News and events

January 2025
February 11 - Band/Orchestra Recitals (6:00 pm)
February 13 - PTO Meeting (6:00 pm)
February 17 - No School! (Presidents' Day)
February 18 - No School! (Staff Development Day)
February 18 & 20 -- Winter Conferences
February 25 - Choir Concert (6:30 pm)
February 27 & 28 - Musical Performance (6:30 pm)
Message from Principal Zimmerman
Happy 2025 Lincoln Families!
I hope you all had a wonderful and restful winter break. We were excited to welcome our students back into the building, and we're looking forward to the special events and activities we have planned for the upcoming weeks.
In January, our school-wide focus is on perseverance. Students have been learning that perseverance means "pushing through challenges and obstacles." Please take a moment to talk with your child about what they are learning and discuss ways they can demonstrate perseverance in their everyday lives.
We are also looking forward to welcoming families to our winter conferences in February. While you're here, please take a moment to check the lost and found for any items that may belong to your child—there are many winter coats, hats, and gloves waiting to be claimed!
Thank you for your continued partnership in supporting our students.
Warm regards,
Michelle Zimmerman
Office Reminders
School Hours/Student Drop Off
Lincoln school hours are 8:50 am - 3:20 pm, and breakfast is served from 8:25 - 8:50 am. The first bell rings at 8:40 am for students to enter the building and get ready for class before the final bell rings at 8:50 am.
All students should be dropped off in the car loop or at the fence until 8:50 am. If it is after 8:50, students can be brought to the office (Door 1) to receive a pass.
As a reminder, it is important that students are arriving on time to school so they do not miss out on learning opportunities.
Reporting Student Absences
Student absences can be reported via the web at ahschools.us (you will need to know your parent account information to log in) or via the ParentVUE Mobile App. Instructions can be found here. Families are able to contact the attendance line at 763-506-3106 to report an absence 24/7.
Every day that your student will be late or absent, you must enter attendance online or call the attendance line in order to have your students' absence counted as excused. All absences should be reported by 10:30 each day in order to avoid an 'unverified absence' message. Please DO NOT email your child's teacher with attendance information.
Parking in Front of School
After 3:00, there is no parking along the curb in front of school (Door 1). This area is reserved for designated vans picking up students at dismissal. Please find a parking spot in our parking lot.
Winter Family Conferences
Winter family conferences will be held on February 18 and 20
IN PERSON Conference Times
February 18: 12:55 - 7:35 pm
February 20: 3:35 - 8:55 pm
VIRTUAL Conference Times
February 18: 7:35 - 8:35 pm
February 20: 7:55 - 8:55 pm
Families should sign up for a conference time at myconferencetime.com/lincoln.
MyConferenceTime will close on Thursday, February 13 at 3:45 pm. After this time, you can call Lori at 763-506-3102 to help schedule a conference.
** Remember to check the lost & found when you are at school for conferences **
Book Fair is Coming!
PTO will be hosting the Book Fair during conferences. Stop by the gym to shop the Scholastic Book Fair during conferences and support the Lincoln PTO.
Book Fair Hours
Tuesday, February 18: 1:00 - 7:30 pm
Thursday, February 20: 4:00 - 7:45 pm
Kindergarten News
February is a busy month! We will celebrate Groundhog’s Day, Valentine’s day, the 100th day of Kindergarten, Presidents’ Day, and I love to Read month! Whew!
In ELA, we will explore the following questions:
- How do living things change as they grow?
- What kinds of things grow on a farm?
- How are the seasons different?
- What happens in different kinds of weather?
Sight words we are learning this month include: are, with, he, is, little, she, was.
Kindergartners are learning to identify characters, setting, and events in a story
In math, we will be working with the number line and putting numbers in order. Kindergarteners will rote count to 40, count objects to 20 (counting on, one-to-one correspondence, counting to answer, “How many?”). We will focus on representational addition with sums to 10 and subtractions with minuends to 10. We will also explore the difference between 2-dimensional (flat) and 3-dimensional (solid) shapes. Kindergartners will identify, describe, sort, compare and draw 2-D shapes.
We look forward to seeing you at winter conferences!
Ms. Costello, Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Ovitt and Mrs. Peterson
First Grade News
Hello First Grade Families!
This month has been pretty busy in first grade as we learn to tackle new skills, words, and ideas to build our knowledge.
In math we are working with a number line. We are working on counting forwards and backwards as well as skip counting. With the skip counting, we are also working on counting with dimes and pennies. This month we are also diving into all things penguins. We are exploring their height compared to ours, how much they weigh, where they live, and even things they like and or don’t like.
In ELA we are also continuing our explorations with penguins as well as working on digraphs and blends. Students are working really hard to tap words out, and put words that we tap out into sentences we write.
We sure are cruising along in 1st grade and the best is yet to come! Keep your eyes open for information about Valentine’s day, the 100th day, non school day reminders, and Arts Jam information. These things will be sent home via paper reminders and seesaw reminders.
As always, thanks for working as a team with us!
Mrs. Hustad, Mrs. Mehan, Mrs. Skinner and Ms. Walz
Second Grade News
Welcome Back! We hope you all had a wonderful Winter Break! Now that we have a small amount of snow on the ground, please make sure that your student has the appropriate winter clothing to be outside for recess.
During the month of January we will be working on our 3rd Wonders Unit. The big idea for unit 3 is: What have you learned about the world that surprises you?
The skill we will be working on is Asking and Answering Questions about our weekly readings. Our comprehension strategies will be Main Ideas and Key Details. In writing, students will be writing an opinion letter and working on the revision process.
In math, during the month of January the focus of instruction will be how inches, feet, and yards are related. We will continue to work on past skills. We will also look more closely at data and what information graphs can show us. Please continue to read at home for 20 minutes each night!
Mrs. McDowell, Mrs. Pitzl, and Mr. Robertson
Third Grade News
It has been a busy month since we came back from break. The students have been working on many great skills this month in ELA, Math, Bridge to Read, and Social Studies.
In Social Studies this month, we are working on Economics. Some of our main topics have been: How people earn and use money and how a producer is also a consumer. Students also got to see images of different currency from different parts of the world.
In Math we finished Unit 3. We took the test on multi-digit addition and subtraction. It also included rounding to the nearest ten thousand place. We started Unit 4 which includes telling time on an analog clock. It also includes fractions, measuring volume and measurement story problems. Lots of exciting activities and skills to be learned.
In ELA we are on Unit 3. The Big Idea is Why are Individual Qualities Important. We are reading a lot of Folk Tales. The students are really enjoying them. Ask your child about the Martina story. It is one of the favorites. We also have been discussing and doing activities around perseverance in Character Strong.
It has been a great month of fun and learning in 3rd Grade!!
Mrs. Arendt, Mrs. Luongvan and Mrs. Olson
Fourth Grade News
Hello Fourth Grade Families,
We kicked off January with an arts integrated math project focusing on fractions and pop art. We started Unit 4 which focuses on addition and subtraction. We have been learning many strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems, including the standard algorithm. Unit 4 also focuses on rounding, and comparing multi-digit numbers and identifying the value of the digits.
In science, we have been learning about renewable and nonrenewable energy resources. So far, we have discovered how solar cookers work, and the materials needed to make water boil in the least amount of time possible using energy from the sun. We have learned about 2 different types of solar panels: photovoltaic, and solar thermal. We also discovered how to make circuits with D-cell batteries, wires, light bulbs and motors! In the later part of the month, we learned about wind power through creating and building wind turbines. We had fun seeing whose wind turbine generated the most volts of electricity!
In reading, we have started unit 3 which focuses on the point of view. We will read and discuss fantasy, realistic fiction and biographies in this unit. In writing, we are working on “how to” texts with an animal focus. Please read every night for homework.
Ms. Carlson, Mrs. Gaspar and Mrs. Nye
Fifth Grade News
5th Grade is looking forward to seeing families at conferences in February. Please be sure to sign up for conferences with Mr. Gamache and Mrs. Mercer.
As we look ahead to spring, information about the upcoming Long Lake Field Trip will start to be sent out. Long Lake will be on May 21st- May 23rd. We are still finalizing some things, but the current cost for the trip will be $100 per student. Families can participate in a fundraiser through Heggies Pizza that will begin in February to help offset some costs of the trip. If you have any questions about the upcoming Long Lake field trip please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. More information will be sent home in February and March.
Mr. Gamache and Mrs. Mercer
Arts at Lincoln
Check out our January highlights!
Lincoln was named a 2025 School of Excellence by the Magnet Schools of America. This is a testament to the hard work of our staff, students, and the community, as well as the positive impact of the arts.
4th and 5th grade students attended Energy and U, a science and theatre program at the University of Minnesota. They learned about energy conservation in a dynamic, artistic presentation full of lights, explosions, music, and movement.
Our PTO-sponsored Warm-Up with Arts & Culture event was a success! Families braved the frigid temperatures to go ice skating, enjoy a cup of hot cocoa, and visit the interactive booths to learn about different cultures. Thank you to all of the volunteers who made the night a success!
The cast of our winter musical Bots! has been hard at work, rehearsing after school, learning lines, music, and stage blocking. They look forward to sharing the show in their public performances on Feb. 27 & 28 at 6:30 PM in the Lincoln gym.
Students in Band, Orchestra, and Choir received a rehearsal calendar for January/February. You can find the calendar HERE, as well as in your child’s Seesaw class. Please help your child remember their instrument, folder, and music on rehearsal day! We only meet once each week, so every rehearsal is important toward their progress.
Feb. 11th Band & Orchestra Recital information was sent home with students (Recital #1 Notice, Recital #2 Notice). If students did not receive a notice, that means they have not yet signed up for a recital time (or forgot the notice at school). Please contact Mrs. Whitcomb to get your student signed up!
Students have picked out a performance piece, and we will spend the next few weeks practicing the music, as well as learning about performance etiquette. Here is a great video for parents/guardians to learn how to support students who might have stage fright.
Choir students are preparing for their Feb. 25th Winter Choir Concert, practicing on the risers, listening to each other, and singing simple harmony parts. Please be sure they bring their Choir folders to school every digital day 3 for rehearsal. Many students are forgetting, so they don’t have their music.
Jan. 30: Siama’s Congo Roots performance for grades K, 1, 3, sponsored by MPR’s Class Notes program
Feb. 11: Band & Orchestra Winter Recital (Recital #1 starts at 6:00 PM. Recital #2 starts at 6:45 PM.)
Feb. 25: Winter Choir Concert (6:30-7:00 PM)
Feb. 27-28: Winter Musical Bots! performances (6:30 PM)
Mar. 6: Arts Jam #2 (contact VSC Diana Orr if you would like to volunteer)
Lincoln Volunteer Program
Welcome! To date, our 190+ volunteers have given 1700+ hours of their time to help our students! They worked with students, did clerical projects, organized fundraisers, helped with Lost-n-Found, hosted stations at our PTO/School Warm Up with Arts & Culture event, etc... Thank you volunteers!
Volunteer Opportunities- Complete 2024/25 Lincoln Volunteer Forms and contact the VSC today!
* Skillbuilder / Gr 1/2 Reading
* Challenge Reading Groups / Math + Groups / Destination Imagination Groups
* (On call) Art Help / Lost-n-Found
* Play
* Gr 5 Fundraising Pick Up- Adult Vol's / Gr 5 Fundraising Pick Up- HS Students
* Arts Jam
* PTO Positions- Box Tops / Events / Fundraising / Fun Run / Raffle / Secretary / Staff Appreciation
* PTO Book Fair / PTO Staff Appreciation / PTO Carnival
If you have any questions or need information, please let me know.
Diana Orr / Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC)
Diana.Orr@ahschools.us / 763-506-3130
Tuesday 8a.m. - 3p.m. / Wednesday and Thursday 8a.m. -2:45pm. (schedule may vary)
Volunteer Handbook - Manual para voluntarios / Safeguard Privacy / Field Trip Chaperone Guidelines
Media Information
For any technology device gifts that may have been received over the holiday season, here are some helpful FAQ from Common Sense Media:
Basic Gaming and Social Media Rules for Elementary Schoolers
Winter Weather Reminder
Minnesota weather is shifting gears, and the Anoka-Hennepin School District has plans in place for when extreme winter weather arrives.
The safety of all students is the first priority when determining if schools should stay open in adverse weather. If a determination is made to close school due to extreme winter weather, the district will alert families in a variety of ways, including:
Phone, text or email message from AHlert system (for Anoka-Hennepin parents/guardians only).
District and school websites.
District and school social media pages (e.g. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).
Media outlets including WCCO, KSTP, FOX 9, KARE 11, CCX Media, WCCO radio and Star Tribune newspaper.
Those responsible for activities scheduled in schools over the weekend will determine if adverse weather conditions necessitate a cancellation.
Read more about the district’s policies on extreme winter weather at ahschools.us/weather.
Community Education
FEATURED CLASS- 02/04: Confetti Cake Slime
For community classes and opportunities: All CURRENT Community Education Classes
Hello from Community Education! We are looking forward to our upcoming classes and would love to see your student enrolled. Register now to ensure a spot for one of our many activities including:
01/29: Epic Gym Games
02/03: Bricktopia Catapults
02/04: Confetti Cake Slime
03/05: Ceramic Castle and Dragon
Questions about Community Ed?
Please contact Tricia Josephs at tricia.josephs@ahschools.us or 763-506-4012
Need help with online registration?
Please contact Erinn Gardiner at 763-506-5144
Understanding Stress Behaviors
Click HERE for the January Parent Press from Anoka Hennepin Parenting Education and Family Engagement.
Lincoln PTO
Parent Teacher Organization Update
Thanks to all the Lincoln Families who supported PTO over the last month with participation in the Lions Night Out Fundraiser at Cafe Zupas, and volunteering at the Warm Up with Arts & Culture event! We appreciate your continued support of the PTO!
PTO launched a new website, where you can find information about upcoming events, PTO meeting dates, volunteering opportunities, and sign up to join our email list and more! Check it out at www.LincolnPTO-Anoka.org. To stay in the loop with all the PTO happenings you can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/LincolnElementarySchoolForTheArtsPTO.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Lions Night Out scheduled for January and February.
Wednesday, Jan. 29th at Grand Slam from 4-8pm
AND Noodles & Co. from 4-8pm.
Wednesday, Feb. 5th at Buffalo Wild Wings from 11am-11pm.
Wednesday, Feb. 26th at Cheap Skate from 5-7:30pm.
We can’t wait to see you at these FUNdraisers!
Watch for more information to come about the Scholastic Book Fair and Staff Appreciation Conference Meals. We will be looking for Volunteers to help run the Book Fair and donations for the conference meals on February 18th and 20th.
PTO is looking for a new Staff Appreciation Coordinator to run conference meals.
Shadow in February 2025.
Take over the role in October 2025.
The Event Chair will be available to support you as needed.
Attending monthly PTO meetings is not required.
CLICK HERE for more information.
Email us at LincolnPTO.Anoka@gmail.com if you are interested or have questions.
Upcoming Meeting
February 13th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the conference room at Lincoln.
Childcare is NOT available in February due to limited space during conferences. Enter on South Street (door 6) or join us virtually with the meeting code: https://meet.google.com/uzr-oofz-wgt
Parent Resources
Parent Involvement [PI] Facebook- has info on what's happening in the district and PI (fundraisers, events, volunteering, PI team activities, etc.).
PI Free training workshops- gives parent/teacher organizations, booster clubs & nonprofits a boost as they help support the efforts of Anoka-Hennepin students, schools and community. Next Workshop: Fundraising Vendor Fair, connect with fundraising vendors, talk to experts, attend mini-workshop sessions and network with parent groups, booster clubs and other nonprofit leaders. Thursday, February 6, 2025, 4:00-7:00pm, ESC, 2727 N. Ferry St., Anoka, Enter door 7, Register today
The Bolster (subscribe)- a newsletter for PTO’s and Booster Clubs that shares resources, ideas, and tips to improve their organization.
Parent Resource Center (PRC)- is located at the AHSD Educational Service Center (ESC) and lends library materials to parents, families, and staff. Families are welcome to browse our library-
Online: PRC library/Use Library Name: AHPRC (no password required)/ Visit us on the Web / Follow on Facebook and Instagram
Stop-in: Use the self-service check-out and return. Enter Door 1 on the west side of the ESC (2727 N. Ferry St, Anoka, MN 55303)
Phone: 763-506-1587 or 763-506-1278 to discuss your resource requests. Selections can be delivered to your school and sent home with your child.
Parent Press
Click here to view this month's Parent Press which discusses coping skills and responding to stress behavior.
Lincoln spirit wear is available online for all families to purchase. If interested in purchasing spirit wear, please visit our vendor Innovations Plus. Items are available for purchase 24/7 and can be shipped to your home or to the school.
This e-newsletter is published by Lincoln Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.