Shawnee Heights Elementary Scoop
Weekly Update (August 18, 2022)
What's Coming at SHES!
Friday, August 19th
- Color day in Kindergarten: Green
- PreK/Early Childhood Special Education Screening @ SHES. (Call 357-5440 for more information)
Monday, August 22nd
- Color day in Kindergarten: Blue
Tuesday, August 23rd
- Color day in Kindergarten: Purple
Wednesday, August 24th
- Color day in Kindergarten: Pink
Thursday, August 25th
- Color day in Kindergarten: Brown
- Color day in Kindergarten: Black
A Note from our Principal; Mrs. Rebecca Hummer
Wecome again to the 2022-2023 school year Thunderbolt families! It has been a great first week with students back in the building. Their voices, smiles, laughs, hugs, waves, high-fives and excitement for learning make each and every day here at SHES special. It is an honor to work with outstanding students, parents and staff. I pledge to you a school focused on the education of all children; dedicated to helping our students grow academically, socially and emotionally as we learn, follow rules, make new friends and have fun!
My primary responsibilities and duties each day include providing instructional leadership of the building including staff and classrooms, discipline support, collaboration with families and staff, parent/staff communication, maintaining the daily operations of the building, staff feedback/evaluations, and supervision of parent transportation.
Our amazing staff are dedicated to implementing our Ci3T building plan. This plan addresses three key components: academics, behavior, and social skills. This plan has both a proactive and reactive behavioral component. Our SHES plan was developed and has evolved throughout the past 5 years in response to information derived from school-wide surveys and academic assessments to determine expectations and areas of need at SHES.
Our Mission at SHES:
Shawnee Heights Elementary School/Pettit Building staff and families provide a safe and supportive environment that ensures academic excellence and develops productive, responsible, and respectful citizens prepared for a lifetime of learning in a dynamic society.
Our Purpose:
Shawnee Heights Elementary School will implement a tiered intervention plan to support the academic, behavior and social needs of all students.
A key to the success of our plan is partnership and teamwork. Students, Parents, Faculty/Staff and Administration all have responsibilites to help our students reach success. Please take some time to review the student and parent responsibilities from our Ci3T plan (found below). A parent letter will be sent in early September with more information and a family commitment letter to sign and return. We look forward to working together and making this an amazing school year!
My door is always open. I appreciate your feedback and love hearing positiive impacts our staff are having on your student(s) as well as our community. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at 785-730-5345 or at
Thank you for choosing SHES and trusting us with your student(s).
Rebecca Hummer
Our focus on the 8 Keys of Excellence
INTEGRITY – Match behavior with values
Demonstrate your positive personal values in all you do and say. Be sincere and real.
Living in integrity means that everything we say and everything we do are true reflections of what we value, what’s important to us. Think about what your behavior says about you. Does it clearly show others what you value? Do you show up as honest and committed, or dishonest and indifferent? Are you spending your time with the people and activities you value, or is your focus elsewhere?
When we live in integrity we are sincere and true to ourselves—we don’t say or think one thing and do another. People trust and respect us, our relationships are solid, and we feel good about ourselves. Those positive feelings from others and within ourselves reinforce our values and build our reputation and self-esteem, leading us to greater success in all areas of our lives.
A note from our Dean of Students; Mrs. Shawnie Hays
Hello SHES Families! My name is Shawnie Hays and I’m the Dean of Students at SHES, full-time this year! My main job responsibilities include classroom management support, discipline, and transportation support. I will also be a part of grade level collaborations, observations, and providing instructional support to our amazing staff! I am so thankful and grateful to be a part of the SHES community and I look forward to getting to know all of our students and families.
Our theme this year is “Bee Kind”. We are demonstrating this in many ways at SHES by following our 8 Keys of Excellence. This week, our students are learning and reviewing building wide expectations using the 8 Keys of Excellence as our guide. This month we will be focusing on Classroom Expectations. Our goal at SHES is to maximize instructional time and by following our Classroom Expectations, we are able to reach that goal. Please take some time to review the Classroom Expectations (found below) with your child.
It’s going to be a great year at SHES! Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at 785-730-5183 or at
Shawnie Hays
Second Step at SHES
This month, our schoolwide theme is "Welcoming" as we want SHES to be a place where every student feels like he or she belongs. In our morning announcements, we’ll be reminding students to welcome others and act and speak in safe, respectful, and responsible ways. In addition we’ll be reminding students of our school-wide expectations of our 8 Keys of Excellence.
We’ll also begin teaching the Second Step program, which includes lessons that support these behaviors. Support your child at home in welcoming others and acting and speaking in safe, respectful, and responsible ways. Please engage with your child in any Second Step homelink activities that are sent home. Please tell your child’s teacher if you have questions about specific ways you can help your child with these behaviors at home.
Meet our SHES staff (Primary)
Mrs. Hays (right)
Office staff
(left to right)
Mrs. Lister, office aideMs. Price, Admin. assistant
Ms. Mattox, Nurse
Early Childhood (EC)/PreK
(left to right)
Mrs. Escalante, PreKMrs. Peacocke, School Psych
Mrs. Baker, ESCE Inclusion
Mrs. Holcomb, ESCE
Mrs. Bloxsom, Social worker
Mr. Matney, Kdg.
Mrs. Mitchell, Kdg.
Mrs. Maloun, Adaptive SPED
Mrs. Simpson, Kdg.
Mrs. Morgan, Speech
First Grade
Mrs. Holder, 1st grade
Mrs. Sharp, IRC/SPED
Mrs. Singleton, 1st grade AM
Mrs. Taylor, 1st grade
Mrs. Tomes, 1st grade PM
2nd Grade
Mr. Simpson, PE
Mr. Mielenz, 2nd grade
Mrs. Cooper, Tier III Reading
Mrs. Garrett, Speech
Mrs. Slusser, 2nd grade
SHES is Family!
Food Service
(left to right)
Mrs. SchuetzMr. Allen
Mrs. Mischke, Ticketscanner
Mrs. Starnes, Manager
Mrs. Ortiz
Parent Drop-off & Pick-up Information
As shared earlier this year, from 8:45-9:05 a.m. and 3:55-4:15 p.m. the front SHES parking lot is reserved for BUS traffic only.
All cars must exit parent drop-off and parent pick-up by turning right onto Burton Street. (Visual below)
Thank you for showing Integrity in following these procedures daily!