College Heights Connection
October 2, 2020
COVID Disclosure
The staff is getting excited to welcome our students on Monday, October 12th. As a reminder, because we are limiting access to the building to our staff and students, our operating hours will be 7:30-4:00 pm. This will allow us to adjust our staffing pattern so that we have classroom staff available to escort your student during arrival and dismissal times. Our goal is to begin allowing parents into the building on November 2nd which will allow our operating hours to be lengthened. In order for us to allow parents access to the building there must be no positive covid cases between October 12 and November 2nd. Our school's covid readiness team will continually be monitoring covid concerns.
Parent Orientation Refresher
During our session we will target 3 areas:
1) Health and Safety: district covid sick policies, mitigation strategies, facial coverings
2) Instruction: Social distancing strategies, Daily Schedule and Social/Emotional Needs
3) Operations: Arrival/Dismissal, Cleaning Procedures.
To join our session
Link to meet.google.com/ujm-nhco-ovh
Join by phone (US) +1 678-626-7874 PIN: 242 609 452#
Arrival Reminders
- Prior to arrival parents must complete the health assessment screener for their student.
- All individuals over the age of 4 are required to wear a facial covering.
- Parents and children enter the front porch using the ramp. Parents will exit using front porch steps.
- Staff will be at the front porch taking child temperature
- Child will use hand sanitizer
- Staff will escort child and belongings to class
Dismissal Reminders
- Parents will call the school upon their arrival to campus 404-370-4480. Program closes at 4:00 pm
- Using ramp, parents will wait on the ramp for their child to be dismissed to them by staff.
Open House
It''s been awhile since we held our meet and greet so we would like to provide the students an opportunity to reconnect with their classroom teachers. We are inviting the families to attend an Open House on Friday, October 9th from 12-3:00 pm. Please look for your teacher to send a sign up sheet. You are also invited to bring any belongings you might want to drop off in advance. If you received documents during meet and greet you can bring the completed documentation back at this time.
We ask that you follow these procedures:
-Arrive 5 minutes prior to your time slot so that you can be screened on the front porch. All individuals entering the building will have their temperatures checked.
-All individuals four years and older will be required to wear a facial covering when entering the building. We kindly ask ,if possible, that families limit the visitors to the enrolled student and parents.
-You will then enter the building and be directed to your classroom. At your classroom you will wait outside the door in line along the wall, observing social distance.
-When your turn begins, the previous family will leave, and you may then enter and wash your hands and your child's hands.
Student Belongings
- blanket (ones, twos, and threes)
- water bottle
- change of clothing
- suncreen/bugspray
- diaper cream (as applicable)
- diapers/wipes (as applicable)
October Tuition
Infant and one year old classrooms= $938.85
Toddler and preschool classrooms= $872.10
College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center
Email: sgarland@csdecatur.net
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/eclc
Location: 917 South McDonough Street, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404-370-4480