Mustang Memo
A Newsletter for Saint Ann School Families
August 18, 2024
This is the first issue of the Mustang Memo for the 2024-25 school year!
The Mustang Memo is an important source of school news and updates that will be delivered to email inboxes per the PowerSchool email distribution list each week on Sundays. A catalogue of Mustang Memos is kept on the school website under the "Parents" tab for easy reference.
Table of Contents
- Spiritual Reflection
- Welcome, Ms. Sosa!
- Back to School Info
- Home & School Association Notes
- Student Life Notes
- Mark Your Calendars!
Our Spiritual Theme
Our Spiritual Theme: We Walk by Faith
This year, all diocesan schools will study Matthew 14: 22-33 and the lessons therein. This passage recounts when Jesus walked on water to his disciples in rough seas, when Peter was called out of the boat to walk to him, but fell out of fear, and when the disciples declared, “Truly, you are the Son of God.” There is much to learn about our God and the power of faith in this passage, and we pray that our focus on this theme will inspire our students to truly live their lives as a "walk of faith."
Each month, we will focus on a different gift of the Holy Spirit, who enables and strengthens our faith:
Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord.
We ask families to join us in the study of this theme, and welcome you to adopt our theme prayer for the year, the Act of Faith:
O my God, I firmly believe that you are one God in three divine persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe that your divine Son became man and died for our sins, and that he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the holy Catholic Church teaches.
Spiritual Reflection by Dr. De Angelo, Superintendent of Schools
Remember in elementary school when you were expected to identify verb tenses – simple, progressive, perfect, and even perfect progressive? Without providing a complicated grammar lesson, let’s stay with the simple tenses – past, present, and future.
Look at our theme for this school year – We Walk by Faith. In what simple tense is the verb?
Hopefully, you successfully identified it as present tense. So what does this all mean? We Walk by Faith says that our faith walk is an active process underway right now. It’s neither completed, regardless of where we are in age, wisdom, family or work life, nor are we in some stage preparing for our big or best life. We are right where we belong in our faith walk with its opportunities and joys as well as its challenges and sorrows.
What is the Lord calling us to do? Very simply, “Come.” Keep walking with him and trust in him. That’s what faith is – not knowing what’s ahead but believing it will be what it should because the Lord loves us. And he will never abandon us. So let’s keep moving forward as this new school year begins. Let us live up to the name we acknowledge ourselves to be – Christian, believers in Jesus Christ and follower in his walk.
Welcome, Ms. Sosa!
We have a final update related to staffing for this year! As announced earlier this summer, we are working with Huntington Learning Center, which previously provided Reading Support services for SAS, to staff the Advanced Math courses for middle school and Math Support lessons for K-5th graders. The teacher assigned to these tasks is Ms. Isabella Sosa.
Ms. Sosa is a dedicated educator with a background in both classroom teaching and program development. A proud Fordham University graduate, she spent seven years teaching elementary students in New York City before transitioning to a role as Assistant Director at Huntington Learning Center here in Delaware. There, she developed innovative programs, tutored students across all grade levels, and provided SAT preparation. Outside of her professional life, Isabella enjoys reading, baking, and spending time with her three cats.
Please offer her a warm welcome to this larger role in our community!
Back to School Info
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Reporting to School
The school is open to students at 7:30 am. Families needing an earlier drop off should inquire about BeforeCare services, which begin at 7:00 am.
The school day begins and the school door locks at 7:45 am.
K-8 Students are expected to report to the Social Hall for a morning meeting which begins promptly at 7:45 am, and Pre-K students are expected to report to their respective classrooms by 7:45 am.
All students will use the Shallcross Avenue entrance (main entrance) of the school.
Parents are asked to report to the main office with their children for sign in the case of late arrival after 7:45 am.
Dismissal from School
All students will be dismissed at 2:45 pm on regular school days, and 11:45 am on half-days via Shallcross Avenue.
Families needing a later pick up should inquire about AfterCare services, which bear a fee.
Students will report outside for pick up with their teacher in designated locations. Pre-K students will be located at the "Student Entrance" on Shallcross Avenue, closest to Union Street, and 8th graders will be located at the corner of Shallcross and Grant Avenue.
Car Riders: Families will receive several copies of name cards to display in car windshields. Please be sure to display them in the front right windshield so that we can responsibly and safely deliver your children to you. Please pull up as far as possible on Shallcross Avenue to allow efficiency. Students may only enter vehicles on Shallcross Avenue.
Walkers: Students must check out with teachers before being dismissed, so parents of non-car riders are asked to report to the area designated for your child's class for pick up.
Please be sure to abide by posted speed limits and stop signs, be vigilant with crosswalks, follow crossing guard instructions, and be mindful not to block driveways/ entry points for local homes and neighborhoods during these times. Thank you for your patience and attention to student safety during morning arrival and afternoon pick up!
Student Update Forms
Families can expect an email from the Saint Ann School Office for instructions on completing the Student Update forms through PowerSchool this week. Every family is required to submit this information annually. Questions can be directed to office@thesaintannschool.org. Thank you for your prompt attention to this communication upon its delivery!
Home & School Association Notes
Ice Cream Social This Week!
St. Ann Faculty and the Home & School Association invite you to join us in the Celebration Garden for a meet and greet! Come enjoy a frozen treat while getting to know classmates and teachers before the school year starts! This event is for PreK and Kindergarten students as well as any new students joining our school community this year. Families are welcome!
Student Life Notes
Middle School Orientation Workshop: August 27
An orientation meeting and workshop is scheduled for students in grades 6-8 on the morning of August 27 to help set the tone for the year and prepare students for what they can expect in the world of middle school. This will take place as a normal part of the school day, and is intended for students alone.
Topics will include classwork and homework procedures and expectations, use of school technology, school schedule rotations, school culture and spirituality, and other middle-school specific information. This is designed to help students take ownership of their leaning experience and build student skills which they will need upon entry to high school! Important related information will be shared with parents following this session.
Back to School Mass: Sunday, September 8
Mustangs, help us start the school year off right by attending a "Back to School" Mass on Sunday, September 8 at 10:30 am! The parish Welcoming Committee hosts a Second Sunday Social each month to connect members of the Church community and to enjoy light refreshments. On September 8, the Second Sunday Social will salute 125 years of education at St. Ann School in the Social Hall after the 10:30 am Mass, and they welcome the Mustangs to be in attendance!
It is our hope that this special event will build on the beautifully symbiotic relationship between the church and school, which are part of one Saint Ann community. Our school is built upon the faith and support of St. Ann parishioners, and this is a wonderful way to acknowledge the impressive tradition of Catholic religious education in the Highlands!
How can you get involved?
- Bring your family to the 10:30 am Mass on 9/8!
- Come wearing your St. Ann uniform of school gear to show your school pride!
- Visit the Social Hall following the 10:30 am Mass to connect with the St. Ann community and enjoy light St. Ann School themed refreshments!
- Mark your calendars for all subsequent Second Sunday Socials!
Diocesan Events to Note:
CYO Joseph A. McNesby, Jr. Golf Outing (Wednesday, September 18) - The 32nd Annual CYO Joseph A. McNesby, Jr. Golf Outing will be held at Deerfield Golf Club in Newark. Proceeds support youth and athletic programs that benefit the young people within our diocese and community. More information on contributing to this event by becoming a sponsor, donor, and/or registering to golf can be found online.
As you know, volunteers play an essential role in programming and events. Please contact Jen Watson in the CYM Office if you are interested in volunteering. We would be most grateful for any time you could spend with us, even if it is a couple of hours covering contests or games on the course.
Diocesan Eucharistic Congress (Saturday, October 5) – Register now for a Spiritual Journey! Join Bishop Koenig and our diocesan family on October 5, 2024, at the Ocean City Convention Center for the Eucharistic Congress, "The Eucharist: The Source and Summit." This day-long event will deepen our faith and strengthen our community through worship, reflection, and celebration. Don't miss this powerful opportunity to reconnect with the core of our Catholic identity! Register at https://www.cdow.org/EucharisticCongress/
Mark Your Calendars!
August 26: First Day for All Students! Half-Day Schedule, 11:45 am Dismissal (Grades 1-8)
Regular Uniform Day
Students in Pre-K 3- Kindergarten should follow separate orientation schedule as outlined by your classroom teacher
August 27: After Care Program Begins
August 30: Half-Day Schedule, 11:45 am Dismissal
September 2: Labor Day Holiday, School Closed
September 8: Second Sunday Social Salutes St. Ann's, following 10:30 am Mass
September 10: Opening School Mass, Formal Uniforms for Middle School
September 17: Picture Day, Formal Uniforms for Middle School
September 19: Back to School Night, 6:30-7:30 pm
Please join us in the Social Hall for an opening presentation, followed by classroom visits
September 20: Casual Day - $1 to Support Missions
September 28 & 29: Share in the Sprit Collection at Weekend Masses - student volunteers needed!
Special Note: STAR Testing will take place during the week of September 23
School Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 am -3:30 pm
Every day at SAS, we conclude school with this prayer for the intercession of our patron saint, the mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus, St. Ann. We welcome you to share in this prayer with us: