she has started her return to school proving everyday what a super star she is! Many thanks to everyone in the community who had Amber & her family in your thoughts and prayers since September.
🌈⛄💨 "It'd be a lovely little country if we could only roof it" ☔ 🌂
When we believe it is safe to do, we do our best to allow the children get outside for breaks and lunch times even when it is raining. This gives the children a chance to move, play and socialise as well as getting fresh air and daylight! In order to this, we need the children to have waterproof gear with them in school, this includes coats with hoods and trousers.
Analog Devices Community Awards
Book Fair
The book fair arrived once again at Boher National School, and it has been another great success! A heartfelt thank you to Nicola Welford for organizing the hall for this event, as well as to Orla Cooney, Marian Stewart, and Ann Glynn for giving up their time to run the book fair- without the support of these parents the event would not be possible
The annual Scholastic Book Fair not only fosters a love of reading among children but also serves as a fun and engaging way to raise funds for our school library. We greatly appreciate everyone’s support in making this event one of the highlights of the school year. Thanks to Mr.Horan as always for overseeing all aspects of the Book Fair.
Tom's Shed!
We are very lucky as a school & as a community to have Tom Lyons as our caretaker. He does a huge amount of work both inside the school walls and within the school grounds, as well as maintaining our MUGA pitch, community hall and helping out in the church grounds from time to time also. Upon seeing Tom using a van to store a few bits and pieces, a very generous parent purchased a new shed and donated it to the school for Tom's use. We are very grateful to Tom for his hard work and to this parent for a very kind gesture indeed.
Family Bingo Night February 7th 2025
Mark the date in your diary folks! Boher N.S Parents Association are currently planning the family event of the year for 2025! The Family Fun Bingo night will take place on the 7th of February in the Lakeside Hotel. It will be a night of great fun with lots & lots of prizes to be won!
📄 Admissions 2025/26 📅 📝
Junior & Senior Infant Recap - November
Junior and Senior Infants have been exploring a Doctor and Dentist's Office setup in their play corner, learning about community helpers like doctors, nurses, and dentists who look after our health. Through this activity, they have discovered the tools and equipment used in these professions and learned about the different parts of the human body, both inside and out.
One of the focuses has been on tooth care, where the children learned about foods that are good for their teeth, such as fruits, vegetables, and dairy, and those that can harm dental health, like sugary snacks and drinks. They also practiced proper hygiene habits, including thorough handwashing, to understand how to stay healthy and prevent the spread of germs.
6th Class Christmas Art
Science Week
Science Week began on the 10th of November, Some of the senior classes had the opportunity to visit the University of Limerick for a hands-on science activity at the ' Go Fly Your Kite' workshop.
During their visit, the students explored the principles of aerodynamics, gaining insights into how air and motion interact. They applied these principles in a practical and creative way by constructing their own kites, which helped bring the concepts to life in a fun and engaging manner.
Charitable Donations- Thank you 🙏
Many thanks to everyone who donated to our charitable fundraisers so far this year. As well as helping the chosen charities, it is very much in keeping with our school ethos, helping our children to think about those less fortunate than us. In addition to our community supporting Amber's Go fund me, Boher N.S donated €620.00 to the Children's Health Foundation Trick or Treat, €525 to Goal on Jersey Day and through the work of our parents association clothing collections at Halloween and Christmas, we are also supporting people within our locality
We will hold a Christmas Jumper day on the final day of the term, 20th December 2024. A link will be sent closer to the time should you wish to make a donation. All donations will go straight to LauraLynn-Ireland's children's hospice
Killaloe Ballina Area Food Drive 13th December
If any parents would like to donate dried/canned/jarred food, toiletries and sanitary good, socks or underwear to the Killaloe, Ballina Area Better Christmas Fund, items can be sent in to us in school. The final day for drop off will be December 13th (not 11th as on the poster below). Thank you to our Student Council for managing this initiative.
Advent Celebration
Thank you to parent Sarah Cosgrove for the donation of our beautiful Christmas tree. We are also very grateful to Rose O'Connell who delivers an advent wreath each year to display in our hallway. All classes throughout the school are learning about the history of the Advent wreath, it's significance to Christians and what each candle represents. Many thanks to Ms.Boland for leading this.
🙏 Family Mass Christmas Eve 🙏
The family mass for December will take place on Christmas Eve at 6pm. Many thanks to Ann Marie Nash and all the family mass team for their work throughout the year in creating such a lovely atmosphere each month for the family mass.
Student Council Elections 2024/25
Elected members to the student council for the year ahead: First Class: Aoibhlinn McKeogh, Second Class: James Nolan, Third class: Bobby Ryan, Fourth Class 2 seats: Adam Glynn & Méabh Ryan. Fifth Class 2 seats: Michaela Nash & Liam Mulcahy Sixth Class- 3 seats: Jack Shregardus, Daire McCole, Khloe Ryan
This year our student elections coincided with the week of the General Election. The school was a hive of activity as pupils did their best to gain votes from their classmates to be elected for the 2024/25 student council. Pupil's learned about being part of a democracy, importance of using your vote and there was lots of chances for incidental learning with some pretty exuberant claims and promises being made by perspective candidates! Ms. Fyfe & Ms. Ryan had a difficult job counting the ballots as there was some exceptionally close counts.
Board of Management Agreed Report November 2024
Emergency Closure Policy Approved
The Board of Management recently approved our Emergency Closure Policy. This policy along with any others approved in the recent past can be viewed on the school website under "Parents" & "Policies & Reports" or by clicking the following link
McKeoghs Hardware Decoration Donation
McKeoghs Hardware generously donated Christmas decorations for use in our school this year bringing a sprinkle of Christmas spirit to Boher N.S! The businesses in our community have always been so supportive of our school especially at times of fundraisers. We would encourage all our parents, when possible, to shop local and remember these businesses that have been so supportive of our school.