Week of November 5:Bobcat News
From the desk of Principal C.
November 2024
November School Appreciation days
National Family Engagement Month
National Homeless Youth Awareness Month
Nov. 12-15: National School Psychology Week
Nov. 8: National STEM/ STEAM Day
Nov. 11: Veterans Day
Nov. 20: Education Support Professionals Day
Nov. 22: Substitute Professionals Day
What's happening at the Bouch!
Monday, November 4: Student of the Year reception and announcement at 10:30am
Tuesday, November 5: No school for students- Election day
Friday, November 8: Spirit Store round two online ordering closes
Saturday, November 9: Fall Literacy Kickoff (information will be sent home to families who registered)
Monday, November 11: Fall Literacy Kits sent home with students
Monday, November 11: Book Fair starts (more information to be sent home by the librarian)
Tuesday, November 12: home communication folder sent home
Wednesday, November 13: Progress reports sent home
Monday, November 18: SWLA dental appts- information will be sent home for you to schedule an appt for your child
Monday, November 18: Beta Club induction program at 9am (invitations to be sent home)
Tuesday, November 19: home communication folders sent home
Wednesday, November 20: 5th grade Arts for All fieldtrip- permission required to attend
Thursday, November 21: Raising Cane's fundraiser night from 4-8pm (3 random families who visit between 5:00-6:00 pm and mention Alice Boucher when ordering will have their meal paid)
Monday, November 25- Friday, November 29: no school- Thanksgiving break
AR (Accelerated Reader)/Library
9W2: ends December 19, 2024
AR reward: Pajamas and Hot Chocolate party with Mrs. Terry the librarian.
How to earn the reward: Meet all 3 goals (points, percentage, and reading levels)
Principal C.'s AR Point club- ends May 9 (data below updated weekly)
25 points- earn a book grab bag
- Basil B.
- Mallorie O.
- Khristian R.
- Mali W.
- Ava T.
- Emelie C.
- Randy B.
100 points- Picture with Principal C. and Mrs. Terry placed on the wall in the cafeteria
200 points- earn a T-shirt
400 points- Lunch off campus with Principal C. and Mrs. Terry
Counselor's Corner
New Month, New CORE Value
November’s value is GENEROSITY! “Making someone’s day by giving something away.” Students started learning all about our new CORE value during fun Friday last week.
This month we will also be talking about GRATITUDE because it goes hand-in-hand with generosity. “Live life with a generous and grateful heart!”
Be on the lookout for the Core Essentials newsletter for more info!
Your input is needed!
Please take a moment to fill out our Family survey. Your feedback is so important to us and completing the survey helps us to continue receiving funding.
It only takes about five minutes to finish. Click the link below to support the Bouch!
Big Brothers, Big Sisters partnership
We are incredibly happy to have so many students sign up for the BBBS program. Their team is currently working on interviewing students to find their perfect match!
Awareness Days
November 13 – World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day is to highlight good deeds in the community focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness which binds us. Kindness is a fundamental part of the human condition which bridges the divides of race, religion, politics, gender and location.
November 21 – National Children’s Grief Awareness Day
Children's Grief Awareness Day seeks to bring attention to the fact that often support can make all the difference in the life of a grieving child. It provides an opportunity for all of us to raise awareness of the painful impact that the death of a loved one has in the life of a child, an opportunity to make sure that these children receive the support they need. This time of year is a particularly appropriate time to support grieving children because the holiday season is often an especially difficult time after a death.
Growth, Opportunity, Safety, Culture Highlights
- closed toe tennis shoes
- jacket with no hood
- clear backpack
Ava Mayon
Makhi Zeno
David Reyes
Logan Gooding
Giselle Landry
Zamari Butler
Ava Thomas
Bailey Linton
Jalayah Dixon
Da'mya Lawrence
Ja'Nyha Joubert