Anna Yates Newsletter
Month: June
We Are In Our Last Week Of Distance Learning Instruction
This has been quite the year and after an entire trimester of distance learning, the school year is coming to a close. With one week of instruction left, I wanted to use this newsletter to share end of activities and information.
It has been my pleasure and honor to serve you for the past three years and while next year may still need to look different as we prioritize student and staff safety and health, I can't wait to see you all again and tackle another year together. Continue to watch out for communication throughout the summer as we share our plan for the 2020-21 school year.
Through it all, lion's have continued to lead and succeed! Enjoy your summer, stay safe, and please continue to reach out with any questions you may have.
Ms. Carter
Fifth Grade Promotion Item Pick Up
Kindergarten Promotion Certificate Pick Up
Promotions Are This Week!
Grab 'N Go Meals Ends Thursday
The City will have a summer meal program though the details are still being decided (most likely once a week on Modays). Once this information is decided, we will make sure to share it with you.
Our Last Books and Breakfast With Ms. Carter
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96394223448?pwd=RFNkbUNWVmJMZXpRK3RZbkpEZk9ZUT09
Meeting ID: 963 9422 3448
Password: 3WPE4P
Ice Cream Pick Up For Distance Learning Students of the Week
Grades TK-2: 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Grades 3-5: 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Purchase Your Yearbook!
Want To Keep Your District Loaner Device Over the Summer?
More information will be shared from our tech department regarding device return dates and locations. Any families that may not be returning for the upcoming school year should return their device rather than keeping throughout the summer. Any fifth graders not returning for the upcoming school year can return their device during promotion item pick up on Monday to the AY office.
Please Return Library Books
Report Cards Will Be Mailed June 15th
Please Continue To Send Distance Learning Photos!
Email: samantha.carter@emeryusd.org
Website: annayatesk8.com
Phone: (510) 601-4918