LPS Elementary Weekly Newsletter
August 29, 2024
No School on Labor Day - Friday 8/30 and Monday, 9/2 will have school Friday 9/6
Save the Date: K-4 Curriculum Night on 9/5
We will be having 2 of the same information sessions this year for curriculum night. All grade levels first session will run from 5:00-5:45. Second session with the same information will run from 6:00-6:45. These sessions will be held in the teachers classrooms. Special education and specials teacher will be available at this time for any questions. A session about Gifted and Talented will be in the Power Plant and will run at the same times, 5:00-5:45 and 6:00-6:45.
Thursday, Sep 5, 2024, 05:00 PM
8500 Teel Parkway, Frisco, TX, USA
September 9- September 12
Attendance and tardies
Since the first week of school we have been taking attendance for tardies and absences. Some students have already collected quite a few. Please know how important it is to have your child to school on time as well as present all day. Below is our tardy policy for parents who need a reminder. Please read over the graphic to see the importance of being in school.
We have a campus goal of 97% attendance daily. Students are working in their classes and grade levels on accomplishing this and will be rewarded throughout the year.
Below are the consequences for tardies:
Tardy 1-2 per 9 weeks: Warning (parent contact)
Tardy 3-4 per 9 weeks: Detention – 30 minutes (parent contact)
Tardy 5-6 per 9 weeks: Detention – 1 hour (parent contact)
Tardy 7+ per 9 weeks: Student Success meeting with Teacher, Principal and Registrar
Parent Partnership
Parents we would love to partner with you throughout the year. Please fill out the short survey so we know who is interested with helping us and what you would like to do. Also please remember that to servant lead with us you need to complete the background check every year. Please click the link to get this completed asap.
School Supply Fee Due by October 4
School supply fees are ready to be paid in myschoolbucks. School supply fees pay for student supplies, field trips, class shirt and field day. You will have until October 4th to pay these.
Progress Reports for 2-4
Progress Reports will be posted in parent portal on Wednesday 9/11.
Background checks for parents
Each year, we need to complete a background check on parents who would like to come and serve at the school or chaperone students in any way. Do this as soon as possible to not delay you attending any field trips or being able to help out in your child's classroom. Please follow this link to complete the form for this year.
We will be allowing parents to come in and serve and have lunch with your student after progress reports go home 9/11.
The store is open August 22 through September 8, 2024
Subscribe to the LPS Events Calendar
Leadership Prep School Elementary Campus
Email: astewart@lpsfrisco.com
Website: lpsfrisco.com
Location: 8500 Teel Parkway, Frisco, TX, USA
Phone: 972-294-6921
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leadershipprepschool/
Twitter: @lpsfrisco