The Friday Focus
January 10, 2025
From the Office of the Superintendent
2025-26 Registration Information:
Kindergarten Registration (linked) for 2025-26: will open on Feb. 10th.
Kindergarten Camp will be held at each elementary school for two weeks: July 7th-July 10th, and July 14th-July 17th. Details will be available soon.
Registration for the PEECH Program (Preschool & Early Education for Children of Hopewell) is now open. Link for Information & Registration: PEECH Registration Form
Winter Parent Series starts January 22nd: This 3-part series of programs will offer insights and education on relevant issues impacting children, teens and families. Presented by clinicians and experts in their field, you’ll gain valuable tools to help your child build a strong foundation for a positive future. View flyer for program topics and dates. Click here to register! Questions? Contact the Hopewell Valley Municipal Alliance.
- The HVRSD EcoPTO and Hopewell, NJ Native Plant Swap will hold a Native Seed Sowing Extravaganza! on Jan. 18th, 10am-1pm in the HVCHS Community Room. Get a done-for-you jug with soil and native plant seeds! Cost: $5 per jug. Use the link to RSVP and learn more about this event. This event is hosted in partnership with the HVRSD Climate Action Committee, HVCHS Youth Environmental Society, HV Green Team, and the HV Community Wildlife Habitat Program. Proceeds will go to supporting the conservation efforts of The Sourland Conservancy and Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space.
- Summer Camp Expo and Special Services Resource Fair, Saturday, Jan. 25th, HVCHS, 10am-2pm. Find out about area camps, meet camp staff and learn about their programs. Information will also be available about about special services resources and supports available in our community, including therapists, agencies, recreation options. Presented by Strive PTO.
- Hopewell Valley Montgomery Varsity Hockey Team presents the 10th Annual "Salute to Service Hockey Game" on Sat. Jan 25th 7:00pm, Tsai Field House, The Lawrenceville School. Join us as we honor local veterans for their service. Tickets $5 but all veterans are our guests! Scan code to order STS T-shirt! Proceeds raised from this game will be donated to the Hopewell Valley Veterans Association and Montgomery Veterans Memorial Committee.
Thank you to all participated in our annual Alumni Day Program!
HVCHS Updates: Please see the December Counseling Newsletter from Ms. Rutt.
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) Programs for Students:
- High school seniors are eligible for year-round internships, both paid and for credit and we run science quiz competitions for both high school and middle school students, public lectures for all, and a single-day conference for women interested in becoming a scientist or engineer. Join us!
- The 2025 Ronald E. Hatcher Science on Saturday Lecture Series begins on Sat, Jan. 18th at 9:30am This annual series of lectures is given by scientists, engineers, and other professionals involved in cutting-edge research. Held on Saturday mornings throughout winter, the lectures are geared toward high school students. The program draws more than 300 students, teachers, parents, and community members. Topics are selected from a variety of disciplines. If you can’t attend the live lecture, the talks will be posted on the Science on Saturday Archives. Recordings will be posted roughly one week after the live event.
- Spring Athletics Registration: Registration forms and medical forms for all spring sports (Boys & Girls Lacrosse, Baseball, Softball, Boys Volleyball, Boys Tennis, Boys & Girls Spring Track and Golf) are due on or before Friday, February 21. In-House Physicals will be offered on Thursday, February 6th for all high school athletes from 9:00 am-12:00 pm in the high school nurse's office. They are open to students in grades 9-12 by appointment only and are $25 a child. (Checks should be made out to HVRSD) Please use this link to sign up for an appointment.
- Winter Athletics: Over 300 student-athletes are involved in our winter athletic programs, which include sports such as track, basketball, ice hockey, cheerleading, and wrestling. Please check out our winter schedule and consider supporting the Bulldogs at an athletic event this season! All fans should remember to follow the HVRSD and NJSIAA guidelines regarding spectator conduct.
- Absences, Late Arrivals, & Early Dismissals: Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number 609-737-4003, Ext 2, by 8:00 am to report an absence or late arrival. Please provide a note if your child needs to be dismissed from school early. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors MUST be signed out by a parent or guardian before leaving the building. Please also review our attendance procedures for details about the district policies. *As a reminder, students must be in school for at least four hours in order to participate in all athletic or extra-curricular activities and events*
- What’s Happening at HVCHS? Please follow us on Twitter: @HVCentralHS and Instagram: hopewell_valley_central_hs for pictures, updates, and fun facts. Our daily morning announcements can be found on the school website and via this link. Fundraising activities from our classes, clubs, and teams can be found on our fundraising calendar. Also, check out our HV Student Publications Network page for student-created podcasts, digital videos, and more! If you are a graduate of HVCHS, and you would like to join our Alumni Directory, please complete our Database Form and indicate what type of information you would like to receive from HVCHS.
Save the Date:
January 10: Alumni Day Program
January 13: NHS Induction
January 16: Junior College Planning Night
January 20: Schools & Offices Closed, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 22: Choir Concert, PAC
January 23: 8th Grade Academic Planning Night, 6 p.m.
January 25: HV CHS Hockey "Salute to Service" Game, 7:00pm, The Lawrenceville School. Click the link for t-shirt and ticket info. All veterans are free.
January 28: Semester One Ends
January 29: Schools Closed, Lunar New Year
January 30: Semester Two Begins, F Day
January 31: Faculty Musicale - save the date!
The audition sign up for TMS's spring musical "The Addams Family" is available! If you are interested in auditioning for this production, please complete the Google form along with your parent/guardian. Audition materials will be shared out in a few weeks. Sign Up Form linked HERE
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL): We run science quiz competitions for both high school and middle school students, public lectures for all, and a single-day conference for women interested in becoming a scientist or engineer. Join us!
TMS Spring Sports - Registration and medical forms for MS fall sports are due by Friday, Feb 28th! Please click here to access the registration page and print medical forms. Any student who is not registered and does not have either a physical form or health history update form on file with the school nurses will not be able to try out or practice until they do.
In-House Physicals will be offered on Thursday, February 13th from 9:00 am-12:00 pm in the TMS school nurse's office. They are open to students in grades 6-8 by appointment only and are $25 a child. (Checks should be made out to HVRSD.) Click here to sign up for In House Physicals
TMS Spring Sports Start Monday, March 17th!
Boys and Girls Lacrosse (7th & 8th Grade Only) , Boys & Girls Spring Track (6th, 7th & 8th Grade),
Baseball 7th & 8th Grade) and Softball (6th, 7th & 8th Grade)
Yearbooks are on sale! The early bird price is $35. Click HERE to order your student's yearbook now!
- Absences, Late Arrival & Early Dismissal: Parents should call our TeleSafe # 609-737-4004, Ext 2, by 8:00 am, to report an absence or late arrival. If your child is leaving early, please be sure to send in a note when possible. If the need occurs after the start of school, please call the Main Office.
- Timberlane Drive is closed between 2:30 - 3:00 for TMS and CHS dismissal.
- TMS Updates: For additional information about TMS, please visit our webpage, or follow us on Twitter @Timberlane_HV, or instagram @timberlane_timberwolves
- The Timberlane ``Principal's Page" is on the TMS Website.
*Dates To Remember*
1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day- School/Offices Closed
1/21 Winter Choir Concert 7:00 pm PAC
1/25 “TMS After Dark” 6:00 pm (Telescopes, Astronomy and the Star Lab!)
1/29 Lunar New Year- Schools Closed
BT Health Office Clothing Drive - Mrs. Moran is collecting new or gently used clothing.
Boys underwear & pants -all sizes (up to men’s) and Girls underwear & pants - all sizes (up to women’s)
Crocs, flip-flops, & shoes in all sizes.
Please send all donations to the main office, Attn: School Nurse. Thank you so much!
BT Winter Concert - Wednesday, January 15th at Bear Tavern Elementary School. All 4th and 5th-grade students will perform at our annual winter concert, featuring 4th and 5th-grade choruses, orchestras, 5th-grade band, and the TrebleMakers. Click here for information on 5th Grade. Click here for information on 4th grade.
BT Lost And Found Is Growing - Please LABEL all articles of clothing. Labeled items have a much better chance of making their way back home. All items will be donated on 1/31/25.
BT 5th Grade Yearbook Cover Art Contest & Congratulatory Ads - Click Here for more information and to purchase our congratulatory ad for the 24-25 BT Yearbook. .*Only 5th-grade families can see the link. All contest entries must be received by Friday, January 24, 2025.
All congratulatory ads must be received by Friday, April 18, 2025.
BT 3rd Grade Recorder Letter - As a part of the district’s music curriculum, your third grader has begun learning to play the soprano recorder in music class. The students are very excited to bring them home! Our 3rd Grade Recorder Concert will be on Thursday, March 20th at 7:00 pm. Click here for more information.
BT Annual Appeal - We have reached 54% of our Annual Appeal goal, and with your help, we can close that gap. If you have already donated to the appeal, thank you! Your support directly funds field trips, assemblies, visiting authors, outdoor learning areas, and classroom technology. Any additional donation will be cumulative, and your child(ren) will be eligible for the Big Donations incentives we are launching for Giving Tuesday. Significant Donations Make Big Things Happen. Every student at BT benefits from our generous community, whether they donate their time, talent, items, expertise, or monetary gifts. Any donation of any size is optional and appreciated. Help us reach our Appeal Goal to fund activities and programs for the outstanding students at Bear Tavern. Click here to donate. If you have already donated to the appeal, thank you!
- School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
- Absences & Late Arrivals - Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number:
- 609-737-4005, Ext 2, by 8:00 a.m. to report an absence or late arrival. Thank you.
- Changes In Students’ Dismissal - If there is a change in how students will be going home (pick up, take the bus, after-school program, etc.), please be sure to call or email the main office at 609-737-4005 btmainoffice@hvrsd.org
Dates To Remember
1/15 - Winter Concert @ Bear Tavern
1/17 - Day of Service-Wear BT T-Shirt, NO PRESCHOOL (Collab Day)
1/20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Schools & Offices Closed
1/27 - BOE Meeting at Bear Tavern 6:30 pm
1/29 - Lunar New Year: Schools Closed
The Principal’s January Newsletter - Hopewell’s Happenings is a monthly update with links to all sorts of information and activities.
HES Talent Show - The HES Talent Show is happening on Thursday, April 24th, at 6:30PM. Students in grades 3-5 are invited to participate and show off their amazing talents. Sign-up Forms are due by February 7th.
Chubby’s Project Collection - Preschool will be collecting socks and scarves for the Chubby’s Project this month. Donations due by January 28th. Collection bins will be outside the front office.
Faculty Musicale
Join us at the CHS PAC on Friday, January 31st for an evening of pure entertainment as the staff of HVRSD take the stage! Teachers from each school in our district will perform in a showcase you won't want to miss. We hope you can make it!
Hopewell Elementary Mini Theater - This year, Hopewell Elementary School will be offering the opportunity for students to perform in a brand new musical, The Claw Machine Chronicles! All fourth and fifth graders are invited and encouraged to participate! Link HERE for more information.
HES Yearbook Title Page Drawing Contest: Hopewell Elementary School Yearbook continues to take shape, the yearbook committee is currently accepting submissions for the Title Page Drawing Contest. Students from grades K-5 are encouraged to incorporate the HES Honor Pledge into their designs (L-Leadership, E- Empathy, A- Acceptance, P-Perseverance) while showcasing their creativity and artistic ability. Link HERE for more information
Lost and Found - As we begin the new year, please remember to label your child's coats, sweatshirts, jackets, water bottles, and other belongings. Labeled items have a much better chance of making their way back home!
- School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
- Absences & Late Arrivals - Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number, 609-737- 4007, Ext 2, by 8:00 a.m. to report an absence or late arrival. Thank you.
- HES Changes in Students’ Dismissal - If there is a change in how students will be going home, please be sure to call or email the main office at 609-737-4007 hwmainoffice@hvrsd.org
Dates to Remember:
January 10th - Crazy Hair Day
January 17th - HES Day of Service; No Preschool (Collab Day)
January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Schools & Offices Closed
January 29th - Schools Closed, Lunar New Year
January 31st - Faculty Musicale at the PAC
Principal’s Newsletter - “The Scoop” has details about upcoming events and is emailed to families weekly. Also check out the Principal’s Page on the SB website.
2025 Support Professional of the Year - We would like to congratulate Ms. Kerry Roell for being named the 2025 HVRSD Educational Support Professional of the Year! Ms. Roell joined Stony Brook in 2014, and has been an integral part of our school community ever since. She has worked in a variety of classroom settings, but has spent most of her time in kindergarten. As one nomination stated, “The children adore her because of her compassionate and caring nature. She is insightful, senses when students need support, and always has their best interests at heart!” Congratulations on this well-deserved honor, Ms. Roell!
MLK Day of Service - On Friday, Jan 17th, we will be observing a Day of Service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Student Council members will introduce grade-specific service projects, and character strong staff partners will assist classroom teachers with the projects.
Lost & Found - Please label your jackets, gloves and hats! We have a collection of jackets, sweatshirts and other miscellaneous items outside of the main office on a rack. Please remind your student(s) to check it if they are missing anything!
- Breakfast - Check out the school breakfast & lunch menus. Students can pick up on the way to class at the beginning of school and eat in the classroom. Student accounts will be charged $3.25 unless your family qualifies for free/reduced meals.
- School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2025 information.
- Dismissal Changes - Call our TelSafe line at 609-737-4006, Ext 2, by 8:00 am to report an absence, late arrival or last minute change. Please refer to our Attendance Procedures for details regarding school absences, late arrivals and early dismissals.
- PTO Membership Toolkit - Click here to register for volunteer opportunities, class lists & apparel. Contact StonyBrookPTO@gmail.com with any questions.
- All Star Donation Drive - While the prize raffle is now closed, you can still donate to the All Star Donation Drive! Click here to donate.
*Dates To Remember*
1/17 - SB Day of Service for MLK Day
1/20 - Schools/Offices Closed - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/29 - Schools Closed - Lunar New Year
Toll Gate Grammar School Website
Toll Gate Grammar on Instagram
Email the Toll Gate Main Office
Principal Newsletter: Please click here for Principal Lauri’s newsletter.
Philly Pretzel Sales: The Toll Gate 5th Grade Committee is offering soft pretzel sales to raise money for 5th grade year-end activities. Pretzels are $2 each and will be delivered to your child’s homeroom by the end of the day for an after school snack on the following dates: 1/23, 2/5, 2/20, 3/6, 3/20, 4/10, 4/24, 5/8, 5/21 and 6/5. Click here to order! If you have any questions, please contact Tricia Simpson. For nutritional information for Philly Pretzel Factory, click here.
Toll Gate Winter Concert: All 4th and 5th grade students will participate in our winter concert on Tuesday, January 14th at 7:00 PM in the TMS Cafeteria. Students should arrive at 6:30 PM with their instruments and music. Performer attire is black (dark) pants/skirt, white dress shirt and black (dark) comfortable, but nice, shoes. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Cuesta or Ms. Phillips.
Lost and Found: Please click here to see if any of your child(ren)'s items are in the lost and found which is located in the hallway outside of the cafeteria.
- School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
- Dismissal Changes: If your dismissal plans change on any given day, please email tgmainoffice@hvrsd.org, (this email will go to both main office secretaries, Ashlee Dana and Patricia Jaczko) to inform them of the change. Please also cc' your child's homeroom teacher.
- Reporting Student Absences: Please remember to call the Telsafe line 609-737-4008, option 2) by 8:00am for any absences or tardiness. Emails to a teacher may not be seen in a timely manner. Telsafe is the best way to report an absence. If your child is not at school and you haven’t reported them absent or tardy, you will get a phone call from Mrs. Smith, our school nurse.
Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, 1/14/25: Winter Concert at TMS for Grades 4 & 5
Monday, 1/20/25: Schools/Offices Closed - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Wednesday, 1/29/25: School Closed - Lunar New Year
Friday, 1/31/25: TG Day of Service
Community Programs
Hopewell Valley Montgomery Varsity Hockey Team presents the 10th Annual "Salute to Service Hockey Game" on Sat. Jan 25th 7:00pm, Tsai Field House, The Lawrenceville School. Join us as we honor local veterans for their service. Tickets $5 but all veterans are our guests! Scan code to order STS T-shirt!
- Hopewell Township Recreation: Sockey: Winter Session 1/15-2/26: This co-ed sport was created to learn the game of hockey, exercise, and have fun! It is a safe variant of hockey played indoors with "sock" covered sticks and soft indoor balls. All equipment is provided. The Winter Session will be held at Tollgate Elementary School on Wednesdays from 6:45pm to 7:30pm. Children in grades 1-5 are invited to register, boys and girls!. To register, email us at recreation@hopewelltwp.org or call us at 609-737-3753.
Howell Living History Farm : Upcoming Events include: Ice Harvest, Tapping the Sugar Maples, Maple Sugaring, and an Old-Fashioned Valentine's Day.
Hopewell Valley Lacrosse: Registration is open for our HVL 3-8th Girls/ Boys Teams and Little Laxers Welcome to HVL’s Spring 2025 Program! Open to boys and girls ages K-8th grade, HVL’s Program provides developmental lacrosse instruction for boys and girls, K-8th grade of all skill levels.
Soccer Shots: Winter 2025 Programs at Mercer County Community College and the Chapin School, mid-Jan thru March.
Registration for Hopewell Valley Youth Wrestling is open to all students, girls and boys, in Grades K through 6. To learn more and to register, please visit the Hopewell Valley Youth Wrestling website.
Pennington Basketball Association: Girls 3x3 Tuesdays, Jan 14th- March 25th
Schafer Sports Center is a multisport athletic complex in Ewing which offers sports and programs for all ages and abilities.
Terhune Orchards, Read & Explore: Gingerbread Man, Jan 14th and Jan 18th: a fun and educational program that combines hands-on activities with listening to a story. After reading “The Gingerbread Man”, each child will decorate a big gingerbread man cookie to take home. Registration is required.
Hopewell Valley Community Wildlife Habitat Program is hosting a free workshop on how to create a pollinator garden. The event will be held on Sat. Jan 25th, from 10:30-11:30 in the Hopewell Train Station. Expert speakers will guide you through the process step by step. You will learn how to start a garden of any size even if you're new to gardening. Register HERE
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL): The 2025 Ronald E. Hatcher Science on Saturday Lecture Series begins on Sat, Jan. 18th at 9:30am.: This annual series of lectures is given by scientists, engineers, and other professionals involved in cutting-edge research. Held on Saturday mornings throughout winter, the lectures are geared toward high school students. The program draws more than 300 students, teachers, parents, and community members. Topics are selected from a variety of disciplines. If you can’t attend the live lecture, the talks will be posted on the Science on Saturday Archives. Recordings will be posted roughly one week after the live event.
- Music Mountain Theatre: Young Audience Season: Upcoming shows include: The Snow Queen's Frozen Adventure and The Lion King Kids.
Kelsey Theatre presents: Tarzan: through 1/12 and James and The Giant Peach from Jan. 31st - Feb. 7th.
McCarter Theatre Class for Kids: offers an array of in-person classes for students grades K-12 which foster supportive and creative environments in which students are free to explore, play and develop.
Grounds for Sculpture: Tots Program: Love Monsters, Sat. Feb 15th, 10:30-11:45: designed for children ages 3 to 5 working alongside their adult caregivers. Feel the love in the studio as we create love monsters using a fun paper marbling technique and read Love Monster by Rachel Bright. Price: $5 materials fee per child, adults free with admission; Free for members.
The Laurie Berkner Band McCarter Theatre, March 1st: A pioneer in what is now referred to as the progressive “kindie rock” movement—Berkner’s shows delight and inspire!
Here are the links to the local libraries for upcoming storytimes, events and programs:
Summer Camps
ArtSparks Summer 2025: Summer Camp at Art Sparks provides theme-based creative experiences during which children get to explore a variety of media such as acrylics, collage, watercolors, pastels, charcoal, printmaking, sculpture, assemblage, colored pencils, clay and more.
The Chapin School, ESF Camps: For Boys and Girls, Rising Preschool to 10th Grade
The extensive indoor and outdoor facilities allow us to offer our unique blend of activities, sports, and special events throughout the summer, rain or shine.
Hopewell Swim & Tennis Sumer 2025 - Registration is Open for Firefly and Tennis Camps! An ideal balance of sports and fun summer activities with instructional programs created for all ages and skill levels.
Hopewell Valley YMCA Summer Camp: offers high-quality summer day camp programming to meet the needs of the community. Campers will learn teamwork, embrace their artistic side, develop their sports skill sets and engage in their love of STEM activities and more.
Hun Day Camp: Campers will explore Hun’s 45-acre campus through eco-nature walks and field games, and use some of our academic buildings for art & crafts, mini-STEM projects, performing arts, LEGO builds, and weekly design challenges.
Iron Peak: offers a variety of Youth Programs, including "Never-Ending Summer" a Multi-Sport and Adventure Day Camp.
Nike Boys Basketball Camps in New Jersey are open for registration!
Nike Basketball Camp at The Pennington School
Nike Basketball Camp at The College of New Jersey
Nike Basketball Camp at Princeton Day School
Nike Basketball Summer at The Lawrenceville School
The Pennington School: Summers at Pennington: Offers several program streams for ages 6-17 with a variety of camps to find the perfect option or combination of options to make this summer one of discovery and adventure!
Princeton Ballet School Summer Program: Programs include courses, camp and intensives.
Princeton University Summer Day Camp: For children entering grades 1-8.
Rambling Pines Summer camp: Each program provides structured activities chosen for your child's age group, along with well-trained and caring counselors and all the fun and excitement your child needs.
Stuart Country Day School Summer Experience: All camps and workshops will be directed by dedicated Stuart faculty who are committed to developing the hearts and minds of young learners, from Early Childhood to Upper School.
The Watershed Nature Camp - Program descriptions for Summer 2025
The Watershed Summer Academy for High School Students: Each five-day session engages students in a world of science where they ask questions and identify problems, gain skills and knowledge.