NB Friday Update
NB's Weekly Newsletter 1/31/25
Important to Know:
Portrait of a Graduate Parent Survey
Our district is engaged in a Portrait of a Graduate project that involves input from staff, alumni, families, community members and students. The end goal is to align our efforts and embed key competencies that students will need for success in the future. A key component is to garner feedback from various groups in the school community as to what these broad competencies for future success should be. As parents, you are an essential part of this feedback and we invite you to take this important survey that should take 10-15 minutes to complete. Some question numbers may appear out of order; this is for data collection purposes. Simply answer the questions as they appear in the survey. Thank you and we look forward to sharing our progress with you!
Schedule Reminders
- Please be reminded that Tuesday is an early dismissal day for students:
- Full-Day Preschool: 11:50am
- Mrs. Mocera/Ms. Guerrero: 12:25pm
- K-5: 12:40pm
- Students are invited to wear RED on Feb. 7th to show support for heart healthy living. Anyone that would like to donate for the Carol Cardoza Nurse Scholarship Fund which provides a scholarship for a PTHS senior going into nursing would be appreciated.
Important Dates
If you are looking for the date of a future event at NB, please check our website calendar. There are dates for music shows, moving up ceremonies, and HSA meetings, etc for your planning purposes.
Please scroll for additional information about the upcoming events and activities.
NB Science Fair 1/31/25
School News
Valentine's Day Celebrations
Since the stores are already set up for Valentine's Day, I know our students will be getting excited soon. If you are planning on sending in valentines on 2/14, please keep the following in mind:
** If your child is bringing any valentines, please make sure there are enough for the entire class.
** New this year: Please do not send in any valentines that include food. We have many children with different food allergies and it is just not possible to keep everyone safe by checking every single candy or treat that is sent in on that day.
** As with other holiday and birthday celebrations and as outlined in the student handbook, please do not send in goody bags for each student.
Food and goody bags will not be distributed if they are sent in. Thank you for your cooperation!
Food Service Information
Please see the link below for more information from Pomptonian, our food service provider.
Free and Reduced Lunch
Please take a look at the following link to see whether you may qualify for free and reduced lunch:
HSA News
Link to 1/27 agenda with sign ups:
Please visit our webpage for more information: www.nbshsa.org
District/ Community News
Healthy School Lunch Challenge
See this video for more information about the Pomptonian Healthy School Lunch Challenge.
Nurse Corner
Important Health Information
GO RED for heart health. Students are invited to wear RED on Feb. 7th to show support for heart healthy living. Anyone that would like to donate for the Carol Cardoza Nurse Scholarship Fund which provides a scholarship for a PTHS senior going into nursing would be appreciated.
January has brought a variety of viruses to share. We have had norovirus, flu A, covid, common cold and a virus that presents with headache and then fever. Students have been reminded to wash hands with soap and water, not touch their eyes, nose or mouth with fingers and to block their coughs. Staying home for 24 hours passed a fever of 100.4, vomiting or diarrhea will help prevent the spread to others. Staying hydrated with water, eating foods rich in vitamin C and getting plenty of rest will help reduce susceptibility to any germs. Let's hope that February is a better month to be healthy!
Please continue to report symptoms when calling out your child sick. It is helpful to know what illnesses are in the building.