GWS Weekly Newsletter
October 25, 2024
Governor Winslow Elementary School
Email: cmullen@mpsd.org
Website: https://www.mpsd.org
Location: 60 Regis Road, Marshfield, MA, USA
Phone: 781-834-5060
From Mrs. Hubbard, Principal
Math and literacy assesments will be sent home today via your child's backpack. At the start of the year, students complete their fall assesments as they're starting to receive instruction in their new grade level. Since students have received very little grade level instruction at the time of the Fall assesment, we do not expect them to start the year placing on grade level.
The expectation is that most students will start the year demonstrating knowledge from their previous grade level, since that is the level of instruction they completed most recently and had very little, if any, on grade level instruction at the time of the Fall assesment.
After assesment results are analyzed, teachers will provide lessons to support students where they are, directly aligned to specific areas of focus.
At the start of the new year, students will take the middle of year assesment, which will then provide a growth report that we will then share with you.
Congratulations to our Fall PeaceLeaders
Peaceleaders are student mentors who are selected by their classmates to be the PeaceLeaders of the building. Their mission is to improve school climate and help our school community. We are so proud of the large number of candidates who delivered outstanding speeches today. It was a very close election and all the students were deserving of this honor. We encourage those students who were not chosen to run again in the winter. Our new fall PeaceLeaders are: Sloane Courchene, Emily Centorino, Bridget MacKay, Quinn McGee, Maeve Nichol, Coleman Piantes, Koa Stebbins, and Jamison Tarantino.
The month of October is fire safety month, and students at GWS learned about fire safety with Firefighter Sargent and Firefighter Chiano. They were also given some tips on how to stay safe this Halloween.
Congratulations to Mr. Talacci for being chosen as the Educator of the Week last week!
Working hard together at GWS...
Important Dates
Thursday 10/31: Gr. 3 to Plimoth Patuxet
Tuesday 11/5: No school, Election Day
Wednesday 11/6: Parent/Teacher conferences, 1:30-3:30PM (by appointment)
Thursday 11/7: Parent/Teacher conferences, 6:00-8:00PM (by appointment)
Monday 11/11: No school, Veteran's Day
Wednesday 11/27: Gr 4 Thanksgiving Assembly, 9:30AM/ Early release, 12:05PM (no lunch served)
Thursday 11/28-Friday 11/29: Thanksgiving break
From Nurse Powers
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Screenings for vision and hearing will be conducted the week of November 4th during your child’s library time. BMI screenings are done for 1st and 4th grade and will be done privately in the clinic. These are mandated screenings in Massachusetts public schools, but you do have the right to opt out of the screenings by either emailing me or sending a letter with your child next week. A referral letter will be sent home only if the screening results are abnormal (vision and hearing only), if your child passes both screenings then you will not receive a letter.
Courtney Powers BSN MPH RN
Aspen Parent Portal
**Extremely Important: Please complete the Student Workflow and Parent Workflow as soon as possible as this is how we reach you in an emergency.**
Click here for instructions on our Aspen portal
New families should have received their login information via email from our Aspen team. Please check your email for your credentials. All families can contact aspen@mpsd.org if you have any questions accessing the parent portal.
School Lunch
Click here to view the October menu.
Click here to view important information from the school nutrition department.
PTO News
If you have volunteered to donate items for the BOO BASKETS, please drop them off at 49 Ashburton Ave, by Saturday 10/29. There are still a few items left to be donated, check out PTBoard if you wish to sign up to donate. (click on the link below)
The GWS online apparel store is live! The online store closes on 10/31, make sure you place your orders soon! (clink on the link below)
Join us for a fun night out! GWS PTO Social (adults only) will be held on Thursday, November 14th from 7:00p.m.-9:00p.m. at Winslow's Driving Range at the Green Harbor Golf Course! Find out more info and buy your tickets on PTBoard soon - ticket sales close 11/3! (clink on the link below)
Click here for Boo Basket info, Apparel Store and PTO Social ticket sales!
Around the District
MEF Fall Giving
For over ten years, Marshfield Education Foundation has provided opportunities for enhanced learning by working in partnership with Marshfield’s educators to fund grants that complement the social, emotional and academic development of our students.
As we enter the season of giving, we hope you’ll consider supporting the Marshfield Education Foundation with a donation to our 5th Annual Fall Giving Campaign.
Donate Today!