Bulldog Blast
Wednesday, March 1st, 2023
This Week & Looking ahead:
✏️ Happy Women's History Month (WHM)! WHM is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture, and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987.
✏️ TONIGHT, Wednesday, March 1st- Dine & Donate Night @ East Coast Wings + Grill (Castor Avenue), 5:00 pm-8:00 pm. Northwood Academy will receive 15% of the sales from all Northwood friends & families that came in to dine at the Castor Avenue East Coast and Wings & Grill. Make sure to mention Northwood Academy when you order.
✏️ Read Across America: Across the nation, teachers, teenagers, librarians, politicians, athletes, parents, grandparents, and others develop Read Across America activities to bring reading excitement to children of all ages. Northwood will be celebrating literacy with Read Across America activities from Thursday, March 2nd, - Thursday, March 9th! Make sure to check out our school Instagram page (@NACSlife) for videos and activity fun posted daily.
✏️ Save the date: 8th-grade graduation pictures will be held Tuesday, March 7th during the school day. Picture day packets were sent home on 2/22 (PICTURE DAY ID: EVT23XQKZ). Pictures can also be ordered online. **Take note, RETAKES will not be available for 8th-grade pictures** Additionally, NACS does not wear graduation caps in our pictures.
✏️ Sign-ups for Spring baseball and softball have been posted outside the cafeteria. Stay tuned for try-out information!
Upcoming Field Trips:
Monday, 3/6, Kindergarten (Please Touch Museum)
Tuesday, 3/7, Social Skills Students and Behavior Support Team (Adventure Aquarium)
Thursday, 3/9, Grade 1 (Please Touch Museum)
✏️ Friendly reminder, if you have any questions related to the Bulldog Blast please email our Community Coordinator Ms. Urbano, curbano@northwoodcs.org.
Parent-Teacher Conference Update:
Our teachers are currently planning for the next round of report card conferences. Conferences will take place on Wednesday, March 15th, and Thursday, March 16th.
In an effort to maximize time to discuss academic and behavioral concerns, conferences for the second trimester will be scheduled on an as-needed basis. Report card conferences will be held in person and via Zoom, at the parent's request. If you would like a virtual conference, you will receive a Zoom link from your child’s teacher. Please be prompt so that you and all families have an equal opportunity to discuss their child’s progress.
If you are interested in meeting with a specialist teacher, please email them individually to set up a conference. Northwood will be utilizing SignUp Genius for conference scheduling. Please use the link provided by your child's teacher to sign up for your conference.
Thank you!
Parents and guardians, you can review our school's bullying policy here: NACS Bullying Policy.
Welcome our new Director of Operations, Mr. Albert Brown!
My name is Albert Brown. I’m honored to serve as the new Director of Operations at North Academy Charter School. I’ve served in various school leadership and administration capacities for over a span of 19 years, allowing me to lead multi-disciplinary teams in both K-12 and higher education.
After earning a Master's in Education and a Master's in Educational Leadership & Administration from Cairn University and a PA teacher certification from the University of Pennsylvania graduate school of education, I served as an Assistant Principal of a neighboring Charter School in Philadelphia and Academy Leader (Principal) of statewide Cyber Charter School. I’m excited to serve the NACS community, and I am excited to be a part of a dynamic learning community dedicated to the success of NACS students.
March is National Women’s History Month. Schools and communities all over the country celebrate and commemorate the amazing things that women have accomplished all over the world! During morning announcements we will be highlighting different women in politics, arts, sports, and science!
Here are some books to check out this month at the local library:
- She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World by Chelsea Clinton (ages 4-8)
- Hedy Lamarr’s Double Life by Laurie Wallmark (ages 5+)
- Make Trouble by Cecile Richards (ages 10+)
- Becoming RGB: Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s Journey to Justice by Debbie Levy (ages 10+)
- If You Lived When Women Won Their Rights by Anne Kamma (ages 7-10)
Parent Corner:
We are hosting a school-wide dental hygiene supplies drive from February 6-March 17 in support of One House at a Time. This non-profit provides beds, bedding, stuffed animals, books, and dental hygiene supplies to homeless children and youth in Philadelphia.
Please encourage students to bring these items to school:
To support our dental hygiene drive, students who bring in one item (either toothpaste, toothbrush, or floss) on Monday, March 13th will receive a dress-down pass. The dress-down pass must be used on Wednesday, March 15. Crocs and slides are not permitted on the dress-down day.
Dear Northwood Academy Families,
Philadelphia Charters for Excellence, a nonprofit charter school advocacy group, of which NACS is a member, is petitioning Mayor Kenney, School Board President Reginald Streater, and the School Board of Philadelphia to listen to you and the 65,000 other families who have chosen public charter schools for their student’s education. We believe that school board decisions are increasingly shutting you and our school(s) out of the process, resulting in fewer high-quality educational options for Philadelphia’s children. We encourage you to follow this link to view and sign the petition today!
PETITION: Listen to Philadelphia’s 65,000 Charter Families!
Chromebook charger Update:
On Wednesdays from March 8th through March 29th, a facilitator from Planned Parenthood will deliver 4 lessons on:
- Personal hygiene and puberty (including discussion on male and female anatomy)
- Body image
- Personal boundaries
If you have not done so already please complete this Google Form to indicate whether or not you allow your child to participate in this program: GOOGLE FORM: PERMISSION TO PARTICIPATE. THE DEADLINE TO SIGN UP IS TODAY, MARCH 1ST.
If you have any questions regarding this program, please don’t hesitate to contact Lower School Counselor, Ms. Lozandieu, at mlozandieu@northwoodcs.org.
Questions? dabellard@northwoodcs.org
We love receiving photos of our Bulldogs with big smiles and having fun! If you have more pictures to share that highlight a fun part of your child's day, whether it is participating in an activity or enjoying the outdoors, send them over to curbano@northwoodcs.org to be featured in our next Bulldog Blast 📰
Free Internet safety webinar for NACS families: Wednesday, March 8th, 7pm
While kids scroll through TikTok, download new apps like Gas, upload videos to YouTube, or play their favorite CRPG (computer role-playing games), they’re not thinking about data privacy, cyberbullying, scams, or other potential dangers. That’s why making sure kids are safe online should be an ongoing conversation—but many guardians don’t know where to start.
This Internet safety webinar for parents and guardians, Family Tech Talk, is free for our school community and helps parents and guardians learn what kids are doing online and how to help keep them safe.
The Family Tech Talk parent webinar
will be held on Wednesday, March 8th.
Caregivers will learn:
- Social media insights and trends: What parents should know
- Tips for managing screen time
- Best practices to help kids be safe online
- How to help kids learn to be kind and respectful online
- Ways to manage devices, including app settings for age-appropriate content, camera and privacy settings, and more
- Plus, a live Q&A allows parents to ask their own questions and feel supported by other parents attending from schools across the country!
Interested in attending? RSVP to Ms. Urbano, curbano@northwoodcs.org
Bullying Education Workshop at Northwood Academy Charter School
Please complete this survey, so we can better serve you and your needs.
**Please be advised, this is a separate event from the Bully Policy Meeting during our monthly Community Check-In**
Classroom Spotlight: Room 164
Our Kindergarteners did such a great job!
Community Corner:
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia is proud to present Digital Experiences For Youth (D.E.F.Y) Club. This online virtual club programming is 5 days a week/ Mon-Friday. There is no cost associated with the sessions.
Please contact lescalleetl@bcgphila.org for more information or on how to get started!
April 3, 2023: Give Kids a Smile, Philadelphia
Give Kids a Smile is hosting a special event for all children 16 years and younger in the Philadelphia area on Monday, April 3, 2023, from 9 am-3 pm at 3223 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia PA 19140. (Dental Clinic at North Broad and Allegheny) Dental Care includes cleanings and exams plus fun activities and more. Pre-registration is required by calling 215-707-2863.
Stay informed and stay alert!
Text "ReadyPhila" to 888-777 to receive free text updates about excessive cold advisories from the City, including info on public safety and municipal services.
More tips on how to #StayWarmPHL https://bit.ly/2NsDP8a
Stay Connected Sign up to get essential weekly alerts from us via the Remind app
Northwood Academy Charter School Child Find Policy and Procedures (Annual Notice)
Hello Northwood Families,
You will find a copy of our Annual Child Find Notice here outlining the procedures and protocols for Northwood's monitoring of all of our students and identification of students with special needs. This will also be able to be referenced on our website, via social media, and in local news publications. For further information, please contact the Director of Special Education, Kate Crossett at 215-289-5606.
The Child Find Policy (Annual Notice) Policy and Procedures for Students with Disabilities at Northwood Academy Charter School aim to ensure that all students with disabilities who are eligible to enroll in the school will have available to them a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. CLICK HERE for the complete policy.
If you and your family lack fixed, regular, or adequate housing (for example, living in a shelter, transitional home, or even doubled-up with other people) due to loss of housing or economic hardship, you may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, which ensures educational stability for students experiencing homelessness.
To learn more about the rights of eligible families, click here for a brief video.
If you qualify for rights under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, contact Lower School Counselor and Northwood's Homelessness Liaison Ms. Lozandieu at mlozandieu@northwoodcs.org for more information.
Are you or someone you know in need of housing, food, health, and safety services? Please check out these resources from Project HOME: Where To Turn Guide.
Important Dates on the Horizon
March- National Women’s History Month
Wednesday, March 1st- Dine & Donate Night @ East Coast Wings (Castor Avenue), 5 pm-8 pm
Thursday, March 2nd- National Read Across America Day
Monday, March 6th- Kindergarten Field Trip (Please Touch Museum)
Tuesday, March 7th- Social Skills Students and Behavior Support Team Field Trip (Adventure Aquarium)
Tuesday, March 7th- 8th grade pictures
Wednesday, March 8th- VIRTUAL Family Tech Talk Parent Webinar, 7 pm
Thursday, March 9th- Grade 1 Field Trip (Please Touch Museum)
Wednesday, March 15th & Thursday, March 16th- Report Card Conferences (details to come from classroom teacher and Principal)
April- National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM)
April- National Autism Awareness Month
Monday, April 3rd – Monday, April 10th- School Closed - Spring Recess
Monday, April 24-Friday, April 28th- PSSA English Language Arts (ELA) Grades 3-8
May- Asian/Pacific Heritage Month
Tuesday, May 2- Friday, May 5th- Mathematics & Make-ups Grades 3-8
Monday, May 8th- Friday, May 12th- PSSA Science & Makeups Grades 4 & 8
Monday, May 29th- School Closed - Memorial Day
What is Safe2Say Something?
Safe2Say Something is a youth violence prevention program run by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” BEFORE it is too late. With 'Safe2Say Something', it’s easy and confidential to report safety concerns to help prevent violence and tragedies.
Here’s how it works:
- Submit an anonymous tip report through the Safe2SaySomething system
- The crisis center reviews and processes all submissions
- The crisis center sends all submissions to school administration and/or law enforcement for intervention
- If needed, the crisis center may contact the tipster anonymously through the app
Safe2Say Something PA:
Submit an anonymous tip here.
Connect with Northwood
Website: northwoodcs.org
Location: 4621 Castor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Phone: (215) 289-5606
Facebook: facebook.com/Northwood-Academy-Charter-School-153041454730750/
Twitter: @northwoodcs