The Tiger's Roar
Summer 2024
Dear Orange Grove Families,
As we draw the curtains on an exceptional 60th year at our school, I am filled with immense gratitude for the wonderful journey we've had together. This past academic year has been nothing short of fantastic, and we have numerous reasons to celebrate our collective achievements here at The Grove.
It was truly an honor to witness the triumphs of our students across all grades, from the milestones of our kindergarteners to the accomplishments of our fifth, eighth, and even twelfth graders. If you haven't had the chance yet, I highly recommend exploring our Instagram videos, where we've captured some of the memorable moments from these events and more.
This summer, our schedule is packed with activities aimed at enhancing our school environment and preparing for the upcoming academic year. Here's a glimpse of what's in store:
- Upgrading furnishings across the elementary campus to create a more conducive learning environment.
- Equipping an additional six buses with natural gas capabilities as part of our ongoing sustainability efforts.
- Hosting engaging summer programs at the middle campus.
- Conducting thorough data reviews and undertaking essential maintenance projects at both campuses.
- Strategizing and finalizing the schedule of events for the 2024-2025 school year, ensuring a smooth start for everyone involved.
Your unwavering support throughout the year has been invaluable to us, and we are eagerly anticipating another successful year at The Grove.
Wishing you and your families a safe and enjoyable summer break.
John H. Clendaniel
In This Issue
- Summer & Back to School Dates - 24-25 OGCS Calendar / Elementary class rosters
- Congratulations! - 4th Quarter & End of Year Awards / March-May Employees of the Month
- Important Reminders - Tdap required for all rising 7th graders / Summer Camp slots available
- Library news you can use! - Family summer reading resources / Rising 1st - 8th summer reading packets/assignments
June 11: Elementary Summer Office Hours Begin (M-TH: 8:00a - 4:00p)
June 17-21: Summer Camp @ Middle, Week 1
June 20: Charter Board Meeting 6p @ Elementary
June 24-28: Summer Camp @ Middle, Week 2
July 1-5: Elementary Office and Summer Camp closed
July 8-12: Summer Camp @ Middle, Week 3
July 15-19: Summer Camp @ Middle, Week 4
July 22: 24-25 Elementary Class Rosters posted 10:00a @ front vestibule
July 22-26: Summer Camp @ Middle, Week 5
August 5: Teachers return / Regular Middle and Elementary Office Hours resume
August 9: LEAP Day (look for an email in July with more details and schedule information)
August 10: PTO's Popsicles in the Park 10:00a @ Mary Utsey Park
August 13: First Day of School!
NEW: View Orange Grove's 2024-2025 OGCS Calendar here!
End of Year Awards
Click on the 4th Quarter and End of Year Awards video below to view the 3rd - 8th grade students who were recognized for their accomplishments during the award ceremonies last week. We are so impressed with the hard work and dedication of all of our students; they have accomplished so much this year.
Make sure to watch the video to the end to celebrate our Most Improved and Citizenship award winners. Way to go Orange Grove!
Employee of the Month
Check out our Employees of the Month, from March through May, and learn more about these wonderful staff members who go above and beyond for The Grove.
Tyreke Colston
Plant Engineer
Elementary Campus
Check out Mr. Colston's WTMN Employee of the Month interview with Mr. Clendaniel.
Laura Patrick
Middle School
Check out Mrs. Patrick's WTMN Employee of the Month interview with Mr. Clendaniel.
Devan Keogh
8th Grade Science
Middle School
Check out Mrs. Keogh's WTMN Employee of the Month interview with Mr. Clendaniel.
Important Reminders
Attention parents of rising 7th grade students
Per South Carolina law, Tdap immunization is required for all students entering 7th grade.
Students, entering the 7th grade, who have not received the Tdap vaccine by the first day of school (August 13), will not be allowed to attend school until they have received the vaccine and provided proof to the school nurse.
We need an updated immunization record for all rising 7th graders with proof of the Tdap vaccine no later than the first day of school. Please submit updated immunization records before August 13 via either:
- email OR
- fax at (843) 769-2245.
For more information, check out DHEC's 5K-12 Immunization Information for Parents.
OG Summer Camp: a few spots remain!
Summer is here and OG Summer Camp at the Middle School is ready to kick off a summer of fun! Great news - we have a few spots open for campers. If interested, please email Sarah Larsen for more details on age group and week availability.
Cleaning out this summer?
Recycle USED Clothing & Shoes at the Middle!
Keep your used clothing and shoes out of landfills while helping earn money for Orange Grove. Look for the green recycling bin, located in the Middle School front parking lot, and drop off any unwanted items on the list below. For every pound recycled, Orange Grove receives money back - it's that easy!
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, approximately 15% of clothing waste is recycled annually. The remaining 85% ends up in landfills—equaling up to 17 billion pounds of unnecessary clothing waste each year.
Follow us on Instagram
Keep up-to-date on all things Orange Grove, especially over the summer break! Follow us today @orangegrovecharterschool
Library news you can use!
Congratulations to our Elementary Top AR winners!
Way to go, Gus, our TOP AR Reader at the Elementary!
OG Summer Reading Resources
In between all the summertime fun, be sure to carve out plenty of time to read! Don't forget to visit one of our local public libraries and make sure to brush up on math facts.
To help out, we've included a list of summer reading resources below that you can refer back to this throughout the summer.
Summer packets and reading assignments, for both Elementary and Middle school students, are posted on our website.
Your Elementary student will be eager to share with you all they found out about summer reading. Ask them to show you the OGCS Library page!
On our OGCS Library page, you will also find links to AR quizzes, the public library catalog, Charleston County Public Library’s (CCPL) digital books, and other summer reading resources.
Students can take AR quizzes from June 11 to August 11.
Great news! All students already have a CCPL login. Please see login information below. They can check out books and access digital books with this login.
Username = student’s AR username
Password = the 4 digits from their AR username
Student Name = Grover Tiger
Username = tiggro2134
Password = 2134
Have library-related questions?
PTO Website
For all things PTO at The Grove, make sure to visit our Orange Grove PTO website. You can find event information, meeting dates, volunteer opportunities, and more, so make sure to check back often!
Click on the logos below to learn more about our business partners who generously support The Grove. Thank you!
1225 Orange Branch Road, Charleston, SC 29407
(843) 763 - 1520
Middle Campus
505-B Arlington Drive, Charleston, SC 29414
(843) 852 - 7929