Wildcat Weekly
July 2023
What's Happening This Month?
- January 20th - NO SCHOOL (MLK Day)
- January 23rd - Skate Night @5:30-7:30pm at Skateland
- January 24th - Ambassador Induction Ceremony for nominees @8:30am
- February 1st - Celebration Saturday for House Altruismo @9:00-11:00 (Enter Door D)
- February 3rd - 11th - PTO Teddy Bear Sales
- February 14th - Teddy Bears Delivered
- February 20th - Sole Mate Dance @5:30 - 8:00pm (Enter Door C)
- February 21st - NO SCHOOL (Teacher Institute Day)
**Our Spiritwear store is open! Each month our spiritwear store will be open from the 2nd through the Last Day of the next month. Then the store will close for one day (the 1st of each Month) in order to process and fulfill orders**
Character Trait of the Month
Whitehead has started working on a character trait per month in order to help our students grow in their social emotional health. This month we are working on GROWTH MINDSET. Growth mindset is not giving up when things get tough and having a "can do" attitude. We will be rewarding students each week that demonstrate this characteristic! Please encourage your kiddo at home to develop these characteristics as we work through them each month!
The Ron Clark Academy (Houses) Store
Each Friday, the house representing their colors the most will win a house point, so make sure to deck out from head to toe in your house color!
Introducing the House Spirit Store
Every week on Friday, students will have the opportunity to purchase various house colored items that they can wear or use on Fridays during our House Assemblies! Please make sure to send as close to exact change as possible!
Spice Up Whitehead!
We are looking to make Whitehead the best school in RPS and we need your help! Please take a moment to fill out the survey below! The house with the most surveys taken will get 3 House Points!!
PE Coach's Corner
Click on the below link to learn what's going on in our PE classroom!
Is your child getting enough sleep?
We are noticing that more and more of our kiddos are coming to school extremely tired. Some are even falling asleep at their desks! Please take a look at the chart below to see some suggested sleep schedules.
School-age (6–13 years): 9–12 hours
- Waking up at 6am - Bedtime should be 9pm at the latest
- Bedtime 9pm - off electronics at least by 8pm
January Caregiver Update
Please remember with the colder weather means kiddos should come to school with their coat, hat, and mittens! If there is snow on the ground they should also bring their snow pants and boots for sledding! Please begin to teach your kiddo how to zip up their coat and put their winter gear on so they can get outside to sled and play quicker! This independence will go a long way!
Nurse's Nook
Norovirus has been spreading quickly in our community. If your child is experiencing vomiting or diarrhea, please keep them at home until they have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours. To help reduce the spread of germs, we encourage frequent handwashing with soap and water, as it is more effective than hand sanitizer for removing certain viruses. Let’s work together to keep everyone healthy!
On another note, we’re excited to host Delta Dental’s Land of Smiles® program on Monday, January 13th at 8am for all K-2 students. This engaging and interactive performance is designed to teach students about the importance of good oral health habits.
Performed by National Theater for Children, the program introduces fun characters like Captain Super Grin, Terri Tooth Fairy, Toothpick, and Caz Cavity, who will explain:
- Good oral health care techniques.
- Foods that are good (and bad) for teeth.
- The importance of regular dentist visits.
Students will also receive a goodie bag to take home with toothpaste and a toothbrush—so keep an eye out for it! We look forward to this exciting event!
House Project!
Let's have a little fun in January! Send a picture of your pet or favorite stuffed animal in your House colors to your teacher through seesaw before January 21st! We will be posting all of the pet fun in the cafeteria!
Community Announcement
Is your child interested in getting a library card from Rockford Public Library? Check out the flyer below!
Highlights from the Month
Spirit Wear Store
The spirit wear store will be open from the 2nd of each month, until the last day of the next month. It will then close for the first day of the month to process orders and deliver to the school.
Whitehead School Webpage
Spirit wear can be worn with uniform bottoms any day of the week!