KG/1st Updates
Working and Learning
What We're Learning
ELA Comprehension goal: Identify the characters, setting and problem/solution in a story.
PHONICS Review letter names and sounds for: Aa, Mm, Ss We will introduce Tt, Pp, Ff, Ii.
SIGHT WORDS Review: the, a, I. We will introduce and, is
MATH Unit 1 Recognizing numbers 0-5 (Kindergarten) Students should know how to recognize, put in numerical order, write the number that tells how many and correctly write the number.
A Great Start
We have had a great start in kindergarten with using safe hands. We don't see any instances of children hitting or hurting each other on purpose. However, we have noticed that kids are getting pushed because we need to practice patience. We will be emphasizing PRACTICING PATIENCE. When we rush to get out to the playground, we want to be safe so the person in front of us isn't knocked down. Safety is our priority.
- Keeping hands to ourselves
- Following directions quickly
- Being kind
- Working hard
- Speaking up for yourself and others
- Sept. 13th- Progress Reports were emailed.
- Sept. 20th- NO SChOOL Professional Development for teachers.
ClassDojo: If you have not already done so, PLEASE download the ClassDojo app. We will be using ClassDojo for our mass communication tool in the classroom as well the school. This platform ensures parents receive information in one consistent place! Just click on the picture!
HOMEWORK PACKETS: Students received their first homework packet for the week. You only need to return the signed top copy. This is for your convenience of completing when you are able throughout the week. This packet is for your child to practice skills we learn in class each week.
SNACKS: Students are allowed to bring in their own snack. Snack time is 2:30-2:40.
We will be using our iPads daily to access Freckle, Successmaker, IXL and other learning apps. The iPads are stored securely in our classroom and charged overnight.
VOLUNTEERS! In order to volunteer for future field trips and parties, all adults must have a background check on file each year. If you previously completed this for another child, you are still required to complete a new one for the 2024-25 school year. You can call the main office for an application.
Song of the Week- We listen to this song before reading a book.
TRANSPORTATION: Parents who walk their children home can continue to meet at the front door. Parents who drive, thank you for your patience. You just need to wait in the car and pull up to door 2 while we get your child(ren) and bring them to your car. We will continue to utilize our pickup on the playground. For bus riders and ride share students, If you need to contact transportation:
SLPS Transportation: