Fowler Tiger Tales
We are #OneMaynard #UmaMaynard #UnoMaynard
Contact Information
3 Tiger Drive
Principal- Keith Kinney kkinney@maynard.k12.ma.us
Assistant Principal-David Snyder dsnyder@maynard.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant- Joanne Lochiatto jlochiatto@maynard.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant- Marie Roche mroche@maynard.k12.ma.us
Message From Principal Kinney
Hello Fowler,
It was another incredible week here at Fowler and there is still more to go! Tonight our grades 6-8 students are welcome to attend the Valentine's Dance, hosted by our Fowler PTO. Like all events lots of planning and organizing went into this event. Thank you to the PTO and we look forward to the BIG DANCE!
This weeks Smore's has many new community reach outs. Please take a look at what is below. Here are some of the highlights!
1. Help Otis- There is still time!
2. Fowler's 2024 Spelling Bee update
3. Nature's Classroom fundraiser- this is a critical fundraiser for the program's success
4. Important Parent Resources- something that may be good to print and keep in a safe place.
5. Leader's of Change: Coat Drive
6. Blood Drive Information
7. Baseball sign ups
8. MCAS Dates
9. BASEC Camp
10. Whitson's Information
Fowler's National Junior Honor Society OPEN TABLE FUNDRAISER (Can Drive)
Starting next week (Feb 12-16) Fowler's National Junior Honor Society will be running a can drive. Please bring in caned items and drinks. All donations will go to "The Open Table". The grade with the most items will earn a prize with Mr. Kinney and Mr. Snyder. There will be boxes out in the lobby labeled with each grade. Place the donation in your grade level box!
Officer McCann has entered Otis into the Hometown Heros Grant Giveaway, and he needs our help to win – he is currently in 3rd place! The funding will go toward Otis’s care in providing any supplies and training he may need. The winner is based off the number of votes each dog/K-9 receives, and voting is open until February 28th at 11:59pm EST. If you’d like to submit your vote for Otis, click on the link below, scroll down and click on his picture and you’ll see the red “Vote Now” box at the bottom of his profile. If you want to copy/share this email and/or what MPD has posted to their Facebook page, that would help too!
Otis thanks you all for your help (look at that FACE) – best of luck, buddy!!
Fowler's National Junior Honor Society Can Drive
Starting next week (Feb 12-16) Fowler's National Junior Honor Society will be running a can drive. Please bring in caned items and drinks. All donations will go to "The Open Table". The grade with the most items will earn a prize with Mr. Kinney and Mr. Snyder. There will be boxes out in the lobby labeled with each grade. Place the donation in your grade level box!
2024 Fowler Spelling Bee News
This past Thursday, February 6, 2024, we were ecstatic to bring back the school level, Scripps National Spelling Bee to Fowler. It was an event to behold.
The hive was organized, chairs and podium were in place, the coffee was hot, the 12 contestants were frantically studying in the last few minutes, and the judges had finished calibrating. All that was left was for the spelling gladiators to enter the ring and show their stuff. And show it they did! These 12 contestants, ranging from grades 4 to grade 8, had clearly prepared for battle. The students, every one of them, stepped forward and spelled their words with confidence and precision for three rounds before we had our first elimination. It was what the old timers would call a “barn burner” with the competition lasting one hour and a minute. The students were so well prepared that we were forced to switch gears and use the supplemental list provided by the powers that “bee”. As the competition got tougher and tougher, the pool of contestants was narrowed down to the final two. These final two spelling masters, went back and forth for eight additional rounds before a mistake was made. If you are unfamiliar with how a bee works, when the final two are holding their ground and one makes a mistake, the other contestant needs to spell a word correctly to claim the victory. If this contestant makes a mistake as well, they are both back in it. And, believe it or not, this very thing happened, forcing the spectators to the edge of their seats. The tension was palpable as these final two warriors battled it out for five more rounds before our second-place speller made his final mistake. Our 2024, Fowler Spelling Bee champion, 7th grade Salvatore Cerro closed the competition with the word maggot.
It was a competition that seemed just perfect for the return of such events at Fowler. A huge shout out to all 12 students who showed that hard work and dedication to a task can result in great things.
The final 12 spellers who competed on Tuesday were:
4th-grade: Laurel Brady and Katie Teague
5th-grade: Emma Sanders and Declan Bundy
6th-grade: John Kavanagh, Graham Januskiewicz, and Jack Januskiewicz
7th-grade: Audrey Flooks, Salvatore Cerro, and Calvin Houlihan
8th-grade: Andrew Stewart and Carys Cahill
The 2024 Fowler Spelling Bee Champion is Salvatore Cerro!!
Nature's Classroom Fundraiser- Spring will be here before you know it!
Fun and Learning at Fowler
Spanish II
Spanish II (7th and 8th grade): This week, Spanish II students have been learning about school vocabulary (supplies, objects, places and school staff). They have learned about the Spanish version of the popular song "I'm a little teapot" in order to work in groups and change the lyrics so that they sang about classroom objects. Also, they had to come up with their own choreography in which their bodies took the shape of the objects they were singing about. We have had a lot of fun doing this! Now, we are ready to start working on our next project!
Grade 5 Recess Fun
A few pictures of some good old fashion grade-5 winter recess fun!
1. Adult and Youth Mobile Crisis Intervention: Call 800-640-5432
2. Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Call or text 988 or chat at 988lifeline.org/chat
3. Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
4. Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline: Call 800-327-5050 or visit helplinema.org
5. OUT Metrowest for LGBTQ Youth: Call 508-875-2122 or visit outmetrowest.org
6. Trevor Lifeline for LGBTQ Youth: Call 866-488-7386, text START to 678678, or visit thetrevorproject.org
7. Planned Parenthood: Call 888-258-4448 or visit plannedparenthood.org
8. National Domestic Violence Hotline: Call 800-799-7233, text LOVEIS to 22522, or visit thehotline.org
9. Eating Disorder Hotline: Call 800-931-2237, or visit nationaleatingdisorder.org
10. Seize the Awkward: text SEIZE to 741741, or visit seizetheawkward.org
Leaders of Change- Coat Drive
Blood Drive
Maynard- Stow Baseball News
April 2: Grades 7 and 8 ELA (Session 1)
April 3: Grades 7 and 8 ELA (Session 2)
April 4: Grade 6 ELA (Session 1)
April 5: Grade 6 ELA (Session 2)
April 10: Grades 4 and 5 ELA (Session 1)
April 11: Grades 4 and 5 ELA (Session2)
May 7: Grade 5 and 8 Science, Technology, Engineering (Session 1)
May 8: Grade 5 and 8 Science, Technology, Engineering (Session 2)
May 13: Grade 6 Math (Session 1)
May 14: Grade 6 Math (Session 2)
May 15: Grades 4 and 5 Math (Session 1)
May 16: Grades 4 and 5 Math (Session 2)
May 20: Grades 7 and 8 Math (Session 1)
May 21: Grades 7 and 8 Math (Session 2)
May 29: Grade 8 Civics (Session 1)- This is new
May 30: Grade 8 Civics (Session 2)- This is new
BASEC Vacation Camp
Many school districts in Massachusetts have a partnership with an organization called Massachusetts Partnership for Youth (MPY). MPY provides a wide variety of high quality resources for schools, educators, and parents. I have posted a snapshot below of what this organization is.
Recently MPY released a video series for parents to utilize at no cost. This series provides information on a wide variety of student related topics which can help caregivers in a variety of ways. Here is a direct link to MPY's Parenting Solutions Library. Also, here is the direct link to MPY's main web site. Although the main site is more for educators and school districts, there is such a rich variety of helpful information within this site.
What MPY is:
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides training, fosters collaboration, and develops programming to increase the health and safety of students. MPY is committed to bringing cutting-edge information and high quality trainings to our constituents and endeavors to provide solution-oriented, community-based, multi-disciplinary approaches to foster mental and behavioral health, social and emotional learning, trauma sensitive classrooms and building a school culture that supports anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion. MPY is governed by a Board of Directors made up of school superintendents, police and fire chiefs, and other community leaders who work closely with MPY staff.
A Preview of Some Important Dates
February 8th: MAPS GROWTH reports sent home (Check backpacks) 😳
February 9th: Grades 6-8 Valentine's Dance (See flyer above)
February 16th: Start of vacation at the end of the day
February 26th: Return to School (Vacation is over)
March 5th: No School (Presidential Primary Election Day)
March 12th: Term two ends
March 26th: Term 2 report cards are published
District Resources
ELPAC (English Learner Parent Advisory Council) Resources
SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) Resources
Multilingual Learner Resources
Maynard Advantage
Interested in learning more about the Maynard community and the many wonderful things happening around town? Check out the monthly Maynard Advantage Newsletters by subscribing at maynardadvantage.org
National Junior Honor Society Peer Tutoring
Whitson's Menus Are Here
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