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Project Connect CFCE
September and October Newsletter
Hello Families
Welcome back! We are excited to be here and can't wait to see everyone! Thank you to those of you who completed our Home Visit Interest and Summer surveys, we appreciate your input. We listened and made several changes to our programming.
First, we will no longer offer home visits, instead we are offering Raising Littles Together (parent education community group) in the morning, and the Dana and Sarah Show on Zoom every other Thursday evening. Look for the listings in the parent education section of the newsletter.
Second, we've added several new playgroups throughout the day, evening and on Saturday to accommodate as many families as possible. The newsletter is jam-packed!
Have a great year!
Andrea - Project Connect CFCE Coordinator
PTO Parent Information Night Monday Sept. 23rd from 6:00-7:00pm at Project Connect.
Did you know Project Connect has a caregiver-driven PTO? We partner with the Project Connect leaders to help organize events and fundraisers to support Project Connect families! We will have a PTO information session on Monday, Sept. 23rd from 6:00-7:00pm at Project Connect. We would love for you to join (any caregiver of current PC families welcome). Snacks provided.
Time Commitment? We meet once a month for 1 hour and then divide up tasks among the committee to work on in between meetings.
Where are the meeting held? At Project Connect or remote on Zoom
Can my child attend? Yes! whether we are holding a meeting remote or in person, we are all caregivers and children are always welcome.
Please email us if you plan to attend and if you have questions at pcfcpto@gmail.com
*Sign-up week* Playgroup registration will be Monday, Sept. 9th through Friday, Sept. 13th.
Playgroups will begin the week of Sept. 16th and end the week of October 21st. Please include your child/ren's name, birthday, phone number and home address when signing up for playgroups. All groups for birth through 5 years old are held at Project Connect unless specified. Please email Jacquie at jcapitanio@attleboroschools.com to register for all groups listed below. *Families can sign up for 3 playgroups max, not including drop-ins, nighttime groups, Saturdays and walking groups*
Mondays, beginning September 16th and ending October 21st
Toddler Time from 9:30-10:45 am, early walkers to 2.9 years old with Ms. Beatrice (non mobile siblings welcomed) Toddler time allows children to learn through play at their own pace and discover their own interests. Activities will include sensory, fine and gross motor and social emotional experiences, followed by circle time
Fun with Early Literacy from 9:30-11:00 am, 2.9-5 years old with Ms. Sarah (non mobile siblings welcomed) Come join us as we explore stories in a more preschool-like setting. Friends will have the opportunity to engage in sensory, fine motor and social emotional experiences that are all tied to the story of the day. (This group is offered twice, please choose one to attend)
The Baby Group from 11:00-12:15 pm, birth through pre-walkers with Ms. Beatrice (siblings welcomed) This playgroup is designed to support babies and their parents/caregivers to play, share ideas, and chat about the ups and downs of parenting. Activities will support a baby’s social, emotional, and physical development. Each week will also include facilitated conversations to build community and share skills & resources with each other.
Lunch and Literacy Play from 11:45-1:15 pm, 2.6 - 5 years old (non mobile siblings welcomed)
with Ms. Sarah Is your child attending the ELC? Come join us on your way home for lunch, a story and some playtime. This experience will be a great way to help your child learn to independently navigate the lunch routine that they will encounter in Kindergarten (opening items in their lunchbox, eating in an allotted time and cleaning up after themselves). We will eat upon arrival (as they will most likely be hungry) and then have a story followed by a little free play. Open to anyone looking for a fun social lunch!
Tuesdays, beginning September 17th and ending October 22nd
Walk and Talk with Friends @ Highland Park from 9:15-10:15 am, birth-5 years old with Ms. Beatrice Get that morning fresh air and chat with other parents and children. At the end of our walk we'll do a short story time together. Location: 104 Mechanic St.
Mixed Group from 9:15-10:30 am, birth through 5 years old with Ms. Dana
This playgroup is based on promoting children's developmental milestones including: social/emotional, language, cognitive and movement in play setting. Activities include free play, reading and circle time.
Fun with Early Literacy from 9:30-11:00 am, 2.9-5 years old with Ms. Sarah and Ms. Ashley (non mobile siblings welcomed) Come join us as we explore stories in a more preschool-like setting. Friends will have the opportunity to engage in sensory, fine motor and social emotional experiences that are all tied to the story of the day. (This group is offered twice, please choose one to attend)
Mixed Group from 10:45-12:00 pm, birth through 5 years old with Ms. Dana
This playgroup is based on promoting children's developmental milestones including: social/emotional, language, cognitive and movement in play setting. Activities include free play, reading and circle time.
Mixed Group from 1:45-3:00 pm, birth through 5 years old with Ms. Beatrice
This playgroup is based on promoting children's developmental milestones including: social/emotional, language, cognitive and movement in play setting. Activities include free play, reading and circle time.
Wednesdays, beginning September 18th and ending October 23rd
Fun in the Kitchen from 9:15-10:15 am, 2-5 years old with Ms. Dana and Ms. Ashley (non-mobile siblings welcomed) Each week you and your child can make some easy, nutritious snacks. This is a fun way to foster your child's cognitive, fine motor and social emotional development. Let's get cooking!*Note: When signing up please inform Jacquie of any allergies or food concerns*
Tinkergarten @ Capron Park from 9:30-10:30 am, 2-5 years old with Ms. Beatrice (siblings welcomed) Tinkergarten is an outdoor nature play group that supports children's sensory, motor and social-emotional development. Within the context of a guided play invitation, children are encouraged to explore at their own pace, be creative, take healthy risks and get a little dirty. Tinkergarten curriculum follows the seasons and is a product of Highlights for Children. Location: 201 County St. (the side away from the zoo and playground, next to the forest dept. building).
Messy Play from 10:30-11:30 am, 18 months-5 years old with Ms. Dana and Ms. Ashley (siblings welcomed) In this playgroup your child will experience fun with shaving cream, finger paints, playdough, water play and more. This is going to be a mess of a time, dress appropriately!
Playground Drop-in from 11:00-12:00 pm, birth-5 years old with Ms. Beatrice Fall is great time to play outside! Come and play on and around the playground at Project Connect. *Note: this is a drop-in group, no registration required*
Arts & Crafts & Play from 1:45-3:00 pm, birth- 5 years old with Ms. Beatrice In this playgroup, children are invited to participate in arts and crafts that focus on process, creativity, and exploration of materials. (Some crafts may be more suited to children 18 mo+ but all are welcomed) Free Play and art activities will both be open to children.
Thursdays, beginning September 19th and ending October 24th
Yoga and Mindfulness from 9:15-10:15 am, 2- 5 years old with Ms. Sarah (non mobile siblings welcomed) Come join us as we have fun moving our bodies through songs, stories and games. Please bring a towel or yoga mat for you and your child(ren).
Fun in the Kitchen Toddler Version from 9:15-10:15 am, 18 months-5 years old with Ms. Dana and Ms. Ashley (non-mobile siblings welcomed) Each week you and your child can make some easy, nutritious snacks. This is a fun way to foster your child's cognitive, fine motor and social emotional development. Let's get cooking! This class will have fewer steps involved to help create a successful environment for younger children. *Note: When signing up please inform Jacquie of any allergies or food concerns*
Fridays, beginning September 20th and ending October 24th
Music and Movement from 9:00-10:15 am, birth-5 years old with Ms. Cheryl This lively group will nourish your child's love and natural enthusiasm for music, movement and fun! (This group is offered twice, please choose one to attend)
Fill Your Bucket Fridays from 9:30-11:00am, birth- 5 years old with Ms. Sarah Based on the book "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?", this group will focus on modeling kindness, inclusivity, sharing and compassion. Playtime will be general but there will be a themed craft out for those who want to participate ( a friendship quilt, bucket decorating, friendship bracelets etc.)
Music and Movement from 10:30-11:45 am, birth-5 years old with Ms. Cheryl This lively group will nourish your child's love and natural enthusiasm for music, movement and fun! (This group is offered twice, please choose one to attend)
Someone Special Nighttime Mixed Groups
Does your child a have special someone they love to be with but might not be available during the day to play? Grandparent? Uncle? Aunt? They can bring them to our wonderful night mixed group. Everyone is welcomed! Ages birth - 5 years old from 6:30-7:30 pm on the following dates:
Yay for Saturday Play!
Come and join us for this lively Saturday morning mixed group. Ages birth - 5 years old from 9:30-10:45 am on the following dates:
Fall Direct Draw from 9:30-10:30 am on Saturday, October 12th
Come join us for a fall theme direct draw. Learn how to draw simple pictures by following step by step directions. This can be helpful in building confidence in drawing. Ages 4-5 years old (older/non mobile welcomed).
*Please choose one of the following sign-up week specials to attend*
Construction Hour from 9:30-11:00 am on Monday, October 28th
Come join us for an hour and half of everything building and construction. Ages birth-5 years old.
Animal Hour from 9:30-11:00 am on Tuesday, October 29th
Come join Ms. Sarah and Ms. Dana for a roaring time! We will explore all things Animals! Ages birth - 5 years old
Messy Play from 9:30-11:00 am on Wednesday, October 30th
Come and experience fun with paints, shaving cream, water and more. This is one mess of time, dress appropriately! Ages 18 months - 5 years old
Bring a Book to Life- SPOOKTACULAR! from 9:30-11:00 am on Thursday, October 31st.
Join Ms. Dana and Ms. Sarah while they read Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. They will bring this book to life with fun activities related to the story and every family will receive a copy of the book! Costumes optional 😉 For ages 18 months to 5 years old.
Parent Education
Raising Littles Together
This community building group will be focused on the parenting interests of participants. We will discuss topics such as navigating parental stress, raising confident kids, positive discipline, potty learning, bedtime and naps, technology, and more. The intention of this group is that participants will both share and receive wisdom about the parenting journey and have fun with each other. Children are welcome and will have the opportunity to play within sight of their caregiver ( or sit with them) but are not required to attend.
This workshop has three different times available during this session.
Tuesdays, Sept. 17th through October 22nd from 11:15-12:15 pm
Thursdays, Sept. 19th through October 24th from 10:30-11:30 am
Fridays, Sept. 20th through October 25th from 11:30-12:30 pm
The Dana and Sarah Show from 7:00-8:00 pm on Zoom
Join us in the evening over Zoom to come together and discuss, share, and support relevant topics. Week 1: We are back in the routine! How are you managing? Are you looking for tips? Do you have some to share? This parent support group will be held on the following dates:
Teaching Body Safety and Consent from 5:30-6:30pm on Tuesday, September 24th at Project Connect
In this workshop, parents will learn habits and strategies to help their young children stay safe and practice consent. The research-based information will prepare parents for developmentally appropriate conversations with children that help prevent abuse and set a foundation for healthy relationships for life. *Note: no childcare available*
Positive Discipline from 5:30-6:30 pm on Tuesday October 22nd at Project Connect
Join us with your questions and or ideas for a discussion about disciplining children with respect, connection and love. Ms. Beatrice will facilitate this workshop with a respectful parenting perspective that prioritizes teaching behavior skills, strong parent-child connections and the emotional wellbeing of parents and children. *Note: no childcare available*
With Much Appreciation!
A big thank you to all the families that donated snacks, books and art supplies over the summer. We truly appreciate any help with items that we can get.
We are here for you @ Project Connect- Attleboro CFCE
Andrea Witherell - Coordinator
Jacquie Capitanio - Sr. Clerk Typist
Parent Educators:
Beatrice Conover
Sarah Dorfman
Cheryl Killion
Dana Walker
Program Assistant:
Ashley Choquette
****Please ask how the ASQ Questionnaire can help support your child's development*******
Telephone: 774-551-8251
Location: Attleboro High School, 1 Blue Pride Way Attleboro, MA
APS website: https://pcfc.attleboroschools.com/
Facebook: Project Connect Family Center- Attleboro CFCE
Instagram: @attleboro_projectconnect_cfce