Principal Welch's Weekly Update
January 27th, 2025
Planning Ahead: Mark Your Calendars….
This Wednesday, January 29th: No School for Students-TUSD Faculty & Staff Training
February 13th: Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30-6:30 p.m.
February 14th: Half Day Release Time 11:25 a.m.
February 20th & 21st: No School-Rodeo Break
Spring Sports are Around the Corner
Any students interested in participating in Track, Tennis, Softball or Baseball who have not participated in a Rincon sport this year, need to begin working on getting their sports packet in order to be approved to tryout and participate. A physical examination is required. Please see Lance LaVetter and/or April Bull Calf in the athletics office to pick up a packet and make sure you are cleared, in advance, for tryouts to you don’t miss out!
TUSD Parent SQS Survey
Rincon parents/guardians, it is time to collect feedback for the Parent School Quality Survey. The survey will be sent to your parent email through SurveyMonkey by the TUSD A&E department with the Title: TUSD Parent School Quality Survey 2025 – we want your feedback! It’s not SPAM and we want your feedback. Our administrative team carefully reviews the data to inform our practice.
Please note:
- A&E is the sole source to send out the Parent SQS.
- We need a minimum of 30% of our families to complete the survey to meet our goal and ensure the feedback is viable data sample
A&E sent the survey out on 01/22/2025 in addition to sending weekly reminders to families who have not yet completed the survey until the end of February 2025.
Dreaming of Going to College?
Many students who would be the first in their family to go to college or who come from low-income families don’t know that there is a lot of financial aid available to help them go to college or a trade school after high school. This funding is not dependent on their grades like scholarships. If your family is interested in your child going to college or a trade school after high school, but you don’t think that is not financially possible, this may be the program for you. See the attached flyer to see how your child can join the Upward Bound TRIO program. This program supports first generation and/or low-income students throughout their high school journey to ensure they get the support and guidance they need to pursue their educational dreams after high school.
It is also important for parents to note that there are more and more trade school opportunities becoming available to students who want to have a career, but don’t believe that four years of college is the route they want to take. Pima College offers several certification programs that take between 6-18 months to complete, yielding high paying jobs in demanding fields such as avionics, construction and manufacturing, the dental and medical fields, etc.
The Upward Bound TRIO program will not only prepare your child to be ready for educational opportunities after high school, it also help students apply for financial aid to help them get there.
College and Career Center
Click Here to read this week's RHS College & Career Readiness Program Weekly Activities Update. Below are a few Highlights...
This Week:
- Mon. 1/27: JTED Enrollment Party, 2:45 in the Library. Use THIS FORM to explore JTED Programs. Check it in with Mrs. Vasquez by the morning of 1/27 to be eligible for this event. (register at the link above)
- Accuplacer registration for SY 25/26 Dual Enrollment eligibility - PCC will administer the Accuplacer at RHS in late February. Check if you qualify to take college credit courses next school year. You MUST have an A# from Pima College to take the Accuplacer. See instructions here then sign up for the Accuplacer at Rincon Here.
- Cash For College! In the CCR Center, Every Period All week long! Seniors, show you have completed your FSA, FAFSA, Scholarship &/or College/Program applications and get a treat! Submit your FAFSA before Fri. Jan. 31s to be eligible for one of four $50 awards from the MEC's The Pima College Access Network.
- Wednesday: US Air Force, Space Force & ROTC US - on the breezeway at lunch.
- Thursday: Pima Community College Application Workshop (ppd from 1/23)- in the CCR Center in 3rd & 4th period. sign up here.
- Jan. 30 - University of Mississippi, virtual visit, 9am, CCR Center
- Jan. 31- MEC PCAN FAFSA Completion Awards are announced!
Regular, Repeating Rep Visits
- US Navy & US Marines - every other Wednesday, next visit Feb. 5
- US Air Force, Space Force & ROTC - every other Wednesday, next visit Jan 29
- 2/3 -U of A Admissions Workshop - 9am in the CCR Center
- 2/5 - Western New Mexico University @ Lunch on the Breezeway
- 2/27 - Northern Michigan University 1pm in the RHS CCR Center
- 2/28 - RUHS Spring College & Career Fair - @ Lunch on the RUHS Admin Breezeway
Senior Graduation Assembly
Seniors will be attending a senior assembly during the school day on March 20th to receive all the information regarding graduation festivities. Students will receive a hand-out to bring home to share with parents with important dates and events on it. This is an exciting time for the Class of 2025!
Student Announcements
-The third Student Council sponsored blood drive is coming up on February 26, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm in the North Gym! Anyone 16 or older can donate, but donors who are 16 or 17 need parent permission. Below you can find the links to sign up for an appointment and to print the permission form. Paper permission forms can also be obtained in room 127 during lunch or after school.
-Batter up! The Arizona Diamondbacks are running an Attendance Matters campaign for the month of February. Any Rincon student with perfect attendance for the month of February will receive a complimentary ticket offer to a Diamondback's home game. Please see Ms. Callahan in the E. Library for more information.
-The Library is running a bookmark design contest! All students are encouraged to showcase their creativity, with the chance to have their design printed and shared throughout our community. Details are in the Library with Ms. Mitchell. Submissions are due by February 5th.
-Hey Rangers! January starts JTED Enrollment Application Season! These programs are very competitive so be sure to complete your program interest form and attend the Info Session to be eligible for the 'Enrollment Application Party' at 2:45 on January 27th. You can find the form link in the CCR Center Newsletter posted in your Class level CANVAS Announcements or you can pick up a hard copy from Mrs. Vasquez in the CCR Center.