Weekly Newsletter
September 18th, 2023

January 13- January 17
Happening this week...
General Annoucements
Winter Homecoming!
Winter Homecoming :
January 13-17, 2025
See poster below for dress up days and activities for the week.
Senior Meeting and Panoramic Picture
Seniors: There is an informational meeting on Thursday, January 16th during 4th period. During this meeting, we will also be taking the senior panoramic picture.
Senior Trip Candy Sales
Senior trip candy sales resume this week. Stop by the SBO to pick up your next box of candy!
Winter Formal guest permission slips
If you'd like to bring a guest from another school to winter formal on 2/1, pick up a guest permission slip in the SBO. Tickets go on sale 1/20.
Spartan Food Pantry
Just a reminder that due to regular dismissal time on Wednesday 1/15 and 1/22, the Spartan Pantry will be closed. We will reopen on Wednesday 1/29 @ 2:30. Thank you!
Spartan Food Pantry is every minimum day on Wednesday from 2:30pm- 4:00pm
ยท Bring your Shopping Bag
Just a reminder that due to regular dismissal time on Wednesday 1/15 and 1/22, the Spartan Pantry will be closed. We will reopen on Wednesday 1/29 @ 2:30. Thank you!
If you can Volunteer, please let us know and Join Our Pantry Helpers!
If you have earned a detention, please check in with the Supervision Office to serve it. Not serving your detention can result in all day IC and/or Saturday School. Once your detention is served, you will become eligible to attend games and dances. If you have any questions, stop by the Supervision Office.
All Spartans with 96% or better attendance will be entered into a raffle to possibly win a $300 Nike gift card. Thank you all for attending school regularly!
Monday- 1/13
Tuesday- 1/14
Wednesday- 1/15
Thursday- 1/16
Senior Meeting and Panoramic Picture
Seniors: There is an informational meeting on Thursday, January 16th during 4th period. During this meeting, we will also be taking the senior panoramic picture.
Friday- 1/17
Homecoming Game
Come out to the homecoming game! Frosh/soph play at 4:30pm, JV plays at 6pm, and Varsity plays at 7:15pm. 9th-11th grade royalty winners will be announced during halftime of JV and 12th grade royalty winners will be announced during halftime of varsity.