2024 Homecoming Info
Chesterton High School
Spirit Week
Monday (9/23) --Adam Sandler Day
Dress up like Adam Sandler (baggy shorts with t-shirt/hoodie, etc), or like a character from an Adam Sandler movie (Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, The Waterboy, etc).
Tuesday (9/24)--Country vs. Country Club
Dress in country attire (jeans, plaid pattern, boots, cowboy hats, etc) or in country club attire (tennis skirts, collared shirts, khaki, polos, visors, etc)
Thursday (9/26)--Anything But a Backpack
Students are encouraged to carry their books/things to class in anything EXCEPT a standard backpack
**RESTRICTIONS: Students cannot bring an item to school bigger than would fit into an overhead airplane compartment; also, NOTHING ALIVE (pets, younger siblings, etc.)
Friday (9/27)--Wear Your Class Colors
Freshman (9) - White
Sophomores (10) - Maroon
Juniors (11) -Gold
Seniors (12) - Black
Staff - Gray
Pep Session (Friday 9/27)
*Early release times during 8th block for specific groups of students will come to staff via email next week
Homecoming Parade
The CHS Homecoming Parade will take place at 5:00 PM on Friday, September 27th. Participants will begin lining up at 4:00 PM in the South parking lot of the former Chesterton Middle School campus.
Parade Route: The CHS homecoming parade will leave the South lot traveling east on Porter Avenue to S Calumet Road, Calumet Ave to Broadway, Broadway to S 6th Street, and ends back to the former CMS campus. The parade will be followed by the CHS home game against Portage at 7:30 PM. Homecoming Royalty will be crowned at halftime of the football game.
Homecoming Court
Votes for Homecoming Court will close on Friday 9/20 at 8 AM. Votes will be tallied, and a court of 8 participants will be selected (most votes). There will be an announcement either Friday afternoon (9/20) or Monday morning (9/23) recognizing the Homecoming Court.
Voting for Homecoming Royalty will take place during Homecoming Week. Students can access the Student Info Canvas page to vote. The two members of Homecoming Royalty will be crowned at haltfime of the Chesterton vs. Portage homecoming football game (Friday, September 27th).
Homecoming Dance
Theme: Homecoming in Hollywood
Tickets are now ON SALE! Please click here to purchase a ticket.
The Homecoming Dance will be on Saturday, September 27th:
- It will be held in the CHS cafeteria from 7:00-10:00 PM
- No student will be admitted to the dance after 8:00 PM
- Students must be in school for the full day on Friday to attend the dance and be in good standing (NO SUSPENSIONS)
- Students wanting to bring an outside date must have the proper paperwork from the AP office filled out and signed prior to the dance
- Guest paperwork must be submitted by Wednesday, September 25th. Guests will bring their signed paperwork to the dance with a photo ID (driver's license, student ID, etc).
- Students will need to take a breathalyzer test before entering the dance
- Once admitted, students will be given a wristband. Any students engaging in inappropriate behavior will have their wristband removed as a measure of warning; if a second incident occurs, that student will be asked to leave the dance.
- Ticket cost is $10, plus a small service fee
- Tickets can only be purchased online, NO CASH AT THE DOOR
- Ticket sales will close at the end of the day Thursday, September 26th