Reignier Catholic School Newsletter
13th September 2021 - Issue # 13
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.
Greetings to you all.
What adventure we have been on since our last newsletter. I did not expect all of this to take place in my first term as Principal at Reignier. I would personally like to extend my thanks to all our students, whānau, staff and community. You have been patient, resilient, supportive and understanding. Thank you.
It's been fantastic to see the students return to school and hear their lockdown stories; it sounds like a lot of fun has been had. Thank you for bearing with us as we still continue to move through these challenging times. The not knowing and uncertainty is not ideal for many of us and continues to keep throwing us curve balls. Please do not hesitate to contact myself at any time, if there is something we can help with. Hopefully this afternoon we will know a little more about what is happening with our Alert Levels.
As I sit to write this the word that comes to mind is balance and what that means (as I sit here writing this the students are out eating their lunch in the sun). How do we balance our home life with our work life? Is it an even balance? I know that some days mine is definitely not. I know for me I am missing being able to physically go to mass and be part of the Eucharist celebration which provides me with that balance. I, also, think with this week being Social Justice Week and Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori it has led me to spend time reflecting on how I actively live out the mission of Christ, while understanding my own relationship with Jesus, understanding my own origin story and who I am in relation to my own whakapapa and those who have gone before me. Pope Francis asks us to encounter one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, but how do we do that? That will be my reflection for this week and I encourage you as a family to take some time around the dinner table to reflect on the importance of the Church’s teachings and how each and every one of us can help work towards building a better world for all.
Ngā manaakitanga
Teresa Shanks
We thank Nicole for her dedication, service and commitment to Reignier Catholic School and wish her all the very best in her new teaching role at Napier Girls High School.
Being in a Catholic school means that we are called to service. Sometimes this may include helping school families when they may be in need. We are unable to do this on our own and we would like to invite parents/grandparents and wider whānau to be part of our pastoral care contact tree. This may mean from time to time you might be contacted to help cook a meal etc. This is a completely confidential phone tree and no-one in the wider community would know that you are part of this. If you are able to help please make contact with either Teresa Shanks at tshanks@reignier.school.nz or Karyn Gouder at kgouder@reignier.school.nz
These highlights have been written by our students. We take no responsibility for their grammar!
On the 13th of August 13 girls from Reignier took part in the spooner shield girls soccer. All the girls that took part in it worked very hard and tried their best every time they played even if it was just practice. The team all progressed during the session and did Amazing. On the day everyone showed up and arrived with a positive attitude even though some of them were really nervous. During the game we worked as a team and had loads of fun. The first game we played everyone looked nervous but we all came through and worked together. It was a really fun and exciting experience we all had. Thanks to all the year 4’s who came and helped the team when we didn’t have enough players, without them we couldn’t have played. I would also like to say a special thank you to Anna for all her coaching and time she gave to this team. Anna gave up a lot of time to coach the team and even did some extra practices at lunch time. The girls in the team did really well and we ended up winning third overall in the girls soccer.
Saoirse Quinn, Year 6, Room 10
On Friday the 13th of August, 8 Year 6 students and 8 Year 5 students played netball for Spooner Shield. We played 7 games each. It was a tough competition and we all wanted to win, but the results didn't go our way. We all had so much fun. I enjoyed playing the games especially when I was playing defence. I think everyone improved on their netball skills. Thank you to Mrs Smith and Mrs Ellison for coaching the two netball teams and making our day really fun.
Olivia Johnson, Room 10, Year 6
I really enjoyed playing Netball at Spooner Shield because the teams were hard but that was good because it challenged our skills. I think everyone has improved their skills since we started training. I would really like to play again next year. My favourite position is 'Attack'.
Thanks Mrs Smith for teaching us. I did not know how to play netball at first and now I know how to play. Thank you also Miss Ellison for coaching us on the day of Spooner Shield.
Emma Nairn, Room 9, Year 5
Reignier was really lucky to get a rugby team this year for Spooner Shield, but the games were a bit tough. First of all, because most of us hadn't played in a long time and also because our opponents were big, that made it quite hard, but otherwise I think we played really well and we managed to win 2 games out of 7.
I scored 1 try in one of our winning games and 1 in another, but it didn't help us win. I got stood on by someone tackling me and I had to come off, but I had to recover quickly because Corban got injured quite quickly after me.
Our coach, Mr Nairn, was really supportive through our tournament and also in the training. He taught us how to kick properly, when to dive on the ball and when not to. I think he's one of the reasons we won the 2 games and won the Fair Play Award.
Max Sebileau, Year 6, Room 10
I played rugby with Corban, Beau, Max, Liam, Maehe, Talon, Declan and Harry. Rugby was fun.
We played seven games and we won two of them. The teams that we played were Porrit, Greenmeadows, Bledisloe, Onekawa, Puketapu, Taradale and Arthur Miller. We won against Puketapu and Greenmeadows.
There were sausages as well as sweets, pies, juicies and moosies. Drinks, there were fizzys and hot chocolates.
Thank you Mr Nairn for coaching our team for the Spooner Shield. You were really good at it and you made us play like a proper rugby team.
Ben Reilly, Year 6, Room 11
ENROLMENTS - 2022 & 2023
If you have a child(ren) you wish to enrol in either 2022 or 2023, could you please let the school office know as we are in the process of updating our records.
Head lice may be present amongst children in your child’s class. These insects are a nuisance and can be controlled or eradicated by families. Head lice crawl from head to head and may be passed on through shared objects such as hairbrushes and hats.
It is recommended that you check all members of your household carefully. Anyone can host head lice. Cleanliness is not a factor in whether head lice are present or not.
Should you require any additional information eg what to look for, please see your child's classroom teacher in the first instance.
Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Camp for the Year 5 and 6 children will take place the week of 21st-25th March 2022. Further information to come.
Under Alert Level 2 if you require any uniform items, please contact the school office on 06 844 2144 or email admin@reignier.school.nz for further information. Thank you for your support.
Thank you to all families who have made payment or made contact and organised payment arrangements for Attendance Dues this year.
The 4th and final statement for Attendance Dues 2021 and any arrears for this year and previous years will be emailed or posted by the end of this week. Emails will be sent from Diocese of Palmerston North Attendance Dues Team dues@pndiocese.org.nz and may appear in your junk/spam folder.
One-off payments by credit card or debit card (Visa or Mastercard only) can be made using our website: www.pndiocese.org.nz/education/dues.
We have extended the due date from late September to 15th October 2021 to allow families additional time to make payment. Any questions, please get in touch. We are only a call away.
The Attendance Dues team are happy to advise payment options that will help your family to pay your Attendance Dues. Please contact the Dues team before 15th October to discuss this with you.
Our contact details are as follows:
0800 200 208; or
Congratulations to Aaron Lo for being selected in the Hawkes Bay Under 13D basketball team as part of the North Island Under 13 Central Regional tournament to be held later this year. This follows Aaron’s earlier success of playing for the HB Under 11A rep team in the Easter tournament where he played against rep teams from Waikato, Taranaki, Tauranga, Rotorua, Manawatū, Gisborne.
Contact Us
Email: admin@reignier.school.nz
Website: https://www.reignier.school.nz/
Location: 99 Guppy Road, Taradale, Napier 4112, New Zealand
Phone: 06 844 2144
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Reignier-Catholic-School-115115200209335