Bobcat Strong Tracker
September 6, 2024
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Our Mission
At Santa Rita Elementary School, we foster curious, motivated learners who reach their highest potential in a supportive community that appreciates diversity.
Monday, September 9th: First full day of TK
Tuesday, September 10th: Picture Day
Tuesday, September 10th: Santa Rita Night at State of Mind Pizza
Friday, September 13th: Grandfriends Day (details below)
Monday, September 16th: Donate to SR PTA and LAEF
Thursday, October 10th: Minimum Day
Friday, October 11th: Staff Development-No School
Saturday, October 19th- Witches' Delight Halloween Carnival
PLEASE make sure to complete this packet so we have your most up to date information and so teachers and students can start this year BOBCAT STRONG! https://form.jotform.com/241260293620145
LASD 2024-2025 Calendar
Reporting Attendance: Santa Rita Student Attendance
Santa Rita Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org/santaritaes
Take a peek at what our Santa Rita students have been learning about:
Second graders are building strong reading skills and friendships during buddy reading
First graders are getting creative with their writing
Students in Mrs. Middleton's math class used manipulatives to support their learning
Our Santa Rita Tkers rose to the occasion after reading the story, "The Little Red Hen!" 🍞🐔 Kneading dough and baking bread, they’re on a roll!
Dear Santa Rita Families,
We’ve had another great week at Santa Rita. We held our first PTA (Parent Teacher Association) meeting of the year. Thank you to our PTA executive board for leading our school in the important work of bringing our community together to support all students. We also held our first Principal’s Advisory Meeting. I appreciated connecting with parents and sharing our school’s initiatives for this year. I hope to see everyone next Friday, September 13th for our annual Grandfriends’ Day celebration.
Let’s Go, Bobcats!
Denise Khalid
Supporting Santa Rita School
Consider donating and volunteering with the Santa Rita PTA (Parent Teacher Association) and LAEF (Los Altos Educational Foundation). The PTA and LAEF provide valuable programs, materials, and community building at Santa Rita. These essential funds support all Santa Rita students, teachers, staff, and families in impactful ways. Your contributions to the PTA and LAEF direct donation drives are a meaningful way to support a well-rounded educational experience. Every little bit counts - thank you!
LAEF and the PTAs are only possible with your financial support. Please consider making a donation today. Santa Rita Donation Link: https://form.jotform.com/241260293620145
After School Playdates
Students may play on campus after 3:10 with adult supervision. Please ensure you have set up proper adult care when allowing students to stay after school. We do not have any adults on campus watching students on the playground or field area.
Sleep Needs for Young Children
Silent Auction and Community Party Planning is underway!
Help collect a fun and exciting list of items and experiences for the upcoming Silent Auction that families can bid on!
Are you willing to visit local businesses and restaurants to ask for gift card donations?
Do you have a special skill that you could offer to teach others as an auctioned item?
Do you have access to unique places or experiences that could be auctioned?
Can you make or cook something that other people could bid on?
Do you have ideas for parties that can help bring our community together?
If you can help in some way, please fill out this short form; we’ll keep in touch with next steps: https://forms.gle/mUe82k7C9EHncW3J8
Thank you,
Kanika and Marlo
Did you know?
LAEF is funded by 1000’s of individuals, making donations large and small. Each school year, parents and community members come together to help fund our neighborhood schools and keep them among the top 1% of all schools in California.
Donate or Pledge to LAEF today to help fund teachers and staff at your school this school year, and request a corporate match if it’s available to you. Your gift helps ensure that your student and every LASD student receives the strong programs and well-rounded education that our schools are known for.
Join us for an evening with Peggy Orenstein, author of Girls & Sex and Boys & Sex
Let’s Talk About Sex: How a New Generation Navigates Hookups, Porn, Love & Consent
Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Time: 7PM
Location: Los Altos High School - Eagle Theater
Audience: Parents, caretakers, teachers, and counselors of middle and high school age children. Students 16+ are welcome to attend with their parent/guardian
Registration: Register for this free event
Books: Girls & Sex and Boys & Sex
In this talk, Orenstein combines her research with voices of both boys and girls (as well as those between or beyond genders), to discuss the impact on high school and college students’ sexual scripts of mainstream media, social media and porn; hookup culture; changing expectations around consent; the politics of sexual pleasure; the diversity of sexual orientations; gendered power dynamics. With humor and compassion, she separates myth from reality, ultimately giving parents, educators and young people the conversational tools they need to ensure safe, pleasurable, mutually satisfying sexual encounters and intimate relationships.
For more information, visit mvlaspeakerseries.org. Events are free thanks to our generous sponsors: MVLA High School Foundation, Los Altos Educational Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation, and the Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.
Únase a nosotros en una velada con Peggy Orenstein, autora de Girls & Sex y Boys & Sex
Hablemos de Sexo: Cómo una Nueva Generación Navega por las Relaciones Sexuales, la Pornografía, el Amor y el Consentimiento
Martes, 17 de septiembre de 2024
Escuela Preparatoria Los Altos - Teatro Eagle
Audiencia: Padres, tutores, maestros y consejeros de jóvenes en edad escolar secundaria y preparatoria.. Los estudiantes mayores de 16 años pueden asistir con sus padres o tutores.
Registro: Regístrate para este evento gratuito
Libros: Girls & Sex and Boys & Sex
En esta charla, Orenstein combina su investigación con las voces de niños y niñas (así como de personas que se encuentran entre dos géneros o más allá de ellos) para hablar sobre el impacto de los medios de comunicación tradicionales, las redes sociales y la pornografía en los guiones sexuales de los estudiantes de preparatoria y universitarios; la cultura del ligue; las expectativas cambiantes en torno al consentimiento; las políticas del placer sexual; la diversidad de orientaciones sexuales; y las dinámicas del poder de género. Con humor y compasión, separa el mito de la realidad, y en última instancia ofrece a los padres, educadores y jóvenes las herramientas de conversación que necesitan para garantizar encuentros sexuales y relaciones íntimas seguros, placenteros y mutuamente satisfactorios.
Para obtener más información, visite mvlaspeakerseries.org. Los eventos son gratuitos gracias a nuestros generosos patrocinadores: MVLA High School Foundation, Los Altos Educational Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation, and the Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.
Santa Rita School
Email: dkhalid@lasdschools.org
Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org
Location: 700 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: (650)559-1600
Facebook: santaritaPTA
Twitter: @BobcatsSR
Join us to support our students this school year!