GA Principal Newsletter
October 20, 2024
Crazy Hair and Sock Day!
Kindness Week Activity
Dear Glen Acres Families,
Cool To Be Kind week was so much fun! The students enjoyed all of the activities this week including Friday's special activity with the PTO!
PTO, through the Membership Toolkit will be sending you a summary and pictures of our students!
We have a few Fall and Halloween parties scheduled this month. Classroom parties led by homeroom parents will be on 10/31 and the PTO has TRUNK or TREAT planned on the evening of 10/30 for those families who are interested. Please see the brochure below.
On Halloween, please do NOT send your child into school in costumes. However, feel free to have your child wear festive t-shirts if your child is interested in dressing up in some way. Students are welcome to wear their full costumes on the evening of 10/30 during the PTO sponsored TRUNK or TREAT. Please see the brochure below.
Have a good few weeks.
Honoring Our Veterans
Glen Acres is honoring our parent and grandparent Veterans and active military members on November 11th at 9:15 AM. If you are a veteran/military member and would like to attend our veteran's assembly dedicated to YOU, please fill out this google form no later than Wednesday, November 6th. We ask that parents fill out the form for the grandparents of our students.
Congratulations To Miss Pruitt's Class
Congratulations to Miss Pruitt's 3rd Grade Class on winning the "Kindness is Soaring through Glen Acres" award this week for being the class with the highest amount of donations AND the most registrations during our PTO Kindness Fundraiser!
Congratulations To Mrs. Barnett's Class!
Congratulations to Mrs. Barnett's Third Grade Class on winning the "Anyone Can Be Kind" award this week for being the class with the most Acts of Kindness during our PTO Kindness Fundraiser!
Buddy Day!
5th graders assisted their Kindergarten buddies with making a Candy Corn Cutie! This was a task involving many fine motor skills including coloring, cutting, gluing, folding and also following directions! It was awesome to see them all work together!
- Monday, October 21st - Day 2
- Tuesday, October 22nd - Day 3, Advanced Orchestra Rehearsal; After School Sports (4th Gr. Boys)
- Wednesday, October 23rd - Day 4, Chorus Rehearsal; Title I PAC Meeting and Parent Workshop
- Thursday, October 24th - Day 1, Advanced Band Rehearsal; After School Sports (4th and 5th Gr. Girls)
- Friday, October 25th - Day 2, Goshen Fire Company Visit (Kindergarten & 1st Grade)
- Monday, October 28th - Day 3, After School Sports (5th Gr. Boys); School Board Meeting
- Tuesday, October 29th - Day 4, Advanced Orchestra Rehearsal; After School Sports (4th Gr. Boys)
- Wednesday, October 30th - Day 1, Chorus Rehearsal; Trunk or Treat
- Thursday, October 31st - Day 2, Advanced Band Rehearsal; Classroom Harvest Parties
- Friday, November 1st - NO SCHOOL
Important Upcoming Dates
October 30th - Trunk or Treat
October 31st - Classroom Harvest Parties
November 1st - NO SCHOOL
October 30th - Trunk or Treat
Upcoming Events in the Library
Glen Acres Elementary was one of the lucky schools chosen to participate in the Phanatic About Reading Program presented by Xfinity and the Philadelphia Phillies!
Picture Retake Day - November 7th
Picture Retake Day is on Thursday, November 7, 2024! If you or your child was not pleased with how their school pictures turned out or your child was absent, 11/7 is their day! If your child did have their picture taken, please send them in with their picture booklet (which will be delivered shortly) and Barksdale School Portraits will be happy to retake their picture!
Attendance and Communication Updates
We have some important updates to share regarding attendance and communication:
New Note Submission Options: Parents/Guardians can now submit parent notes for absences through Pickup Patrol and Talking Points messages. We will continue to accept emails and handwritten notes. We hope this makes it easier for you to keep us informed!
Automated Phone Calls: Automated phone calls will be sent to parents/ guardians of students with unexcused (LAW) absences at 10:10 AM each morning. This will help keep you updated on your child's attendance. If this automated call ever feels inaccurate, please contact our main office.
New Email for Parent Notes: We have established a new email address for submitting parent notes: GAEattendance@wcasd.k12.pa.us. Our school secretaries (Theresa Weaver and Stacie Berglin) will receive emails to this address which will ensure a smooth communication process.
Doctor’s Note Requirement: Please note that the previous 60-minute early dismissal window during which a doctor’s note was not required has been removed. This year, a doctor’s note will be required for early dismissals to avoid an unexcused absence.
Thank you for your cooperation as we implement these changes to enhance our attendance processes.
The Glen Acres Elementary Parent Teacher Organization ( PTO)
Joining our PTO is free and recommended. When you join, you get access to information about upcoming school and community events, parties, and fundraisers.
Volunteer Information
We hope you would consider volunteering. Some volunteer opportunities that come up are opportunities to help in the library, lunchroom, as a homeroom party planner, and at field trips and school and district events. If you are interested in volunteering, please be sure to have updated clearances (good for five years) on file with the school. It is important that you submit your clearances to the school when you get them. Please do not wait until you volunteer as we need to get the clearances within a year of you receiving them.
Important Links and Attachments
A cultural bridge in the community for Spanish speaking families and our schools.
Un puente cultural en la comunidad para las familias de habla hispana y nuestras escuelas.
Glen Acres Elementary School
Ms. Donna Ryan
Email: dryan@wcasd.net
Address: 1150 Delancey Place, West Chester, PA 19382
Phone: 484-266-1700
website: https://www.wcasd.net/Domain/461
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WestChesterASD