Lincoln HR Department News
Fall 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year
Hello Lincoln Family - Welcome back! I hope your summer was rejuvenating and filled with joy and that your first two weeks were spent building positive relationships with your students and colleagues. As we gear up for another exciting school year, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your dedication and passion. Your hard work and commitment play a crucial role in shaping our students' futures and creating a positive learning environment. We couldn't do it without your contribution!
We have some exciting plans and opportunities ahead, and I’m looking forward to collaborating with each of you to make this year exceptional. Let’s make this a year of growth, innovation, and success!
Paula Robinette
Human Resources Staff Spotlight
We are excited to have Laura Davidson helping us here in the HR Office this fall. Laura joins us with 8 years of experience in Human Resources. She had worked as a substitute at Bishop previously. A fun fact to know about Laura is that she is a co-owner of a cemetery!
When you call with questions about FMLA, employment verifications, Ichats, substitutes, or Red Rover, Laura will be happy to assist you. Next time you are in the HR Office, or when you call, please introduce yourself to Laura and welcome her to the Lincoln Family!
Thank you for your time, dedication, and efforts in supporting our newest Lincoln Family members. Your guidance and commitment play a vital role in their success, and we deeply appreciate all that you do to help them grow and thrive.
Business Office Reminders
- Accounts payable runs every two weeks. Purchase orders and invoices must be received by accounts payable by the Tuesday of each week that accounts payable is run. Missing this deadline means that payments to vendors or reimbursements to staff could be delayed. Payments through student activity accounts will continue to be run weekly. Click here for the Accounts Payable Calendar
- The payroll calendar can be found on the district website (click here) as well as on the bulletin board in Red Rover. Red Rover timesheets need to be saved on the pay period end date. Informedk12 forms must be submitted and reviewed by your administrator by the payroll cutoff date at 3pm. Forms should be submitted to your administrator well before that date/time. Please speak with your administrator about the deadlines they have for their review and approval proces
- The submission of time needs to be completed through Red Rover. When time is missed on a timesheet, a missed pay form can be completed (Hourly Missed Pay Form or Salary Check Request) and submitted for approval. Time worked and/or absences that are missed through the regular Red Rover process should be submitted through informedk12 no more than 1-month past the date worked. Anything past this 1-month expectation could be denied by your administrator or the Human Resources Department.
*Best practice is to enter your time in Red Rover daily*
- Changes to direct deposit information must be completed through eSuite. Paper forms through inter-office mail or by email are not accepted. If you need help changing your direct deposit, there are instructions (here) on the lincolnk12.org website or reach out to the business office to make an appointment. The payroll cutoff date is identified for each pay period on the payroll calendar. Anything received after this date will not be changed. It is especially important to change your direct deposit information in eSuite BEFORE you close your current bank account. Late changes could result in a delay of your payment. Please do not include your banking information or SSN in an email.
- If you have insurance through the district, premiums are deducted through eighteen pays identified on the payroll calendar (2nd pay of Sept - First pay of June). If, during these eighteen pays, you do not receive a paycheck AND receive insurance through the district, the missed deductions will be caught up on subsequent checks.
Our Family Continues to Grow!!
We have onboarded over 40 new Lincoln Family Staff Members for the 2024 - 2025 School Year!
Meet someone new today!
Be on the lookout for our new Family Members Staff Spotlight on the LCS Facebook page
2024-2025 Sickness Guidance for Schools
Per The Washtenaw County Health Department
#1 Stay home if you are sick. Students and staff who feel sick should stay home and away from others as much as possible.
If you are sick, please stay home until symptoms improve and you are fever free for 24 hours WITHOUT fever reducing medication. We want to stop the spread to others when we are able to do so! Staff - record your absences in Red Rover. Be sure to record prior to the cut off time for your building.
Be a part of the Lincoln Athletic Building
Take advantage of our fantastic indoor facility by becoming a member in 2024-25. The LAB offers 80 yards of artificial turf, a 300 meter track, batting cages, and a weight room/workout facility. Our fee structure makes it easy for our Lincoln community to take part:
- Lincoln Students - $10/YEAR!
- Lincoln Staff - $25/YEAR!
- Lincoln Community Members - $20/Month
Stop by the LAB to sign up!
Sinking Fund Millage Proposal
For a century, Lincoln Consolidated Schools has been the educational center of our community, expanding from a single school building to a campus with multiple school buildings and athletic facilities. The average age of our school buildings is over 50 years, with our newest school building opening nearly 20 years ago. Across the district, our infrastructure is aging with needed repairs and replacement becoming critical. Currently, the costs will be funded from the general budget, which impacts the amount of available funds for classrooms.
At the June 24th meeting, the Lincoln Board of Education approved placing a 2-mill, 10-year sinking fund proposal on the ballot for the upcoming November 5 election. A sinking fund is levied on all property located in a school district and would generate $2,616,487 per year for 10 years for district improvements. This proposal represents an opportunity for our district to enhance our educational facilities and help ensure a safe and conducive learning environment for all our students.
A sinking fund is a dedicated fund used exclusively for the repairs, and improvements to school buildings and grounds, instructional technology and transportation purchase and maintenance. Unlike general operating funds, which cover day-to-day expenses such as salaries and supplies, a sinking fund is specifically earmarked for capital improvements. Here are some of the key benefits that adding a sinking fund will bring to our district:
Facility Improvements: The sinking fund would allow us to address critical infrastructure needs, including roof repairs, HVAC system upgrades, and necessary renovations to ensure our buildings are safe and efficient.
Safety Enhancements: Ensuring the safety of our students and staff is paramount. The sinking fund would provide the resources needed to enhance safety and security measures across our campus.
Modern Learning Environments: To prepare our students for the future, it is essential that we provide modern and technologically advanced learning environments. The sinking fund would support the purchase of instructional technology. It would also support the upgrade of classrooms, labs, and other learning spaces to meet the demands of a 21st-century education.
Long-Term Financial Stability: By dedicating funds specifically for capital improvements, we could avoid the need to divert resources from our general operating budget. This would ensure that our funds for instructional programs and student services remain intact.
We understand that any request for additional funding must be carefully considered. The Board of Education and district administration are committed to transparency and accountability in the use of these funds. If the sinking fund is approved, detailed plans and regular updates would be provided to ensure that the community is well-informed about the progress and impact of the sinking fund.
To keep our community well-informed, upcoming messages and meetings will be scheduled closer to the election. Please watch for more details and opportunities to engage and learn about the proposal. We encourage all community members to stay informed and participate in the upcoming election.
Special Education Millage Renewal
One Tuesday, November 5, voters in the Washtenaw ISD service area will be asked to vote on whether to renew a 12-year, 2.3826 mill tax to help fund the costs of special education in our local schools.
Lincoln Athletics - Game Management Staff Openings!
There several opportunities to be a part of our Game Management team at Lincoln for home game days throughout the fall, winter and spring seasons. We have found it to be extremely helpful and valuable to hire Lincoln staff members to be a part of our team and to assist with game management jobs (crowd control, clock operator, digital ticketing sales, ticket check, etc.).
We pay our athletic game workers at a rate of $12/hour which is added to your district paycheck. I have included the link to the fall sign-up below.
Thank you for your consideration and we greatly appreciate any assistance you are able to give to our kids, families, teams, and community. And...please understand that most event tasks make it impossible to watch the games. Reach out to moffettk@lincolnk12.org with any questions!
Global Compliance Network (GCN) Training Update
Must be completed no later than October 18, 2024
In order to remain compliant, all LCS staff must complete the GCN Training Modules no later than Friday, October 18, 2024. You should've received an email from GCN with links to the training. If you haven't, please reach out to the HR Office at 484-7002. You do not need to send a copy of your certificates to our office, we are able to see when you've completed them.
October 18th is a no student day and staff are not obligated to attend. If you choose to complete the modules on the 18th, you may do it from home. If you are waiting until the 18th to complete the training, please ensure that you are able to access the modules from home. LEAO staff will be paid 1.5 hours for the training. You will need to add it to your timesheet for the 18th.
- GCN Modules due October 18th
- Cash In Lieu staff documentation requests end of October
- MESSA Informational Updates-Date TBD
- Open Enrollment November 1-30
We need our amazing staff to help spread the word about Lincoln!
Looking for neighbors/grandparents/retirees to come apply to be a Bus Driver! APPLY HERE
For more information visit Edustaff's website at www.EDUStaff.org or call 877.974.6338